May 2014 3-Day Meet-up Round-up and Tweet Chat Recap

The beautiful month of May brought us face-to-face with so many of our amazing Susan G. Komen 3-Day® participants and supporters. The warmer weather provided wonderful conditions for our many Komen 3-Day Training Kick-off Events, as well as other meetings and get-togethers. Come see where we’ve been!


In Michigan, new walkers gathered at a California Pizza Kitchen to share a meal and get advice from some seasoned 3-Day veterans. Michigan 3-Dayers also had some fun with wine at Michigan By The Bottle, and got their families involved at the Maybury State Park Family Meet-Up. Some of these events will be happening again in June, so check the calendar and don’t miss out!

Twin Cities

The Twin Cities Training Walk Kick-off event was on May 3rd. The 20+ participants in attendance started the morning off with a 3-mile walk around beautiful Lake Harriet, followed by a training workshop led by New Balance Outfitter, GEAR Running Store. The walkers were even supported by an awesome group of crew members/volunteers who set up a pit stop back at the store. Lots of 3-Day excitement!susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk twin cities trainingsusan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk twin cities training pit stopsusan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk twin cities training


Training walk leader Sandra led this group of Seattle participants on a fun and informative 3-mile Walk & Talk to Pioneer Park and back to Wanna Cupcake for a delicious ending. Check the June calendar at for more Seattle training events and meetings. susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk seattle training walk and talk


On May 3rd we had the Training Kick-off event for the Atlanta 3-Day. Nearly 40 gathered at the New Balance store, excited about the perfect walking weather that morning. They had the choice of an 8-mile or 4-mile route (most opted for the full 8), and once the walkers were out, a few wonderful crew members and coaches set up a pit stop, complete with water, oranges, bananas, bagels, and of course some Snickers. Back at the store after the walk, the coaches hosted a packing workshop while the New Balance folks helped with lots of shoe fittings. By the end, walkers were already asking about having another Training Kick-Off event at the 16 week-out mark. susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk atlanta trainingsusan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk training atlanta pit stopsusan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk training atlanta


Dallas/Fort Worth

3-Day coaches, walkers and crew members gathered for a Meet & Greet at The Vintage House, a charming 100+ year old home/shop in Historic Downtown Carrollton which is famously known as “The Pink House” – how perfect! susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk training dallas fort worth vintage house pinksusan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk training dallas fort worth vintage house pink

 San Diego

Like so many other 3-Day cities, San Diego kicked off its 24-week training schedule with a bang! Nearly 50 walkers and volunteers met at the Encinitas New Balance store. A representative from the local Susan G. Komen® affiliate gave an inspirational talk before the walkers were off on a 3- or 7-mile training walk (most jumped right in for the full 7!). They were even supported by two Route Safety crew members on bikes, and treated to a seaside pit stop along their route. susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk training san diegosusan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk training pit stopsusan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk training san diego

The 3-Day at the Race for the Cure®

Local Race for the Cure® events were held in a few of our 3-Day cities this past month, and the 3-Day coaches were on-hand to support the racers and say hello to our 3-Day family in attendance.

Saturday, May 10 – Twin Cities Race for the Cure  susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk twin cities race for the curesusan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk twin cities race for the cure

Sunday, May 11 – Philadelphia Race for the Cure  susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk philadelphia race for the cure

Sunday, June 1 – Puget Sound Race for the Curesusan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk seattle puget sound race for the curesusan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk seattle puget sound race for the cure


What? You missed out on these events in May? Well don’t you worry, because June is bursting with more meet-up opportunities in every 3-Day location. Find out where to find us at


Wait, there’s more! We even met up in cyberspace!

On May 29, the 3-Day hosted its very first Tweet Chat. We joined with dozens of 3-Day walkers and crew members on Twitter and spent over an hour swapping fundraising tips and advice. It was fast paced, fun and inspiring to see so many 3-Day participants sharing their ideas with each other in this virtual meeting room. We’ve posted some highlights below, but you can see the whole conversation by visiting the 3-Day Twitter page (, or searching for the hashtag #the3day, then scrolling to the May 29 posts. And of course, keep your eye on the 3-Day social networking sites for announcements about our next Tweet Chat, coming soon….


Ouch! – Some Common Muscle Aches on the 3-Day

I don’t think anyone would disagree that walking 60 miles in three days is tough. It is harder on some than others, but that amount of physical exertion is going to take its toll on just about everyone.

In my experience, here are a few of the problem areas, in terms of muscle soreness, that you’re likely to experience on the Susan G. Komen 3-Day®.

Glutes – While you’re out there kicking cancer’s booty, the strain of walking 60 miles may be kicking yours. You gluteal muscles are among the strongest and hardest working muscles in your body, and they work especially hard going up and down hills. The best stretches for your butt muscles involve squatting, so go ahead and strike your strongest “sumo” pose, or hold onto a friend while sitting back into an imaginary chair.

susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk training stretching

Shins – The muscles in your lower legs get quite a lot of action with all the walking you’ll be doing on the 3-Day, but you may have particular trouble with the muscles on the lower front part of your legs. Because of the way your feet flex, the shin muscles are generally harder to stretch than the calf muscles on the back of your leg, so it’s easy to neglect your shins when you stop to stretch. A good stretch for the shin muscles is to find a step or curb, point your toes down and gently push the tops of your toes against the curb. (*Note: if you are experiencing sharp pain along the shin bones in your legs, you may have shin splints, which are small, stressed-based tissue/bone injuries. Shin splints require more than just diligent stretching to manage and heal, so if you suspect you’re suffering from shin splints, talk to your doctor.)

susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk training stretching

Back – If you experience pain directly in the center of your back when you walk, down your spine, you should think about seeing a doctor or a chiropractor. However, even with tip-top vertebrae, you probably will still experience some muscle soreness in your back. Your legs may be getting most of the action, in terms of movement, but your back is working hard to keep the rest of you upright and balanced while you walk. The good thing is, you don’t have to stop walking to stretch your back muscles. You can twist side to side, reach your arms over your head, or squeeze your shoulder blades together while you’re moving to give those back muscles some relief.

susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk training stretching

Hip Flexors – This is the general term that collectively describes the group of muscles in your upper thigh and hip area, which allow you to bend at the hip. These muscles can become tight when exerted, and may feel especially sore when you begin moving again after sitting down for a time. The good news is, hip flexors are easy to stretch. There are many variations on hip flexor stretches, but in general, think about straightening the front of your thigh/hip area, pushing your hips forward and squeezing your butt muscles.

susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk training stretching

Bonus Body Part! – Long distance walking may lead to problems with your iliotibial band (also known as the IT band), which is the long band of fibrous tissue than runs down the outside of your thigh, connecting your hip to your knee; it’s not technically a muscle, but still can become tight and sore when exercised. Tightness in the IT band can lead to knee pain (among other things), so work some “supermodel” stretches (hands on waist, legs together, hip pushed out to one side) into your routine.


The best way for you to prepare for the physical demands of the Komen 3-Day is by training in the months leading up to your event. By gradually increasing your mileage week by week, you build up your body’s endurance. Training early and often also allows you to identify any potential problems before you get to the 3-Day®.

If you’re prone to blisters, have specific joint issues (like knee or hip trouble) or foot problems, like plantar fasciitis, you may need focused medical attention (always check with your doctor when issues like these arise), but if you’re just dealing with good ol’ sore muscles, you can keep the aching at bay by stretching consistently throughout the day.

*Obligatory Training Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor or a trainer, just a walker who’s been through the ringer many times, in terms of muscle soreness. The 3-Day advises all participants to consult with a physician before undertaking any new fitness routine, and if you experience pain or discomfort during training, seek medical attention.

3-Day Guest Post – A Mother’s Day Training Walk

Liz P. is a blogger on the lifestyle blog “Prior Fat Girl”. She is also a mom and a Susan G. Komen 3-Day® walker, and she joins us today for a guest post.

I’ve been training for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day® for a few months now, although training has been somewhat limited since I lead a busy life (but really, who doesn’t?). So last week, when we hit the 16-week mark I bumped my training walks up. I am still not perfectly following the plan but I am making an effort each day.

According to the 16-week suggested training schedule, Mother’s Day called for a 5-mile walk and to be honest, I was not in the mood. After all it was Mother’s Day, and I wanted to relax. I also felt guilty for spending time away from my family on such a family-focused day.

I had to work that morning and then we headed to my in-laws’ house for the rest of the day. But I planned ahead and I brought my walking gear along so I would be prepared to go for a walk. (My Mother’s Day gift was even a hydration belt for my training!) After lunch and a nap with my baby, I knew that it was time to head off for a walk. In fact, I had cut it a bit too close to do a full 5 miles, but I did not let that stop me from doing something.

susan g. komen 3-day breast cancer walk liz paul prior fat girl training

Though rain was in the forecast it was a beautiful spring day in MN. There was a brisk wind that was both warm and cool at the same time. Flowers were blooming and lots of people were out enjoying the precious sunshine. Leaving my kids in their grandparents care, I headed out.

As I walked on Mother’s Day I thought about my Grandma – Ruth Ann Mercer. She died when I was a teenager after 8 years of breast cancer and then other types as it metastasized. My Grandma was an amazing woman. She went to college in her 50s because she’d always regretted not being able to go when she was young. She majored in philosophy!

She did not let anything stop her when she set her mind to something, which is part of the reason I believe she lived for 8 years with breast cancer. In the end it was her decision to stop treatment and I remember gathering with her for our last goodbyes. In many ways I was too young to really understand her choice at the time, and had no real insight to ask to hear her stories and knowledge. I wish I could know that now. I miss her.

susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk liz paul prior fat girl grandmother

With each step on Sunday, I thought about my Grandma. I thought about the chocolate chips she kept in the pots and pans drawer in her house, in case of an emergency chocolate fix. I thought about how she could sew anything out of anything. I thought about learning to play Gin Rummy with her.

And I thought about how I am not able to introduce her to my new daughter or how I cannot take a 4-generation picture of the strong women in my family because of breast cancer. But perhaps my daughter will see breast cancer eradicated in her lifetime, or perhaps I’ll see it myself. I walk because I want people to know their grandmas.

I didn’t quite manage the full 5 miles. I made it 3 miles before rain and the promise of Mother’s Day dinner at the in-laws beckoned. I didn’t manage every step, but I did get out there and I trained. Training is hard as a mother of two young children. Training is hard when holding a full-time job. Training is hard because it is hard. But it is not as hard as cancer.

So I walk on Mother’s Day to train for 60 miles. I walk for my Grandma. I walk for my daughter’s future.