Pink Smoothie Recipes to Kick Start your Training


Starting off your morning on the right (healthy) note isn’t always easy thanks to that pesky snooze button, traffic delays or last minute errands. Add in a morning training walk, and it can get pretty hectic! That doesn’t mean you can skimp out on breakfast though. It’s no joke that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, plus it can have a big influence on how the rest of your day goes. One easy way to make sure you get your morning meal in is to make a batch of smoothies to keep in your fridge or freezer throughout the week for an easy sip on the go.

So, here are pink smoothie recipes we created just for you! Let them fuel you for your training walks, and give you energy to attack that fundraising head-on. Plus, that pink hue will keep you inspired to be More Than Pink™. Kick off your morning with a little sweetness, and you’ll think pink all day long…


Photo via Vanessa Porter

Pink Sunrise

  • 1 cup raspberries
  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 1 cup orange or pineapple juice
  • ½ cup of unflavored yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons of simple syrup

Great Grape Smoothie

  • ½ cup vanilla yogurt
  • 1 cup red seedless grapes
  • 1 cup raspberries
  • ½ cup pineapple
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 cup of ice

Photo via Jam A

The Fruit Garden

  • 1 ½ cup strawberries
  • 1 cup raspberries
  • 1 small, peeled grapefruit
  • 1 ½ cup milk
  • 2 medium, peeled carrots

Pink Power

  • 1 ½ cups mixed berries
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 scoop protein powder
  • 1 tablespoon maca or cacao powder
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • Add a squeeze of lemon juice if you want a little pucker of sour flavor

Photo via VegaTeam

REMINDER: The health, safety and training information contained in this blog post, or otherwise provided to you in connection with your participation in the 3-Day, is not intended to replace or be construed as medical advice and any such information is not a substitute for seeking medical advice or treatment from your medical provider. Before starting any exercise program or following any recommendations, advice or other instructions regarding training for the 3-Day or any athletic event, you should first consult a physician and have a physical examination.

Monday Motivation: Inspirational Quotes from Strong Men and Women


Mondays can be tough, so how can you start the week off on the right foot? You just need a little bit of motivation!  We are starting an ongoing series to provide Monday Motivation that will help you approach each new week with excitement and purpose. We’ll share quotes that move us and inspiring stories from our incredible 3-Day family.

This week, in honor of one of the most quoted speakers of the last century, we are celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day with a list of quotes that we love. These come from strong women who have all made notable contributions to their fields, and have some serious knowledge on strength, passion and love. Let their words pump up your morning, day and week.


It’s a brand-new Monday – Let’s get out there and make the most of it!

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“Buckle up, and know that it’s going to be a tremendous amount of work, but embrace it.” – Tory Burch

“Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost.” – Helen Keller


“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”– Maya Angelou

“Light tomorrow with today.” – Elizabeth Barrett Browning

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney

“Power to me is the ability to make a change in a positive way.” – Victoria Justice


“Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.”  – Ingrid Bergman

“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” – Jim Rohn

“You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are.” – Melissa Etheridge


What are some of your favorite quotes that help you hit the ground running (or walking!) on Monday mornings?

Friendship and the 3-Day Go Hand-in-Hand

Powerful experiences have a way of bringing people together, and anyone who has been part of the Susan G. Komen 3-Day will attest to that. It takes an extraordinary kind of person to dedicate to fundraising, training and preparing for the 3-Day, and when you bring a bunch of extraordinary people together, it’s only natural that they would gravitate to each other and become fast friends.2015_3DAY_SEAfri_EDB (620)

As we near the end of February, perhaps the most loving month of the year, let’s take a minute to spotlight a few of the friendliest aspects of the 3-Day.

  • Earlier this month, we asked the 3-Day Facebook community to share stories of friendships that they have made through the 3-Day. The responses we saw were sweet, touching and entertaining. Click back to see the Facebook thread here, and comment with your own memories of the incredible friends you’ve made because the 3-Day brought you together.
  • When you’re part of the 3-Day community, you’ll find friendships forming and growing all around you. Here’s how it happens.
  • Speaking of making friends, we brought you this story on the 3-Day blog about two walkers who started Day 1 as strangers and quickly became BFFs.
  • What’s the easiest way to guarantee you’ll have friends at the 3-Day? Bring them with you! We have a few ways (and a few more, and even more) to help you talk a friend into walking with you.
  • We want to make it as easy as possible for your friends to experience the 3-Day, so we’re giving free travel for first-time walkers to come to a 2016 3-Day event. Learn more about how to “Bring Your Besties” e5 to the 3-Day.