For International Women’s Day: Meet the Incredible Women of Your 3-Day Coaching Team

This weekend marks International Women’s Day, and we are so proud to have many amazing women working hard for all of you on the 3-Day. They work together as a team all year long to make sure you are supported and loved through every step of your 3-Day journey, from the moment you register to the moment you finish those 60 miles — and beyond.

Now, they are supporting and loving each other as well! We asked our 3-Day team to share what they love about each other, and their group of working women as a whole. Here’s what they had to say…

Coach Staci

I am incredibly lucky to work with a group of highly engaged, passionate women who are smart, strategic and most importantly, have an awesome sense of humor! We work hard, we work smart and we work with love in our hearts.

Two people standing in front of a sign

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Coach Amy

I have so much love for my sweet Crew and Volunteer Operations girls (Robin & Kiki) and my local San Diego team (Staci & Meredith)! This quote makes me think of them:

“In life, you will realize there is a role for everyone you meet. Some will test you; some will use you; some will love you; some will teach you. But the ones who are truly important are the ones who bring out the best in you. They are the rare and amazing people who remind you why it’s worth it.”

SO true of my sweet little team. They make me better.

Coach Molly

Each woman who works on the 3-Day is committed to always doing their best and giving their all. It has been such an incredible honor to lead and work alongside this incredible group of women who work tirelessly to give our participants the very best of themselves and the very best event experience each year. The day in and day out of this job is made so much better because of who I get to do it with!

Coach Tisho

They all just rock! Heather’s energy is limitless, Gayla’s passion is unmatched, Liz’s knowledge is astounding, Staci’s patience is incredible, and Molly’s ability to keep us all organized and motivated is phenomenal. It’s truly a Dream Team!

Coach Gayla

Working with the women of the 3-Day is the best thing ever! I especially like our Wednesday team calls when Molly asks the “SFQs” — Super Fun Questions – at the beginning of the meeting. It’s a great intro and always makes me laugh…A LOT! It’s also a great way to get to know each other a little better, even though we’ve worked together for many years.

Examples of funny SFQs are:

  • Do you sleep with a top sheet or no?
  • Would you rather always say everything on your mind or never speak again?
A picture containing grass, sky, outdoor, tree

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Coach Liz

The 3-Day coaches, Gayla, Heather, Molly, Tisho, and Staci are the best! We all support, encourage and take care of each other every day. We know we have each other to lean on.

What do you love most about your 3-Day coaches? Do you have a special memory of when they helped you or supported you most? Tell us in the comments!

What You Can Do with an Extra 24 Hours This Month?

Life is busy, and it’s easy to wish for a few extra hours in the day. We all could probably use extra time to get work done, or sleep a little longer, or spend some quality time with the people we love. Guess what? This weekend, you get that extra time! In fact, you get a whole extra DAY!

2020 is a Leap Year, meaning that Saturday is an additional day to make moves and make a difference in the fight against breast cancer. February 29 only comes around every four years, so let’s make the most of this time. There’s so much fun you can have in 24 hours! Here are just a few of our ideas…

Take a leap! We really want to take advantage of Leap Day! On February 29, we will be getting our 3-Day family together to launch the start of the 3-Day season nationwide. We know our community is spread all across the country, so we will be hosting gatherings in 12 different spots, and on social media.

Join us at one of our “Leaping into the 3-Day 2020” celebrations! Spend some quality time with your 3-Day family. We’ll also have fun activities, broadcast on Facebook and Instagram Live, and much more! Don’t miss this celebration. You can find the locations and more details HERE. If you can’t attend one of yours, host your own using this Host Guide.

Rest up: You might feel some pressure to get an extra few things done while we have this Leap Day on the calendar. But, don’t start your day off stressed! You have a whole 24 hours to do something special so start the day by getting a few more ZZZ’s than usual. Wake up well-rested and ready to Leap Into the 3-Day with us!

Get outside: Schedule a training walk or other work out with your friends and teammates. That will get you moving and grooving through the day right off the bat!

Make 3-Day strides: You can also use the afternoon to work on fundraising and teambuilding. We have some unique ideas for ways to take both your fundraising and teambuilding to really make the most of the weekend weather (hopefully filled with sunshine!) on the blog:

Connect with your coaches: They’d love to hear from you! Many of the coaches will be hosting our “Leaping into the 3-Day 2020” celebrations across the country, so touch base with them and see if you could have the opportunity to meet them in person. You can also always reach out to them on social media as well. They’re here to be your resource and help you make the most of your 3-Day journey. Connect with them on Facebook and follow along for updates:

Relax and Unwind: After having a productive Saturday, that means you can take it slow on Sunday! It’s time to put those feet up and give yourself a rest. Prepare for the week and the new month ahead by acknowledging all that you have done with your Leap Day and in 2020 so far. All of your work and dedication to the 3-Day is already making a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Monday will be a new day, and you’re going to be prepared to take it by storm!

How are you taking advantage of Leap Day? Tell us in the comments to share your ideas! Plus, don’t forget to tag us or use #The3Day if you post photos from one of our “Leaping into the 3-Day 2020” celebrations across the country! Let’s make the most of today, together. ?

Meet Your Seattle 3-Day Coaches

It’s a busy week in the 3-Day world, and our Seattle coaches are hard at work getting an amazing weekend ready for you! They’re excited to bring the 3-Day to the West Coast. If you don’t know them yet, the Seattle 3-Day team is a group of women you’re going to love meeting this weekend! They’re dedicated, enthusiastic, and will be in your corner every step of the way.

That includes Coach Liz, who her fellow coaches call “the goddess of the 3-Day.” She has walked many times as well as a long-time coach and knows the 3-Day experience front to back.

Coach Amy says, “I have never met anyone so dedicated to taking care of our participants and sprinkling her love to make sure every interaction is filled with care. Liz always has a personal story that she can connect to a participant and always makes that walker or crew member feel supported.”

That love exists for Coach Amy, too! She is the crew’s biggest advocate and Liz goes as far to say that “she does magical work with our awesome crew. She is always so sweet and has a kind word for everyone.”

Coach Amy works alongside Coach Kiki, both working to help our crew have the best weekend possible. Kiki is hilarious and oh so productive, remaining calm no matter what problems come her way. Kiki can’t wait to be back in Seattle again after a few years and knows that both walkers and crew will have a “whole lot of smiles and hard-core belly laughs” to look forward to over the next few days. If you ever need a smile (or a sing along to your favorite Lizzo song!), Kiki is your gal!

Coach Aubrey will also bring plenty of smiles on event…and she’ll sing along with you to Lizzo, too! She’s a singer in her free time, and will even be performing at camp!

“Aubrey’s infectious enthusiasm for the Seattle 3-Day is contagious,” Coach Amy says with a smile. “Her passion for cultivating relationships in order to form partnerships and strengthen the 3-Day community inspires me daily. When you talk to Aubrey, you can’t help but smile.”

Last, but certainly not least, is our amazing Event Production Manager, Ann. Aubrey says she glues their group together, and “is super laid back and flexible. She’s always willing to hear suggestions from myself and the walkers!”

Ann has planned a beautiful route for all of you, and the coaches can’t wait for you to experience every step of this amazing weekend! Spots to keep an eye out for. Here are the coaches’ favorites…

  • Day One’s walk across the 520 Bridge and into Medina
  • Day One also has a scenic lunch stop at Bellevue Downtown Park
  • Day Two’s trek along the waterfront in Kirkland
  • Our new Honor Ceremony at camp on Saturday evening
  • Of course, Day Three’s stop in Gasworks Park and Lake Union Park
  • The Rose Garden is also a fan favorite
  • The new Finish Line Festival will also be tons of fun for spectators and participants alike

From our Opening Ceremony at the Space Needle, to the many nature trails and picturesque parks you’ll experience throughout the weekend, our Seattle coaches know it will be a weekend to remember!

Coach Amy summed that feeling up nicely.

“The Seattle 3-Day Crew community is truly a beautiful example of what happens when you allow love to rule over everything you do. On the 3-Day, you will experience something that defies explanation. You will be challenged, inspired, pushed harder and appreciated more than you ever have before. It is a magical thing and I wish I could bottle up this magic and sprinkle it all year long!”

We can’t wait to see that magic throughout Seattle this weekend ?