Top 3-Day Training Songs, According to YOU!

Let’s get moving and grooving, 3-Dayers! Music is a large part of our 3-Day experience, from the inspiring tunes you walk out to after the Opening Ceremony, to a playlist of upbeat classics welcoming you to camp every night to our all-event dance party at the end of the Closing Ceremony. We love a good tune!

Music can be a great training partner, too. That’s why we tapped our 3-Day community for their favorite songs to walk to. Let these recommendations fuel your next training walk, or just get you dancing today!

Jen L. from Facebook loves “Cupid’s Shuffle, The Wobble, and We are Family” when she needs to get moving.

@HeflinBelinda from Twitter recommends Carrie Underwood’s “The Champion” and Rascal Flatts “Yours If You Want It.”

Karen S. prefers “Geronimo,” “Honey I’m Good,” “I Gotta Feeling,” and “Fire and Flood.” She says, “I would dance (as much as I dance) to any of these. ?”

Coach Liz trains to old time funky 70’s stuff or Motown!

Laura G. from Facebook likes happy tunes like “Walking on Sunshine” and “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go!”

Linda Z. fittingly says “I Would Walk 500 Miles” is one of her favorites, plus anything by Meghan Trainor!

Debbie S. says, “I don’t necessarily have favorite tunes, but I have an iPod with thousands of songs. Plus, singing and walking go hand in hand! I love 70’s music! But then again, I’m 61 years old so that makes sense! ?”

Coach Jennifer loves anything from the 80’s like anything from The Go Gos, “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” and “I Got You” by Split Enz

What are your favorite training songs? Tell us in the comments!

Also, be sure to follow along with the 3-Day on Spotify! We have playlists from our walks, plus walking playlists you’re sure to love.

Top 3-Day Training Tips…From Walkers Themselves!

Our 3-Day participants always give the best advice for first-time walkers. They have experienced every step of the journey and know all the best insider tips and tricks. This is especially true for training, because no two people train exactly the same. So, all advice is good advice! Because you might not know the tip that helps you the most until you hear it.

To get to the bottom of the truly best 3-Day training advice, we went straight to the source: our walkers! We tapped our social media community, and our coaches who have also walked, to find out just what we need to know to maximize our training as our 2018 3-Days draw closer.

They had some great ideas!

Belinda H. on Facebook

  1. Set new weekly goals for yourself to find a new path while increasing your mileage. I’ve increased 2 miles weekly by doing this.
  2. Create an ongoing photo journal of nature from your walks. This will help you to relax with nature instead of counting miles. My friends are always excited to see where my walk took me that day.
  3. Use an app like Map My Walk to share your progress with pictures from your walk.

Deborah K. on Twitter

I’m signing up for as many 5K’s scheduled in this area. And I plan on doing at least one 20-mile walk near home this summer.

Allie A. on Facebook

Do long training walks multiple days in a row! It’s Days 2 and 3 on the walk that are the hardest.

Coach Liz, Programs and Local Events Coach, Seattle and Dallas/Fort Worth

You don’t have to follow the training walk schedule exactly but DEFINTELY train. Get in at least two back to back longer walks each week.

Get fitted for a good pair of shoes, and make sure they’re a full size bigger than you usually wear. Your feet WILL swell, I promise. Invest in good socks, too!

Also, train in what you plan on wearing on the 3-Day. Skort, shorts, capris, whatever it is…train in that. And, figure out ahead of time if you prefer to use a two-bottle backpack or a bag with a built-in hydration system. Once you try them on, you’ll be able to feel which is your preference.

Melissa M. on Facebook

Hill train! Add an incline on the treadmill if training indoors or during bad weather when you can’t get out for a walk. Also train in what you may want to wear on the 3-Day, including underwear. The best way to find out what is comfortable and what works is to try it out during training.

Rachel C. on Facebook

If you are prone to blisters, learn how to wrap your feet! Train in the rain; the last two years (maybe 3?) we have had some rain. Get in the habit of stretching a lot. Find some walking buddy to walk with even if they can only join you for 1/2 of your walk. And, train with all the gear you plan to use.

Coach Gayla, Programs and Local Events Coach, Seattle and Dallas/Fort Worth

Don’t train alone. That’s B-O-R-I-N-G! Join a training walk from the Training Walk Calendar ( Don’t see any posted in your area? Drive to another one or become a training walk leader and lead your own walks.

Invite neighbors or create a walking group in your community. The time and miles fly when you have someone to talk to.

Brooke K. on Facebook

Definitely train! Walking 60 miles is much harder than it seems. Get some bigger back-to-back walks in during training because it mimics how you might feel in the morning on Days 2 and day 3! Try out some outfits including socks and shoes to make sure they will feel good during the event. Of course, train with friends to pass the time ?

What are your best 3-Day training tips? Tell us in the comments!



Making the Most of the 3-Day Training Apps

Day 1 of the Susan G. Komen 3day walk in Novi, Michigan on August 4, 2017.

Walking 60 miles is no small feat, and it certainly takes training! Everyone prepares in different ways, but one easy way to start and track your training is with our 3-Day training apps. With training plans for both 24 and 16 weeks out from each of our 2018 3-Days, the apps make it simple to get 60-mile ready!

The features of the 3-Day App include:

  • Weekly training tips
  • Daily mileage goals
  • Track your distance and pace with each workout, with built-in GPS*
  • See your walk on a map
  • Select your own music and skip tracks without leaving the app
  • And more!


If you haven’t started using it yet, now is the time! All you have to do is open the Apple App Store to buy and download apps. Search for “Susan G. Komen 3-Day” and choose the 24-week or 16-week version of the app. Follow on-screen instructions, and for just $2.99 the app will be all yours to explore and use!

Have any more questions? We have answers!

How do I see my mileage goal for the day?

Tap the “Walk” icon, then scroll left or right to select the day (i.e., Week 22, Day 5) to view the mileage goal for the day.

To mark your walk complete, all you have to do is tap the “Walk” icon again, then scroll left or right to select the day (i.e., Week 22, Day 5). Double tap the day to mark the mileage goal for the day as complete. Great job!

How do I see my weekly training tips?

Tap the “Walk” icon, then scroll left or right to select the day (EX: Week 22, Day 5) and tap the “Tips” button to see the walking tip for that day. They’re a great way to stay motivated and excited as your training kicks into high gear!

Day 1 of the Susan G. Komen 3day walk in Novi, Michigan on August 4, 2017.

How do I track the distance and pace of my walk?

Tap the “Walk” icon, then scroll left or right to select the day (EX: Week 22, Day 5). Once you’ve selected the day and mileage you’d like to walk, tap “GO!” A countdown will begin. If you’ve selected a specific playlist, music will also start playing then to get you in the walking mood. As you walk, your distance and pace will be calculated. This will help you make sure you’re not pushing yourself too hard, and to see how your pace changes throughout your walk.

How do I share my workouts on social media?

To share workout information on Facebook and/or Twitter, tap the “Settings” icon from the main page, then tap “Sharing.” You’ll get to choose options for what platform you want to share on! If you’re part of our 3-Day Social Stars community, don’t forget to use #3daysocialstars and #sponsored when you share to earn points for the month!

How do I select which music to play while I’m walking with the app?

Great tunes help a walk go by quicker and easier! Just tap the “Settings” icon, then “Music.” You can choose from playlists, shuffle songs and other options to be the soundtrack to your training. Then, tap “Music” on the main screen, and choose which playlist you’d like to hear during your walk.


What do I do if I start using the app after the training program has already begun for my 3-Day?

Don’t worry! You can advance to the current weekly training schedule by tapping “Choose Event” from the home screen and then “Walk.” A question will pop up, asking you if you want to catch up. Just choose that, and get walking!

How do I see stretching tips?

Yes, we even have these on the app too! From the Home screen, tap “Walk.” Next to the “Go” button, tap “Stretch.” You should know that the stretching program is a supplementary program available in the app store for a $1.99 additional fee. But, it’s worth it to keep your muscles fresh and loose!

Download the app in the Apple App Store now! Then, share your progress with us on social media. Good luck!

Note: Please keep in mind that the app is only available in the Apple App Store, not available for Android phones. If you don’t have an iPhone, or don’t want to purchase the app, you can find your 24-week or 16-week suggested training program at