Part 2 of the ABC’s of the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Crew

Welcome to part two of the ABC’s of the Komen 3-Day Crew! Last week, we shared letters A,B,C,D, and E, and this week, we’re excited to present letters F through J. We invite you to tell us your ideas for each letter here or on Facebook, and to share these images with your family and friends. (To see the 3-Day walker version of the ABC’s, click here!)

Susan G. Komen 3-Day breast cancer walk ABCs of the 3-Day Crew food serviceBack at the 3-Day camp, you’ll get to nosh on delicious hot meals for breakfast and dinner, and the folks who are piling the mac n’ cheese onto your plates are the incredible Food Service crew team. Among the first to rise in the morning and the last to retire at night, this team brings the comfort (foods) of home to the 3-Day camp experience.

See also: FUN! (You’ll have tons of it on the 3-Day.)

Susan G. Komen 3-Day breast cancer walk ABCs of the 3-Day Crew grab and goA grab & go is a basically a mini pit stop. Just grab your water or sports drink (don’t worry, snacks will be at the next pit stop) and go. Unless you need to use the portable toilets – then you can stop (and go)!

See also: Gear & Tent

Susan G. Komen 3-Day breast cancer walk ABCs of the 3-Day Crew hydrationDehydration is one of the most frequently treated medical issues on the 3-Day, and remember, if you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. So drink your water, even if you feel like you don’t need it. There are entire crew teams dedicated to keeping your hydration supplies stocked (Route Hydration and Camp Hydration teams), and all of your friendly 3-Day crew members will remind you to drink up and drink often!

See also: Heat Index (The 3-Day staff and crew track the weather throughout the event, utilizing a heat/cold index to provide specific tips and additional resources for your comfort and safety on the event.)

Susan G. Komen 3-Day breast cancer walk ABCs of the 3-Day Crew iceWhether it’s cooling down your sports drink or on bringing relief to your weary knees and ankles, you can never have enough ice on the 3-Day. Count on the Pit Stop Crews to always have some on hand.

Susan G. Komen 3-Day breast cancer walk ABCs of the 3-Day Crew joyServing on the 3-Day Crew is no doubt a labor intensive task, but the joy you will get from helping others conquer an amazing goal is indescribable. You’ll also laugh and smile often with your other Crew mates, delighting in the very special way you’re contributing toward an event that will help end breast cancer forever.

What other words can you think of for these letters? Share with us here or on Facebook!

Challenge Accepted! How many of these 3-Day Fundraising Challenges have you tried?

Back in February, we started occasionally posting Fundraising Challenges on the Susan G. Komen 3-Day® Facebook and Twitter pages. These prompts are meant to give a little (or not-so-little) spark to your Komen 3-Day fundraising efforts from week to week, and get your own juices flowing for other creative fundraising strategies. SGK_3-Day_SocialMedia_FundraisingWeek_%23The3Day_v2

In case you missed any of the 3-Day® Fundraising Challenges, or want to revisit ones that worked well for you earlier, we’ve listed them all below. Happy fundraising!

  • CHALLENGE! Raise $100 by the end of the day. How will you do it? GO!
  • Let’s kick off the week with a #FundraisingChallenge! Today, your goal is to score donations from three different people. What’s your plan of attack?
  • Time for today’s #3DayFundraising Challenge! Share this post on your newsfeed, and challenge someone to be the first to make a donation in the amount of the time. For example: we’re posting this at 8:30 a.m. PST – we’d need someone to make an $8.30 donation. Report back with how you did!
  • Do you need a little help getting started with fundraising? We know that sometimes the first step is the hardest. We challenge you to share your fundraising link on Facebook today and ask for a donation, because we believe you can do this. #3DayFundraising
  • Today’s #3DayFundraising Challenge is in honor of Administrative Professional’s Day. Your challenge? Asking someone you work with for a donation. Let us know how you did!
  • Happy Birthday! To who, you ask? There has to be someone in your group of friends that will donate in honor of a special person’s May birthday. For today’s #Fundraising Challenge, ask for a donation in honor of a May birthday. Cake not included.
  • Today is 5/31. Can you score five $31 donations in honor of a memorable May? #The3Day
  • Take this allegedly unlucky day (Friday the 13th!) and turn it into a lucky one. Ask someone to make it your lucky day today with a 3-Day donation!
  • Today’s Fundraising Challenge? All about the weather! Ask for donations today to help you raise whatever the temperature is in your area. You might even have someone donate the whole amount!
  • Are you ready for today’s Fundraising Challenge? It’s $50 Friday, so ask your friends to support you with $50 donations. It’s a great time to remind them that they can split that $50 into payments (up to 4) if they’d like. Go post it now, then come back later to tell us how you did!
  • It’s Thirty Thursday! No, we didn’t make a typo, we meant to say Thirty! Today, your fundraising challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to ask for three $30 donations. Do it, and report back!

Got a suggestion for a Fundraising Challenge that we could throw out to the 3-Day community? Tell us in comments!


Oh, and while you’re all revved up about fundraising, you can revisit our other fundraising blog posts by clicking here, and see loads of pinned ideas on our Creative Fundraising Pinterest board here.



Join us for our second 3-Day Tweet Chat on July 9 – Training Tips!

With the first Susan G. Komen 3-Day® rapidly approaching, we’d love to hang out with you on Twitter and chat about training. Training is one of the best ways to ensure your success on the Komen 3-Day, so let’s share our best tips and strategies for successful training.

Join us on Wednesday, July 9 at 6:00 p.m. PDT (9:00 p.m. EDT, and 8:00 p.m. CT) for a Tweet Chat all about training. Never done a Tweet Chat before? That’s okay! Some people call them Twitter Parties or Twitter Meet-Ups, but whatever the name, it works like this:

  1. Sign on to Twitter at 6:00 p.m. PDT (or a few minutes before).
  2. Make sure you’re following @The3Day on Twitter.
  3. On Twitter, search for #The3Day, which is the official hashtag we will use for this Tweet Chat.
  4. You can also use the website Sign in, enter the hashtag #The3Day, and you’ll be able to watch and tweet in real-time with us.
  5. We’ll ask some questions to get things started, and we will also share tips and tricks from 3-Day veterans and coaches. This will be a great way to meet your fellow 3-Day participants, ask your questions, and motivate yourself to keep your training on track. Our 3-Day Social Media Team, Alyssa and Erin, can’t wait to tweet with you!SGK_3-Day_Twitter

Not on Twitter yet? Here are a few quick tips to get you started:

  • It’s free and easy to join at
  • Go to and click “Follow” to make sure our messages show up in your feed.
  • A hashtag is a way to “file” tweets and collect them under a certain topic, so you’ll be able to see everything everyone is tweeting under this hashtag. Just search for #the3day in Twitter and you’ll be able to see everyone’s messages about the 3-Day, not just ours.
  • When writing your own messages, keep in mind that tweets can only be 140 characters at a time, so it’s best to keep things short n’ sweet.


If you can’t make this Tweet Chat, you can always search #The3Day on Twitter to see all of the tweets that came from this Tweet Chat. Do you have any questions? Ask here, and remember, the 3-Day coaches are only a phone call away at 800-996-3DAY!