For International Women’s Day: Meet the Incredible Women of Your 3-Day Coaching Team

This weekend marks International Women’s Day, and we are so proud to have many amazing women working hard for all of you on the 3-Day. They work together as a team all year long to make sure you are supported and loved through every step of your 3-Day journey, from the moment you register to the moment you finish those 60 miles — and beyond.

Now, they are supporting and loving each other as well! We asked our 3-Day team to share what they love about each other, and their group of working women as a whole. Here’s what they had to say…

Coach Staci

I am incredibly lucky to work with a group of highly engaged, passionate women who are smart, strategic and most importantly, have an awesome sense of humor! We work hard, we work smart and we work with love in our hearts.

Two people standing in front of a sign

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Coach Amy

I have so much love for my sweet Crew and Volunteer Operations girls (Robin & Kiki) and my local San Diego team (Staci & Meredith)! This quote makes me think of them:

“In life, you will realize there is a role for everyone you meet. Some will test you; some will use you; some will love you; some will teach you. But the ones who are truly important are the ones who bring out the best in you. They are the rare and amazing people who remind you why it’s worth it.”

SO true of my sweet little team. They make me better.

Coach Molly

Each woman who works on the 3-Day is committed to always doing their best and giving their all. It has been such an incredible honor to lead and work alongside this incredible group of women who work tirelessly to give our participants the very best of themselves and the very best event experience each year. The day in and day out of this job is made so much better because of who I get to do it with!

Coach Tisho

They all just rock! Heather’s energy is limitless, Gayla’s passion is unmatched, Liz’s knowledge is astounding, Staci’s patience is incredible, and Molly’s ability to keep us all organized and motivated is phenomenal. It’s truly a Dream Team!

Coach Gayla

Working with the women of the 3-Day is the best thing ever! I especially like our Wednesday team calls when Molly asks the “SFQs” — Super Fun Questions – at the beginning of the meeting. It’s a great intro and always makes me laugh…A LOT! It’s also a great way to get to know each other a little better, even though we’ve worked together for many years.

Examples of funny SFQs are:

  • Do you sleep with a top sheet or no?
  • Would you rather always say everything on your mind or never speak again?
A picture containing grass, sky, outdoor, tree

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Coach Liz

The 3-Day coaches, Gayla, Heather, Molly, Tisho, and Staci are the best! We all support, encourage and take care of each other every day. We know we have each other to lean on.

What do you love most about your 3-Day coaches? Do you have a special memory of when they helped you or supported you most? Tell us in the comments!

3-Day Coaches Salute Each Other on International Women’s Day

Coaches Jen, Tisho and Steph

Today is International Working Women’s Day, and we are so proud to have so many amazing women working for all of you on the 3-Day. Some of those women are your 3-Day coaches, who work as a team all year long to make sure you are supported and loved every step of the way, from the moment you register to the moment you finish those 60 miles – and beyond.

Now, they are also supporting and loving on each other! We asked some of our 3-Day coaches to share what they love about their fellow teammates, and their group of working women as a whole. Here’s what they had to say…

“Something I love about working with the other coaches is that no matter how many miles or time zones separate us, we are a team, and we support each other. To quote my buddy Coach Heather, ‘Teamwork makes the dream work!’”

  • Coach Carol

“They are all the most passionate, dedicated and determined group of people you could ever hope to work alongside.”

  • Coach Staci

Coaches Gayla and Liz

“I love my fellow coaches because they are all so passionate about the cause and we also really look out for each other. Each person on the team has something unique to offer and we all work together sharing ideas. Special shout out to my buddy Gayla in Dallas (above left) for supporting me these last few months as I have gotten back up to speed!”

  • Coach Aubrey

“I want to give special love to Coach Jen, who is super sweet, so calming and can always be counted on to put a positive spin on everything!

Every one of my co-coaches are always the most supportive, upbeat and helpful of people in every way.”

  • Coach Liz

“This is my first year working with the Susan G. Komen 3-Day and Coach Aubrey in Seattle has made it an amazing experience! She’s been so helpful every step of the way and has shown me what an impact the 3-Day can make in the community.”

  • Coach Alex

Coaches Kiki, Tisho and Steph

“I feel so lucky to be working alongside our Twin Cities Lead Coach, Stephanie (above right). Her motivation, support, and drive are always paired with a smile, and I just can’t get enough of her positive energy!”

  • Coach Marsha

“I love the never-ending energy and compassion of my bosses, co-workers and all the 3-Day participants. It’s a #DreamJob ?”

  • Coach Gayla

Coaches Tisho and Heather

“I must give a shout out to my Local Lead Coach, Carol! We were 3-Day friends before we became working partners. Both of us are now new to our roles as coach. It feels as if we are holding hands and leveling up in the 3-Day world at the same time. She has been an amazing guide and I couldn’t be more grateful for her presence.

In general, what I love most about working with all the other 3-Day coaches is the fact that we share the same passion, we play on the same team, we work together and pour our hearts and souls into making the 3-Day the best event that it can be.”

  • Coach Christine

What do you love most about your 3-Day coaches? Do you have a special memory of when they helped you or supported you most? Tell us in the comments!

Working Women’s Day: Meet 3-Day Coach Heather


Coach Heather with her 2017 Michigan 3-Day coaching team

Today is International Women’s Day, and we are so honored to have so many amazing women working for Susan G. Komen and our 3-Day team. Everyone works hard every day to reach Komen’s Bold Goal, and to create the best 3-Day experience for our participants each year. No one knows that dedication and drive better than our local coaching teams!

On this International Women’s Day, we salute all our coaches, including our Programs & Local Events Coach for Michigan and Philadelphia, Coach Heather. She walked her first 3-Day in 2015 in Michigan and was immediately hooked! By 2017, she had joined our full-time 3-Day team and knew she would be forever changed by our family.


Coach Heather (at left) with Coach Gayla

“The people……my co-workers, the walkers, the crew… are my favorite part of my job. Truly, being among all the awesome people involved in the 3-Day makes my heart so full! To think that even a year ago, folks who are now so special to me were completely unknown, is insane.

What I feel on the event is indescribable! To witness such concern, compassion, love, and support for other human beings is incredible. I am blessed to be able to do this every day.”

And she truly is working every day. Being a 3-Day Programs & Local Events Coach is a year-round job that includes everything from recruiting new walkers, assisting participants with fundraising and training, as well as taking part in walker meetings and training walks. They also partner with local businesses, community groups, large 3-Day teams and other groups to provide support and excitement on the 3-Day.


This 24/7 commitment means Heather is an expert at training and fundraising, too! Her fundraising advice is simple but effective.

“Ask, ask, ask. Honestly, the worst someone can say is ‘No,’ but they usually say ‘Yes!’ If they don’t respond, ask again, and if they still haven’t responded as you get close to the 3-Day, ask one more time. Often, people have every intention of donating, but time gets away from them. A little reminder usually is appreciated.”

She also recommends using social media to spread your story. The more your donors can relate to you and your goals, the more likely they are to donate to help you make a difference. This also applies to potential new teammates! She says educating your friends, family, co-workers, even your neighbors can be a great thing when you’re looking for to expand your team.

“Be encouraging, positive, and assure potential new team members: Yes, you can walk those 60 miles! Haven’t most first-time walkers felt the same way? It’s the opportunity to be part of something incredible!”

So, join Heather and be part of something incredible in 2018. She can’t wait to welcome all the participants! She knows, and deeply appreciates, the impact that all our 3-Day participants make.

“Every day someone’s mom, daughter, wife, sister, best friend, aunt, granddaughter could hear the words ‘You have breast cancer.’ When I see little girls cheering on our walkers on the 3-Day, I hope that all the efforts put forth today will lead to a breast cancer-free world for them.”

Heather won’t stop working until that hope becomes a reality. She knows you won’t stop working either.