May is National Photography Month, and even though we share 3-Day photos all year long, you don’t always get to see our walks through the eyes of your coaches. They are on the ground from sun up to sun down on the 3-Day; along the route, at pit stops, at camp, and everywhere you need them! So, they have a unique view of the 3-Day that we want to share with you. These are some of their favorite photos from 3-Days past, both ones they’ve taken and those from our on-event photographer. Click through to see the 3-Day through their eyes (and lenses)…you might even see some familiar participant faces!
Tag Archives: Photographs
Our Coaches’ Favorite Photos
May is National Photography Month, and to celebrate, we had our coaches and team share their favorite photos of the 3-Day. From puppy love to rainy days to new friends and even whole families, the memories are all filled with all the fun and happiness of the 3-Day.

Photo from Coach Gayla
Gayla, Dallas/Fort Worth Coach
This is a beautiful on from 2013 where a walker was greeted by her son home from the military.
This shot with the AMG Team is from a stellar group of walker stalkers in 2013 when I was crewing (and sweeping) with my daughter, Darcy.
Marianne Masterson, San Diego Coach
This is my all-time favorite picture of my team from last year. This was shot at the start of Day 3, along the bay, as we were leaving camp.
Heather Snyder, Michigan Coach
I love this one of George Nummer! It’s also one that we gave to the producers of CBS Detroit who are doing a feature on him airing next Monday (make sure to tune in! More info on our Facebook page here) ? 85 years young and will participate in his 38th and 39th event this season. Inspirational beyond words!
Other than that, I love all the photos of emotional moments.
Joanne Taylor, Philadelphia Coach
This is from 2008 when our closing ceremony was still at Villanova University. My son, Mark (16 at the time) walked with us that year. So much fun!
Alyssa Curran, Social Media Manager
I love this photo from 2015 Seattle. It captures the amazing vibrancy and beauty of our community doing everything they can to end breast cancer.
Stephanie Mayer, Twin Cities Coach
Rainy Saturday! This photo just makes me laugh! This was Saturday of 2016 Twin Cities. Despite the rainy weather the 3-Day staff still managed to go with the flow and have a good time while making sure we took good care of our participants. Eileen and I provided personal shuttle services to our walkers from lunch to the entrance of a nearby school where they could eat and dry off.
These are my daughters Grace and Ava. I loved having them experience the 3-Day family for the first time in 2016. My oldest volunteered and my youngest served on the Twin Cities Youth Corp.
This was taken by our teammate Molly F. in 2016. It symbolizes everything the 3-Day and its participants stand for.
Karen Odell, Atlanta Coach
These are photos I took from the 2009 3-Day!
What are your favorite photos from the 3-Day? Send them to us on social media! Remember, you can always see some of our favorite photos in the Photos section of this blog, too!
Monday Motivation: Inspirational Quotes from Strong Men and Women
Mondays can be tough, so how can you start the week off on the right foot? You just need a little bit of motivation! We are starting an ongoing series to provide Monday Motivation that will help you approach each new week with excitement and purpose. We’ll share quotes that move us and inspiring stories from our incredible 3-Day family.
This week, in honor of one of the most quoted speakers of the last century, we are celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day with a list of quotes that we love. These come from strong women who have all made notable contributions to their fields, and have some serious knowledge on strength, passion and love. Let their words pump up your morning, day and week.
It’s a brand-new Monday – Let’s get out there and make the most of it!
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“Buckle up, and know that it’s going to be a tremendous amount of work, but embrace it.” – Tory Burch
“Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost.” – Helen Keller
“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”– Maya Angelou
“Light tomorrow with today.” – Elizabeth Barrett Browning
“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney
“Power to me is the ability to make a change in a positive way.” – Victoria Justice
“Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.” – Ingrid Bergman
“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” – Jim Rohn
“You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are.” – Melissa Etheridge
What are some of your favorite quotes that help you hit the ground running (or walking!) on Monday mornings?