The Soundtrack of Your 3-Day Training Walks 

Over the past couple of years, we’ve brought you many different tips and tricks for your 3-Day training. Today, we’re jamming out to some of the great tunes our Pink Bubble listens to while training! Good luck and happy walking!

Maybe you’re tired of your walking playlist, need some refreshing tunes, or looking for your new favorite song. Here are some great updates to add to your music library — including some suggestions from your 3-Day coaches! 

Jump into 2023 Training!  

3-Day Crew Summer Tunes  

Music Monday: Top 3-Day Training Songs 

3-Day Coaches’ Favorite Training Tunes and 3-Day Prep 

Need more inspiration as you head out to get those steps in? Our 3-Day blog has a ton of great training walk content! From themed walks to seasonal training tips, we’ve got all the information you need!  

What do you listen to on your training walks? Do you have any training walk tips you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments so we can share them with the rest of the Pink Bubble! 

Dancing Tunes from the 3-Day Safety Crew

The only thing we love more than a 3-Day pump-up song is our amazing 3-Day Crew. Both keep our walkers dancing along their 60-mile journey and provide unparalleled inspiration on the 3-Day weekend. And many times, crew members and cool tunes go hand in hand.

From dance parties at pit stops to safety Crew blasting tunes as you cross the street to the motorcycle Crew driving by and playing that much needed rendition of “Firework” to help propel you up that last hill of the day…our 3-Day Crew are music masters. So, who better to ask for musical recommendations as we gear up for the 3-Day season? We tapped all our crew members to collect the best beats in the land.

Barbara “Bebe” Boone is a regular on the 3-Day Safety Crew, and even if you don’t know her personally, you’ve likely seen her on the road. She always smiling, dancing and blowing kisses to participants as she rides by or is parked at stop lights. She, maybe more than anyone, knows how much of a difference a good song can make on the route.

“I have more than 500 songs on my 3-Day Spotify playlist. ? Three days’ worth of feet-stomping, booty-shaking, family-loving motivation. I’ve found that having a wide variety works as we have walkers, crew members and volunteers from all over the country and in every age group, so my list is from the 1920’s to today. There are always at least one or two walkers that sing along or even stop and dance as they pass.”

Want to get a taste of Bebe’s playlist, and other favorites from the 3-Day Crew? Here’s a playlist they put together, just for you:


Also, be sure to keep an eye out for Bebe on the road in Michigan, New England Philadelphia AND San Diego this year ?

If you want more playlist inspiration, be sure to poke around on our Spotify channel for playlists from your coaches, our past events and more.

Did we miss a favorite song that the Crew has played while you were on event? Add it to the comments below so we can add it to the playlist!

NOTE: Walkers are not permitted to wear headphones or use mobile phones or texting devices while walking. It is extremely unsafe. If you need to use your phone, stop and step to the side first. And please don’t use your phone’s speaker to play music or make calls while walking.

Music Monday: Top 3-Day Training Songs

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Happy Monday!

While we know Monday isn’t everyone’s favorite day of the week, that doesn’t mean you can’t spread smiles and 3-Day fun throughout the day. The quickest way to do that is with some fun music!

So, if you need a little extra motivation today, we have just the playlist for you! It’s compiled from songs 3-Dayers have submitted on social media, put all in one place for your listening pleasure.


Let our playlist fuel your next training walk, kick off your next team meeting, or give you a mid-afternoon pick-me-up at the office!

If you want to create your own Monday playlist, you can draw more inspiration from these other blog posts:

And be sure to share more of your favorite songs below in the comments! We want to know what gets you out and stepping


For tips about healthy living, click here for advice and support to keep you on track for the 3-Day and beyond. Thanks to the support of Amgen and in partnership with American Bone Health, the Healthy Living series was designed to prepare your mind, body and bones for the 3-Day.
