Music Monday: Top 3-Day Training Songs

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Happy Monday!

While we know Monday isn’t everyone’s favorite day of the week, that doesn’t mean you can’t spread smiles and 3-Day fun throughout the day. The quickest way to do that is with some fun music!

So, if you need a little extra motivation today, we have just the playlist for you! It’s compiled from songs 3-Dayers have submitted on social media, put all in one place for your listening pleasure.


Let our playlist fuel your next training walk, kick off your next team meeting, or give you a mid-afternoon pick-me-up at the office!

If you want to create your own Monday playlist, you can draw more inspiration from these other blog posts:

And be sure to share more of your favorite songs below in the comments! We want to know what gets you out and stepping


For tips about healthy living, click here for advice and support to keep you on track for the 3-Day and beyond. Thanks to the support of Amgen and in partnership with American Bone Health, the Healthy Living series was designed to prepare your mind, body and bones for the 3-Day.



Motivation Monday: Making the Small Wins Count

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Happy Monday! Though it might not be everyone’s favorite day of the week, Monday has an important spot in our lives. It’s a fresh start, and a chance for all of us to make the most of the new week. What could we accomplish?

Maybe, make a new fundraising project?

Or use our favorite tunes to fuel an extra-long training walk for the 3-Day?

Share a memory with your 3-Day family?

Or join them online to start working your way to great prizes?

Maybe you do all that in one day!

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Sometimes though, despite our best intentions, the days get away from us and sometimes things go wrong. We might miss a deadline or burn breakfast or run late to an appointment. On tough days, especially on tough Mondays, it’s also important to celebrate life’s little wins.

Happy moments can come upon you when you least expect it, and they are definitely worth celebrating.

So, celebrate the next time you…

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Run into an old friend

Wake up on the right side of the bed after a great night’s sleep

Get a compliment from a stranger

Make everyone at the meeting laugh with your new joke

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Decide to treat yourself to some comfort food

Get that last open parking spot

See a butterfly, bunny, dog, cat, or any of your favorite animals


Climb to the top of the corporate ladder

Have a sweet snack in the middle of the afternoon

Find a perfectly ripe banana, avocado or peach

Catch up on your favorite TV show



Rock a bold new outfit

Finish a good book

Plan a fun family vacation

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Or even show off your killer moves at a dance party!

Remember, the little wins count just as much as the big ones.

So, go out there and take Monday by storm! What are your goals for the week?