Committing to walk for a whole weekend, even for a good cause, can be a daunting idea. You can do it, though! Since 2003, we have had more than 500,000 participants in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day®, and we have spent countless weekends together, walking 60 miles to find a cure for breast cancer. If you’re nervous about doing a multi-day walk, don’t be! You will have your 3-Day family walking alongside you, and supporting you every step of the way.
If you haven’t signed up yet, now is the time to do it! We are offering $20 off your registration fee through February 5th, a fee of only $50 to start your 3-Day journey!
If you have any questions before you sign up, we have everything you need to know…

How far do we walk on the 3-Day?
The 3-Day route covers approximately 15-22 miles each day for three days in a row, totaling approximately 60 miles. It’s the greatest distance you can go in the fight against breast cancer® .
If you are unable to keep walking at any point while you’re out on the route, we have support vehicles to transport you to the next pit stop, or ahead to camp, where you can rest and get medical attention if you need it. Your safety is always our first concern!

Once I’ve signed up, how do I join or form a team?
If you haven’t registered as a participant for the 3-Day yet, you can register online (now for only $50!) and select “Start a Team” or “Join a Team”.
To start a team, create your team name and fundraising goal and you’ll be designated as the captain. To join a team, search for the name of the team you want to join and select it. Or call 800-996-3DAY to register and indicate that you would like to join a team. Let us know the team name, and your coach will be happy to get you started.
Or, register as an individual! Even if you’re not officially part of a team, no one is alone on the 3-Day. We have meeting points for Solo Walkers to join together, or you can join a team along the way!

How will the 3-Day help me fundraise for the event?
Each 3-Day walker needs to raise $2,300 to participate in the event, with proceeds going towards breast cancer research, funding, support, and more.
We will support you in your fundraising process in many ways:
- You will be assigned a personal 3-Day coach to advise you through your fundraising and training
- Our Fundraising Handbook with our tried-and-true “3-Day Way” of fundraising
- Info meetings and workshops, plus online webinars
- An online Participant Center to track your efforts, send emails, and get all the info you need
- The 3-Day Fundraise app for your iOS or Android smartphone
- Posters, business cards, infographics and much more!

How does Susan G. Komen utilize the contributions?
75% of the net proceeds raised by the 3-Day help Komen support the global research program and other mission objectives, while the remaining 25% helps Affiliates support local programs including medical assistance, patient navigation and provider education.
All monetary donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Where do we spend the night on event?
Once you start your 3-Day journey, we take care of you for the whole weekend. After a long day’s journey, you’ll spend the night at the 3-Day camp with your fellow walkers and crew members. We provide you a two-person sleeping tent to share with another participant.* If you don’t wish to sleep at camp, we have information on hotels which include shuttles to and from camp.
Camp has different areas, including the dining tent, where you will eat dinner and breakfast, and shower trucks for washing up. There will be a “3-Day Lounge” for relaxation and socialization, a stage for nightly announcements and entertainment, and much more!
*This year, we have a new experience for Philadelphia! The Philadelphia 3-Day camp will take place entirely in hotels. Our host hotel for camp will still include meals, main street and participant lodging. This format will allow participants the same ceremony, community and camaraderie as usual on the 3-Day, or as our veterans call it, “The 3-Day Pink Bubble!”
Do I have to carry all my gear while I am walking?
Don’t worry, the 3-Day Crew will transport your gear for you to camp. You’ll just need to pick it up from the gear truck when you arrive at camp after walking. After your 60-mile journey, the crew will transport your gear to the Closing Ceremony location for you while you’re walking on Sunday. Easy peasy!

If I can’t walk, how else can I be involved?
You can join the 3-Day crew! A crew member is a registered 3-Day participant who attends the event in a service capacity. Crew members do not walk the 60-mile route, but are onsite during the entire event performing a specific job. The crew is the backbone of the Komen 3-Day! Crew members are not required to fundraise, though we do encourage it and will support you in your fundraising efforts! We couldn’t make the 3-Day happen without the crew.

If I can’t Crew, can I still volunteer?
Yes! Volunteers are needed to help with single-day commitments. It’s a way to stay flexible and still contribute your time, expertise and ideas to help make the 3-Day a success. From outreach and recruitment, to on-event roles and responsibilities, there is a volunteer opportunity to fit your schedule, skills and passions.
Click here to search for volunteer opportunities in your area.
We also welcome groups of volunteers for our street teams, local events and ceremonies. Please contact a 3-Day Crew & Volunteer Coordinator to learn more.
Where can I find information about the financial results of the 3-Day?
Visit Komen.org/AboutUs/FinancialInformation.html for Susan G. Komen’s financial reports. These shareable infographics will educate your donors, teammates, family and friends about how 3-Day funds are transformed into life-saving work.
Have any more questions about the 3-Day? Check out our FAQ’s page on the 3-Day website! Or reach out to us on social media. We’re here to help and answer all your questions!