Crystal’s Wonder Woman

“Omg that is me! I did it for my aunt who survived triple negative breast cancer. She is truly a hero in my eyes and the strongest woman I know. She is my Wonder Woman.”

When we saw this comment on one of our favorite 3-Day photos on Instagram, we knew we needed to find this walker and her aunt to learn more. In a time where we cannot gather together in-person, social media allows us the opportunity to continue to build community even when we’re apart.

Today, we’re excited to introduce you that amazing walker. Crystal Fazio joined us to walk the San Diego 3-Day in 2019 when her aunt, Ilsia Rangel, was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. According to Crystal, “We were devastated with the news. Her chances of getting through it were extremely low. My aunt was a fighter though and explored her options.” After difficult chemo sessions, lymph node removal, and a double mastectomy, Crystal’s aunt has been in remission for 18 months.

Crystal continued, “We as a family stayed by her side and helped her through for better and worse. We wanted to give back in support of breast cancer awareness. That’s when we found the Susan G. Komen 3-Day.” Crystal’s aunt immediately said. “Let’s do this, we got this!” No one hesitated, and eight friends and family members founded The Bouncing Bellas.

Crystal and the Bouncing Bella’s treasured every moment they walked with Crystal’s aunt. “She truly is a super woman to me and my family because of all the challenging obstacles that came in her way. She fought back, blisters and all!” exclaimed Crystal. As first-time walkers on a new team, the Bouncing Bellas had a lot to take in. When asked what she’d tell other first-time walkers, Crystal shared, “My message for first-time walkers is that it will be tough and challenging. Train hard, stay hydrated, and keep pushing through, because the experience is worth all the pain and blisters. It is truly an experience of a lifetime. Oh, and don’t forget the PICKLES!”

Crystal’s aunt recently learned that her cancer has returned as lung and liver cancer, yet her family continues to come together and rally in support of Ilsia. Crystal proudly states, “She is still our Super Woman and puts on a smile every day. Nothing! Not even cancer is slowing her down!”

Thanks to Crystal for sharing her powerful smile with the 3-Day world via our Instagram page and especially for relaying the story of her Wonder Woman, her aunt.

In true social media form, when asked if she could share a DM with each person in the 3-Day community, Crystal said: “Stay positive, have fun, and remember, you are not alone!”

We are so lucky that we can still connect with walkers like Crystal – and all of you! – virtually over social media and at our virtual kick-off events, even though we can’t join together in person this year.

Top 20 Reasons to Commit to the 3-Day

2020 isn’t just a new year. It’s also a new opportunity to become part of something larger than yourself and make a difference that will enrich your own life, as well as the lives of those affected by breast cancer. Susan G. Komen needs each and every one of you to be a part of our 3-Day family this year!

If you need a bit more motivation to join the 3-Day community in 2020, we have a few all-encompassing reasons to #Commit3Days and join the 3-Day NOW! Here’s the breakdown…

  1. New decade, new goals: If you want to make the most of the ’20’s, completing the 3-Day is the perfect achievement to get you started on your best decade yet!
  2. Visit a new city: We are so excited to bring the 3-Day back to Chicago this September! Who’s joining us to take the Windy City by storm?
  3. Re-visit old favorites: In addition to Chicago, we’re also returning to New England, Dallas/Fort Worth and San Diego. These spots are 3-Day favorites and we can’t wait to visit them again!
  4. Tons of fun: We promise! The 3-Day is a long journey, but it is definitely a fun one that you will never forget.
  5. Get those steps in: Lots of people make a wellness goal for the new year, and the 3-Day is the perfect way to keep those resolutions. We have organized training walks and an easy app to help!
  6. Make new friends: Join a new team or expand your existing one! If you’ve walked alone before, talk with the 3-Day coaches about how to find or build a team. The 3-Day welcomes one and all!
  7. Hotel relaxation: If you didn’t love the idea of camping outdoors, that doesn’t have to keep you from joining the 3-Day anymore. Our New England, Chicago and Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Days all have hotel camps for a whole new level of relaxation!
  8. Tasty treats: Hello, Grahamwiches! We love you, mac n’ cheese! And cheese sticks and fruit and chips and rice krispies and all kinds of deliciousness! Nothing motivates people quite like snacks.
  9. The 3-Day coaches: We really couldn’t do it without them! Your coaches are your cheerleaders and reference books, trainers, fundraising support group, and more!
  10. Even the kids are doing it! And by “kids” we mean the amazing Youth Corps, who support walkers and crew throughout the whole 3-Day weekend. Their spirit and smiles alone will make the 3-Day your favorite weekend of the year.
  11. Test your limits (in a good way!): It’s important to remember the whole journey, not just the final destination. This walk will test you emotionally and physically, but also give you such a feeling of joy and excitement all along the way.
  12. It’s #trending: Our Instagram and Facebook communities are their own special corners of the social media universe, full of fun and inspiration. They’ll keep the 3-Day spirit alive in your heart all year long.
  13. Dance parties: A whole weekend of them! Nothing warms the heart and spreads smiles like busting a move with your favorite people ? Start practicing with these tunes!
  14. A feeling of accomplishment: There truly is no feeling like crossing that 60-mile finish line and knowing that you have made an impact in the fight to end breast cancer. You have trained, fundraised, volunteered time and energy, and it all leads to that amazing moment.
  15. Serious inspiration: This experience is one of a kind! Hearing from our breast cancer survivor speakers, meeting those who have lost loved ones or been saved by Susan G. Komen funded research; all these experiences will leave you feeling motivated and inspired.
  16. Make a difference: The net proceeds raised by the 3?Day help Susan G. Komen build a world free of breast cancer through research, community, care and action. They help fund education, screening and treatment, much of it in your local communities.
  17. You gain a new family: Being a part of the 3-Day makes you a part of our big, Pink Bubble family! You will become part of something larger than yourself and make a difference in the world.
  18. Discounted registration: You read that right! You can take $20 off your registration for the 3-Day 2020 NOW — no code needed — until January 30.
  19. You can do this! More than 500,000 participants have been a part of the 3-Day community over the years, including those living with metastatic breast cancer. Yes, walking 60 miles is hard, but it’s not as hard as breast cancer. Walk with us. You can do it.
  20. There is no time like today: Why put off to tomorrow what you could do today? If you have been thinking about joining the 3-Day or have seen walkers go by in your neighborhood for years, the time to join them is NOW. Don’t forget to sign up before January 30 for $20 off registration…and the start of your best year EVER.

What is your reason to commit to the 3-Day this year? Tell us in the comments!

Motivation Monday: Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes and What They Mean to Our Coaches

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is still providing inspiration to people throughout the country, even almost 50 years after his death. He was a man who motivated many to be their best version of themselves. And that includes our 3-Day coaches!

We rounded up some of Dr. King’s most impactful quotes and asked our coaches to talk about how they find inspiration in his words. We hope they motivate you this week, and always.

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”

Coach Tisho: This causes me to pause and reflect. I try to do for others every day, whether in my professional life or my personal life. This quote makes me think about the specific items I have done today to help other people. And what I might like to do tomorrow.

The time is always right to do what is right.”

Coach Heather: You can’t go wrong by doing the right thing. How could you? It might take more time, or more effort, but it will always be worth it in the end. Now is the time!

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

Coach Gina: Kindness and love are needed, even in the face of darkness and hatred. Love will always bring the light we need to ward off the darkness of hate and violence. And we can only find and spread that love together.

 “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

 Coach Liz: I agree that we cannot allow ourselves to become complacent with events that rob us of sound human relations and civic understanding. We must never quit.

 “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

 Coach Stephanie: This reminds me to not focus on things that are out of our control. Everyone has challenges in life. Keep setting goals for yourself and focus on the things you can do. I think we’re all capable of achieving great things in life if we set our minds to it.

“I have decided to stick to love … Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

Coach Aubrey: Throughout life there will always be hardships and it can become really easy to focus on the negative. In my experience that hasn’t brought out the best in myself or the situation, so I choose to focus on the good in people and the joy around us. Time shouldn’t be wasted on hate.

“No person has the right to rain on your dreams.”

Coach Jennifer: Be fierce and move toward your dreams. On the days that it does rain, learn to splash in the puddles. ?