Top 10 Reasons to Commit to the 3-Day in 2019

The Twin Cities 3Day Walk on Saturday, August 19, 2018

A new year is here, and 2019 is the perfect time to commit to walking 60 miles over 3 days in the fight against breast cancer. If you join us on the 3-Day, you’ll be joining more than 500,000 participants who have gone further than ever in the fight against breast cancer. We need you to walk beside us and make a difference.

Join us and commit to 3 days and 60 miles. It’s a journey you won’t regret…and one you won’t take alone! Need more reasons to commit to the 3-Day in 2019? Don’t worry, we have them! Here are our Top 10 reasons to walk with us this year…

  • You’ll make a difference: Every step you take and dollar you raise will make a real difference in the fight against breast cancer. Aside from raising awareness to your friends and family, and in the city you’re walking in, you’re also raising necessary funds. 75% of the net proceeds from the 3-Day go towards Komen’s national priorities like research programs, community health and advocacy initiatives and global partnerships.
  • You’ll show your support: More than 500,000 participants have supported the breast cancer community, including those living with metastatic breast cancer, since the 3-Day began. You’ll be joining them in showing support for those that continue to fight, and remembering those we have lost.


  • You’ll make friends: No one is alone on the 3-Day. If you register to walk alone, you’ll make friends every step along the way, as well as feeling extra supported by our amazing 3-Day Crew! If you want to join a team, search for your local coaches’ Facebook Page, or message us on Facebook and we can connect you!
  • You’ll have fun: This one is a no-brainer and a promise. The 3-Day is a long journey, but it is certainly a fun one that you will never forget.
  • You’ll experience a city in a new way: The 3-Day is a great opportunity to visit and experience a new city, but even if you walk in your hometown, you might see new sights and views. Over the course of a 60-mile journey, even longtime residents of our host cities are sure to see parts of their hometown that they never experienced before.


  • You’ll help your community: 25% of the net proceeds of the 3-Day stay in the local host city community and help fund everything from screening, diagnosis and treatment assistance programs to navigation services and education programs. You’ll make a difference right at home!
  • You’ll get those steps in: Lots of people make a fitness or activity goal for the new year, and the 3-Day is the perfect way to help you stay on top of those resolutions. We have year-round training events and an easy app to help you stay active!
  • You’ll be inspired: From the first moments of Opening Ceremony to our final dance party at Closing Ceremony, you will find inspiration all around at the 3-Day. Talk to a survivor. Watch for facts and statistics posted along the route. See the signs from walker stalkers. Raise your shoe survivors and those living with metastatic breast cancer. Every moment is an opportunity.


  • You’ll get grahamwiches: And mac n’ cheese! And cheese sticks and fruit and chips and rice krispies and all kinds of deliciousness! Nothing motivates people quite like snacks.
  • You’ll be part of a new family: “The Pink Bubble” is something that is often discussed, but the feeling of support and love that you’ll feel on the 3-Day is a truly unique experience. You will be forever changed by this walk.

Join us in our fight! Commit to 3 days and go further than anyone can to be the hero in your life, in the lives of others, and in the fight against breast cancer. Register now to join us in 2019 and help end breast cancer. For good.

Come and walk with us.

Tips for 3-Day First Timers from 3-Day Past Participants


Whether it’s your first 3-Day or your thirtieth, there’s a bunch of small ways that you can greatly enhance experience on the 3-Day. We polled our Facebook community to find out their top tips before our Philadelphia 3-Day this weekend, and we think new 3-Dayers will find these especially helpful. Let’s hear what they have to say!


“Change socks at lunch every day! Enjoy the walk and meet new people while listening to their inspiring stories.” – Laura Miehls

“Walk at the same pace you train. If you are on the route all day – awesome! And if you are back to camp by 1:00, awesome! You do you!” – Melissa Polma Loder (*Note below*)

“Take the leap and meet three people every day. The stories will be humbling and some friendships life-long.” – Chris Lynn Reed

“Moleskin is your friend! And don’t be afraid to visit the Medical Tent. There are amazing people working there!” – Micki Mathiesen

Day 1 of the Susan G. Komen 3day walk in Novi, Michigan on August 4, 2017.

“It’s not a race, it’s a walk… enjoy the time with your fellow walkers, everyone has a story. Remember, even if you are a solo walker, you are never alone in the pink bubble.” -Tiffany Thomas

“Have a blast! Journal. It will be fun to look back. Be ready for amazing memories to be made and your heart to grow!” -Tara Anne Hart

“Listen to your body and do what’s best for you. There is no right or wrong (well, within reason and as long as you are observing the three Rs); so don’t hesitate to make the event everything you’d like it to be.”  -Anne Moss


“Your Route Safety crew loves to dance while we wait with you for traffic lights to change! Oh and we love hugs and high-fives too!

“But, listen to them as well. We know where the bad intersections are and are there to keep you safe. We step out into the streets before you do. Help us keep safe as well.

“And above all have a good time. Laugh, cry, hug, dance, reflect, remember.” – Kristian Kauker


“Talk to strangers and take candy from strangers. Do what your mother told you NOT to do!” -Joanne Gregory

“Don’t be in rush. Go slow and enjoy all the love and support.” – Pam Ater

NOW – if you’re a 3-Day veteran what would you add? 3-Day first timers; any questions for us? We can’t wait to see you in Dallas/Fort Worth or San Diego this year, or next year!


Note: All pit stops have designated opening and closing hours, timed to keep you moving along the route at a safe pace and to ensure that you complete your walking while it is still light out. If you reach a pit stop before it opens, you will be asked to stop and wait. If you reach a pit stop after it closes, you will be transported to the lunch stop (or camp, if you have already passed the lunch stop). A “caboose” will be following the last walker on the route. If you are falling behind schedule, you will be given the option to take a sweep van to the next pit stop if you cannot increase your pace. Read more about cabooses, sweeps and route hours on our blog.