2019 Susan G. Komen Michigan 3-Day Wrap-Up

Our first 3-Day of 2019 was one we’ll remember for a long time to come! From the sunshine, to the comfort of our new hotel camp, to the many memories that our Michigan 3-Dayers made over the course of the weekend. The community support was unparalleled, the Youth Corps sprinkled their magic throughout the journey, and our Crew provided support and expertise every step of the way. To say we’re going to look back on this weekend with a smile is quite an understatement.

And it all started with our updated Opening Ceremony on Friday morning! We gathered inside one of our host hotels and highlighted several people in the Michigan community who have committed so much of their heart and soul to Susan G. Komen’s Bold Goal over the years. We also recognized survivors and those who live with metastatic breast cancer. These strong women and men led our walkers out of the hall and into the sun, kicking off our Michigan 3-Day in style.

The walk began through our new 3-Day pink tunnel of fun, sponsored by Amgen, and out onto the sidewalks and trails of Novi. Walkers were greeted at pit stop 1 by the much-loved BOOBees and even got Panera bagels for the perfect kick-off to their journey. From there, they passed by our first local cheering station and headed to pit stop 2 at Meadowbrook Elementary School. Cheerleaders, grahamwiches and some very important stretching carried them through to lunch at the 11.8 mile mark.

Lunch was back at Meadowbrook Elementary, and walkers relaxed in the shade (Thank you, Mohawk, for those cool new shade tents!) before tackling the second half of their day in Novi. The Novi Senior Center at pit stop 3 was a high point of the afternoon, as walkers loved the support and cheering from the local seniors. A quick stop in Rotary Park ended the day, and then our last walker returned to the hotel to raise our 3-Day flag and complete Day One.

We celebrated those first 19.5 miles with a new game of 3-Day bingo and practiced the dance our participants would break out at lunch at the Halfway Point. Then it was time for some much-needed sleep (and showers!) to rest up for Day Two.

Saturday dawned bright and beautiful with our Bank of America Breakfast of Champions, where we honored our top Michigan fundraisers and teams (including two new awards: the “Small But Mighty Team” Award and “Rookie of the Year” Award), as well as our Michigan Milestone and Local Impact winner. We were so happy to celebrate their contributions!

From there, walkers headed through Northville, spending time in local parks and on shady trails. Once they arrived in Plymouth, the energy hit a peak thanks to the amazing community cheering station at Kellogg Park…complete with the pink fountain! Our walkers stretched out in the grass, danced under the sun and soaked in all the excitement of Plymouth.

That enthusiasm continued into lunch, where we had a special new halfway celebration! Photo ops, flash dance mobs, and all kinds of goodies made this lunch extra special. We were halfway to 60 miles, after all!

After lunch, walkers trekked through Northville and back into Novi before ending back home at our hotel camp. Those Bank of America massage chairs and the famous 3-Day mac and cheese were waiting to welcome them! After our last walkers came safely back home, we had a special evening Honor Ceremony, where we heard some beautiful, moving stories from local Michigan participants and the Youth Corps about why they have chosen to commit 3 days, and how Susan G. Komen has affected their lives. Before the night concluded, we invited all participants to leave a memory in our Honor Garden, and to visit the Remembrance room. It was a solemn but inspiring reminder of how much of a difference everyone makes by being a part of the 3-Day. We are excited to bring this emotional, inspiring experience to all seven cities this year.

Sunday, our final day in Michigan, began with a quick bus ride into Livonia, where our walkers started their final day of walking. That walk included stepping through Livonia, Dearborn and Dearborn Heights, along with a stop at the picturesque and shady York Park for lunch. Our 3-Day Crew pulled out all the stops for the final day of walking, from the “Eat, Sleep, Cure. We are here to Serve.” camp services team, to our out of this world Crew at pit stop 3 and beyond. The day ended, as it has in the past few years, at the Ford World Headquarters.

Walkers passed underneath the Amgen pink tunnel and across the finish line, hands held, and smiles turned up to the sunshine. For hours, there were almost 50 volunteers from our presenting sponsor, Bank of America, there to cheer our walkers in as they conquered 60 miles in unity and strength. Our last walker arrived home and raised the flag to help us kick off our new Closing Ceremony in style. With our last walker starting our celebration, our survivors and those living with metastatic breast cancer led the rest of our Michigan family into the Closing Ceremony. We celebrated all that we have accomplished in Michigan, thanked those who helped us along the way, and acknowledged the great deeds done over the last 3 days. The 2019 Michigan 3-Day raised $1.2 million in the fight against breast cancer!

Our weekend ended with a dance party in the afternoon sun, and many hugs and smiles shared with all our 400 walkers and 200 crew. Our first 3-Day of 2019 is complete, but we have so much more work to do! Twin Cities, we will see you soon…

View from the 3-Day Crew: Looking Back with the Michigan 3-Day Crew


The 3-Day Crew is an integral, amazing and appreciated part of the 3-Day family. We simply could not do it without them! They work tirelessly for long hours to make sure that every step of our walkers’ 60-mile journey is a wonderful one. And they do it all with a smile on their face!

That’s why we are honored to be featuring a few members of our Michigan 3-Day Crew. These ladies are all-stars and have made such a difference in our community. As 2018 fades into the past, it’s people like these that are already getting us excited for the 2019 Michigan 3-Day!

Let’s hear it for all the Michigan 3-Day Crew!


Monika Schmidt on Camp Support knows that her job is hard work because this group of Crew members are up very early and go to bed very late to make sure every walker can camp in comfort. But she says that being on Crew is like having a really big family, so she never minds the hours!

“I love my pink family! It can be exhausting work, but its oh so rewarding. I love to see everyone coming back to Crew year after year. We are crying together and laughing so hard. I would not miss it in the world.”

She was also a part of our Opening Ceremony in 2018 and was humbled by the honor! But she says her favorite memory every year is to see all those lovely walkers coming back to camp each day ?


Becky Jo Beverly, a long-time Crew member, echoes that 3-Day love.

“There are so many things to love about the 3-Day – the pink bubble is legit! If the rest of the world was as strong, kind, accepting, loving and GOOD as the 3-Day world, it would be a better place.”

She has so many wonderful memories from her time on the Michigan Crew, everything from tons of grahamwiches, tutus on peoples’ heads, pink fountains, problems with air mattresses, accidental strobe lights and “so. many. dance. moves.”

Even with those laughs and fun times on her mind, Becky Jo and the Michigan Crew all take their “duty to serve and care for our walkers (yeah, I said OUR walkers … we love them that much) very seriously. For those three days, they are our whole world. We. Love. OUR. Walkers.”

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And they’re thankful for them, too!

“Thankful. That is the best word I can come up with when I think of this event. I am thankful for the people that work behind the scenes to use the funds raised to make a difference in this war we are waging. For the experiences I have had along the way (blisters, dehydration, sunburns and all) that have made me stronger. For the people I’ve met that have made me a better person. I am thankful for the pink bubble that proves again and again that this world is full of beautiful potential. I am Blessed beyond measure to be part of the pink family … and I am forever thankful.”

We are also forever thankful for Becky Jo, Monika, our 3-Day Michigan Crew….and our 3-Day Crew across the country. You motivate our steps and make our journey even more special

Michigan Crew sound off! What are some of your best 3-Day memories? What memories do you hope to make in 2019?

Remember, if you register at The3Day.org by TOMORROW 12/6, you’ll automatically get 50% off your registration fee—no special codes required! Come join us and make new amazing memories in 2019!

Congratulations to the 2018 Michigan 3-Day Local Impact Award Winner, George Nummer

For the 2018 Susan G. Komen 3-Day® season, we’re pleased to be continuing the Local Impact Award. This award is being given to participants who have been instrumental in strengthening the 3-Day® community throughout the year. Local Impact Award honorees have gone above and beyond in their efforts leading training walks, attending 3-Day community events, supporting the 3-Day staff year-round at meet-ups and workshops, and in general, making a difference by building lasting relationships and showing commitment to the 3-Day in all they do.

Please join us in congratulating the 2018 Michigan 3-Day Local Impact Award Winner, George Nummer!

Coach Heather says,

“George is an institution within not only the MI 3-Day but our community as a whole. Many people will say they know the mature gentleman with the walking sticks. When I say “community,” I mean the 3-Day as well as the local community where George can be seen walking many months of the year training for the multiple 3-Days that he is taking part in any given ear.

George is a man dedicated to saving lives. While he has many friends on the 3-Day, he is often found walking and talking with those he does not know…..he wants to learn their story and get their promise. The promise to get a mammogram….and possibly save a life.  He takes any opportunity to get out there and advocate….whether its volunteering to be the subject of a local news piece to get the word out to the masses, but just as important to him, meeting new people and getting their promise on each 3-Day he takes part in. 2018 will mark 40 walks for George!”

George receives his award at the Michigan 3-Day.

Want to know more? Let’s hear from Beth Northman.

“If you don’t think you can make a difference in your own small spot in the world, all you have to do is have a chat with George Nummer!  Truly a 3 Day treasure, George began walking in the 3 Day after September 11 because he wanted to make a difference and reach out to help others around him and he has done this over and over since he began participating in the event.  With is walking sticks in tow and a smile on his face George is an inspiration to all he comes in contact with.  I encourage you to spend a few miles with him on the route and hear his story; you’ll be glad you did!”

His friend Michelel Yelovina also raves about George.

“I can’t think of anyone more deserving of this award than George. His determination and dedication leaves a lasting impression on all who meet him. But it is his relentlessness to the cause at hand that impacts the most. “Promise to…” two strong words…”promise to get a mammogram “ is what he asks those that walk with him to make.

For 49 out  of the 50 women that make that promise all maybe well, but for the one… for THIS one…George is a life saver. I don’t know how much more of an impact one can have on another persons life than having a hand in saving it! So thank you, my guardian angel , you deserve this and sooo much more! You have a special place in my heart forever!”

Now, let’s hear from the man himself! When George talked to us, he didn’t know he would be receiving this honor!

George says, “I was inspired by a speech by President Bush, post-911. He said if you want to help fight terrorism, start by helping your neighbor, help your community. A few days later, I saw an ad for the 3-Day. I thought, at age 70, I could never walk 60 miles in 3 days but I was curious so I sent for information. After I got the information and read about the Breast Cancer statics, I thought that’s pretty bad maybe I can do something to help and here I am at 86 and 40 walks later.”

We had to learn more…

What has brought you back to the 3-Day year after year? 

Knowing that I am helping breast-cancer patients and survivors, and particularly getting women to promise to get yearly mammograms, has bought me back year after year. I especially enjoy being part of the 3-Day community, making friends with fellow walkers across the country.

What is the secret to your 3-Day fundraising success? 

Being positive in my fundraising, sending letters to all my family and friends, and not being afraid to ask for donations have led to my success. The worst people can do is say no.

What is your best advice to anyone walking the 3-Day?  

It’s important to train well in advance. It’s best to train in all types of weather, as you may be walking the 3-Day in bad weather. And remember, it’s not a race. Take your time and get to know your fellow walkers, find out why they are walking. Enjoy yourself and have fun!

What’s a fun fact about you? 

I started walking in the 3-Day at age 70. The year I turned 75, I walked in every 3-Day event available—12 walks in 15 weeks. The hardest thing I ever did, but the most rewarding!

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned on the 3-Day?  

Always have a positive attitude. Before you can accomplish something you must first expect it of yourself. You can do most anything you set your mind to, just believe in yourself.