Many of us are living in a different reality right now. Tackling new and building responsibilities, staying away from loved ones and grappling with all of the uncertainty can be a strain on your mental and physical health. During unprecedented times like these, it’s important to focus on the good: good people, good experiences, good things, good feelings.
Our 3-Day team is finding the good in their daily routines and sharing what’s working to brighten their days. We hope some of these ideas will help you, your family and your friends live a little closer to that Pink Bubble feeling.
Gayla Cruikshank, Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day Coach

“I’m mailing High Five note cards to my DFW 3-Day participants every day. It makes me smile and hope it does the same for them. I also have an external monitor with a live webcam at to watch future service dogs hanging out with their litter.”
Amy Schwager, 3-Day Crew and Volunteer Coordinator
“I am overwhelmed with gratitude for so many things. This is all a privilege. To shelter in place with the people I love. The long hikes on empty trails. Working from home. Distance learning for my boys. A fridge of food and a kitchen to cook in. It is all a privilege.
I would give anything for the catalyst to have been something else. But I continue to be thankful for the unexpected blessings during these unexpected times. It feels amazing to downshift and enjoy the little things.”
Tisho Jessop, 3-Day New England Coach

“The most inspiring thing I’ve seen lately is this video. It’s so uplifting and so inspiring to think of these future doctors excited to continue on their chosen path in the midst of a global pandemic.
Also, my grandmother, who is 95, always inspires me, but right now she’s confined to her room at her assisted living facility and not allowed to leave even for meals. And yet, thanks to her facility purchasing iPads and using them to connect families, I can see her smile. If she can smile like that and not be allowed to leave her room, I can move forward with whatever today brings my way.”
Staci Roos, 3-Day Coach

“I’m trying hard to find a “silver lining” each day; something to be grateful and thankful for. For one, I’m very grateful that we are in springtime instead of winter. While the news, isolation and fear are all palpable, to be able to go outside and see nature renewing itself, feel the wind and the chill, smell the new blooms and hear the birds, I can close my eyes and envision a day when we have reached the other side of this challenge with new appreciation for so many of life’s pleasures.
To keep myself and my family from sinking into the doldrums, we’re continuing to eat dinner together and share stories from our day, light candles, do puzzles, spruce up the garden, and get outside for walks as often as possible.”
Heather Snyder, 3-Day Coach
“My inspiration right now are my friends who are healthcare workers! Heroes in my opinion! Going to work every day knowing that they are jeopardizing their own health and that of their families. Knowing that those who test positive and recover, need to go back in the requisite amount of time with the fear of contracting it again. That has been the case with a few of my friends…. I cannot thank them enough.
My motivation right now and my “peaceful place” has been daily meditation. Prior to the current uncertainty, I never appreciated the “calm” this practice truly brings. I look forward to my 20 minutes I set aside each day and am grateful when I am done.”
Kiki Setterlund, 3-Day Crew and Volunteer Coordinator

“What’s inspiring me these days are the two new work colleagues my husband and I have acquired for the foreseeable future. My son (Finn) and daughter (Evy) are currently on week two of distance learning for school. We had to reconfigure the house and our original offices in order to create a quiet workspace for each family member. I’ve been really impressed with the team effort that has shown through as we try to help each other out and make us our most productive selves.”
Robin Shapiro, Volunteer Operations Manager

“I am super inspired by the kindness my neighbors are showing one another. We have a neighborhood chat where people are offering to go to the grocery store and pick up items for those who are vulnerable and shouldn’t go out. We are also sharing supplies of hand sanitizer and paper products with those who are running low. Neighbors are writing encouraging notes to one another in chalk on the sidewalks and many are spreading love like what is pictured.”
Molly Fast, Local Operations Director

“During my Wednesday team call with the coaches, I asked ‘What is one pleasantly surprising way COVID-19 has positively impacted your life?’ The answers all inspired me and reminded me that we are all doing the best that we can and seeking out silver linings. The answers ranged from saving money to getting a new dog to walking more to trading screen time for brain puzzles to enjoying home-cooked meals by children who aren’t normally home to becoming *more* connected to co-workers with daily video chats.”
What’s inspiring you to be your best self right now? Share in the comments below!