Take a Walk in the Park, 3-Day Style

Now that spring is here, everyone is itching to get outside and into the sun. And this weekend is the perfect motivation to get you moving! Get out and get your steps in, but instead of walking on a track or at the gym, we want to see you all heading to the park to walk in the sun. Here are some fun ways to get your steps in…

Explore a new park

This is an easy one! Training can become monotonous if you’re always walking in the same park or area, so pick someplace new this weekend! Do some searching, and even take a bit of a drive if you need to, to find a picturesque and unique place to get moving. Websites like AllTrails.com, TrailLink.com and MapMyWalk.com can help you find a new park or trail in your area.

Do a lightning round

If you live in an area with lots of parks or hiking trails, hit as many as you can in one day! Walk 1-2 miles (or even less if you like) in each location, and then move on to the next fun spot. This is a great way to get in a lot of miles with nice built-in breaks. For first-time walkers or those who haven’t done a ton of training yet, kick your spring walks off with this idea!

Go for a hike

This is not the same thing as a walk! Find an area with more of an incline, be it a national park or a mountain (depending on where you live) and lace up those hiking boots. This will be a different type of training, and indeed a different type of park experience. That will help add some variety to your training schedule and prepare you for any hills you might hit on the 3-Day course!

Make it a nature walk

Collect cool flowers, leaves and other elements of nature as you walk. Make sure this is allowed by the park first, as some places do not allow you to remove the nature. However, if it is permitted, it’s a great activity to have on your mind as you walk and will really make you appreciate your natural surroundings. Then, use those petals and leaves for a later team building event and make fun art or pressed flowers that will always remind you of your 3-Day team. ?

Plan a picnic at the end

This will take some coordination but work with your family or friends to have someone meet you at the end of your 3-Day training walk with a picnic reward! Have as many pink items (think strawberries, pink lemonade, cookies and more!) as you can in the picnic and celebrate a walk well stepped.

If you need some more inspiration for your weekend walks, here are some other blog posts to check out:

Are you going on a training walk this weekend? Tell us how you’re getting outside this spring!


For tips about healthy living, click here for advice and support to keep you on track for the 3-Day and beyond. http://the3day.co/amgen2019. Thanks to the support of Amgen and in partnership with American Bone Health, the Healthy Living series was designed to prepare your mind, body and bones for the 3-Day.

Top 3-Day Training Tips…From Walkers Themselves!

Our 3-Day participants always give the best advice for first-time walkers. They have experienced every step of the journey and know all the best insider tips and tricks. This is especially true for training, because no two people train exactly the same. So, all advice is good advice! Because you might not know the tip that helps you the most until you hear it.

To get to the bottom of the truly best 3-Day training advice, we went straight to the source: our walkers! We tapped our social media community, and our coaches who have also walked, to find out just what we need to know to maximize our training as our 2018 3-Days draw closer.

They had some great ideas!

Belinda H. on Facebook

  1. Set new weekly goals for yourself to find a new path while increasing your mileage. I’ve increased 2 miles weekly by doing this.
  2. Create an ongoing photo journal of nature from your walks. This will help you to relax with nature instead of counting miles. My friends are always excited to see where my walk took me that day.
  3. Use an app like Map My Walk to share your progress with pictures from your walk.

Deborah K. on Twitter

I’m signing up for as many 5K’s scheduled in this area. And I plan on doing at least one 20-mile walk near home this summer.

Allie A. on Facebook

Do long training walks multiple days in a row! It’s Days 2 and 3 on the walk that are the hardest.

Coach Liz, Programs and Local Events Coach, Seattle and Dallas/Fort Worth

You don’t have to follow the training walk schedule exactly but DEFINTELY train. Get in at least two back to back longer walks each week.

Get fitted for a good pair of shoes, and make sure they’re a full size bigger than you usually wear. Your feet WILL swell, I promise. Invest in good socks, too!

Also, train in what you plan on wearing on the 3-Day. Skort, shorts, capris, whatever it is…train in that. And, figure out ahead of time if you prefer to use a two-bottle backpack or a bag with a built-in hydration system. Once you try them on, you’ll be able to feel which is your preference.

Melissa M. on Facebook

Hill train! Add an incline on the treadmill if training indoors or during bad weather when you can’t get out for a walk. Also train in what you may want to wear on the 3-Day, including underwear. The best way to find out what is comfortable and what works is to try it out during training.

Rachel C. on Facebook

If you are prone to blisters, learn how to wrap your feet! Train in the rain; the last two years (maybe 3?) we have had some rain. Get in the habit of stretching a lot. Find some walking buddy to walk with even if they can only join you for 1/2 of your walk. And, train with all the gear you plan to use.

Coach Gayla, Programs and Local Events Coach, Seattle and Dallas/Fort Worth

Don’t train alone. That’s B-O-R-I-N-G! Join a training walk from the Training Walk Calendar (The3Day.org/TrainingWalks). Don’t see any posted in your area? Drive to another one or become a training walk leader and lead your own walks.

Invite neighbors or create a walking group in your community. The time and miles fly when you have someone to talk to.

Brooke K. on Facebook

Definitely train! Walking 60 miles is much harder than it seems. Get some bigger back-to-back walks in during training because it mimics how you might feel in the morning on Days 2 and day 3! Try out some outfits including socks and shoes to make sure they will feel good during the event. Of course, train with friends to pass the time ?

What are your best 3-Day training tips? Tell us in the comments!



3-Day July Fundraising Calendar

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July marks the one month countdown to our first 3-Days of 2017! That means it is the final weeks of fundraising for many of our 3-Dayers, and we have fun ideas you won’t want to miss.

There are lots of fun events and training workshops happening in July, and with the Michigan, Twin Cities and Philadelphia 3-Days coming up in August, it’s the perfect time to kick your fundraising and training into high gear.

July Fundraising Calendar II

June is National Picnic Month and Anti-Boredom Month, among others, and there are plenty of fun ways to use those holidays to your advantage:

  • In honor of Anti-Boredom Month, change up your fundraising efforts with a new project, updated letter format, or a fun new event! We have tons of fundraising ideas on our Pinterest page and website so you’ll never run out of inspiration.
  • You can also stave off boredom by taking longer training walks, fueled by our Spotify playlists!
  • In addition to being National Picnic Month, it’s also National Blueberry, Hot Dog and Ice Cream Months! Talk about delicious! Use this inspiration to host a backyard picnic with offerings like a Hot Dog Bar or Ice Cream Sundae Bar with lots of creative and tasty toppings. Ask for donations from friends, family and neighbors to attend, and you’ll be surprised how quickly your fundraising grows.


There are plenty of Walk & Talks, Get Trained Workshops and Training Kick-Offs happening this month. Some of these events are highlighted in the calendar above, but you can find the complete list on our website here. We will also be calling out more local events on our Facebook page, so keep an eye out.

In addition, make sure to follow the Facebook pages of your local coaches! They are great resources for fundraising ideas, training tips, and will also be promoting the events in their cities.


Other key days this month include:

  • July 7: Chocolate Day: Celebrate Chocolate Day by reminding potential donors that it would be really “sweet” of them to help you in your fight against breast cancer with a donation to the 3-Day. You can also tell your donors to keep an eye out for dates to send you a Sweet Treat on the 3-Day! In the month of July, supporters will be able to send their 3-Dayers sweet treats to the Michigan 3-Day starting on July 10th. Twin Cities Sweet Treats can be sent starting on July 20th, and Philadelphia’s Sweet Treats can be sent starting on July 27th.
  • July 21: Junk Food Day: Head to a dollar store or bulk buy retailer and stock up on lots of fun junk food! Then offer to deliver “snack packs” to people who donate a certain amount to your cause! You will see your fundraising numbers rise, and your donors will receive a tasty meal in return.
  • July 26: All or Nothing Day: We are all in to support you on your 3-Day cause! Schedule longer training walk on All or Nothing Day, then have friends and family sponsor your steps. It’s a great way to combine training and fundraising!
  • July 31: International Day of Friendship: Fundraise with a friend on this holiday! It will make your efforts more fun, and twice as profitable! Go canning together, ask for donations in each of your neighborhoods, or just block out time to write and send donor letters together.


Also, make sure to join our 3-Day Social Stars! This is an easy-to-join group that’s part of our social media community, where you can earn prizes for interacting with the 3-Day on social media. Talk, connect, and share with us!

What 3-Days are you walking in this year, and what are your fundraising and training goals for July?