June 2014 Meet-up Round-up!

It’s hard to believe that 2014 is halfway over! Here in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day® world, this means that we’re even closer to the start of the event season, and Komen 3-Day walkers and crew members are busy preparing with training walks, meet-ups and clinics. The 3-Day® will be here before we know it! Take a look at some of our local events from June.


Members of two of Michigan’s largest teams, The BC Babes and the Hines Pink Pathers, joined forces to get to know each other a little better on a beautiful June training walk. susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk june training michigan

Twin Cities

Twin Cities walkers came out on June 28th to attend a Packing Workshop held at TC Running Co. in Eden Prairie. They learned some tips to make their 3-Day camping experience easy, comfortable and fun! New friendships were made, tenting partners were found and all enjoyed some delightful discounts off clothing and gear. They are ready to go!Komen_3Day_june_twin cities_get packed clinic


The Komen Puget Sound Race for the Cure took place on Sunday, June 1 at Seattle Center. There were over 7,000 participants this year, and 3-Day coaches Aubrey and Jon saw lots of 3-Day faces there. The weather held out and we had a beautiful event with lots of sunshine and plenty of friends. susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk june seattle puget sound race for the cure


Stone Mountain Park – the site of the Atlanta 3-Day Opening Ceremony – was the setting for a beautiful morning training walk. Coach Tara enjoyed some company with a great group of motivated ladies who walk there almost every weekend. susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk june stone mountain training walk

We discovered a new Walk & Talk path and some wonderful new walkers to join us. It was a very humid night, but we all made it and even enjoyed getting some training in on the hills. susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk june atlanta training lawrenceville

Dallas/Fort Worth

Coach Gayla rocks her signature selfie at this Walk & Talk in Richardson. susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk june dallas fort worth training

Eight walkers showed up for a Get Prepped Clinic in Rockwell, hosted by our friends at New Balance.susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk june get prepped clinic dallas fort worth rockwall

Nothing could dampen the spirits of Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day team Pink Soles in Motion, who trained right through the North Texas flooding rains on June 22nd. On their walk, they met a young woman who was holding a rummage sale to raise money for her friend who was recently diagnosed. It was a poignant reminder of why they walk.susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk june dallas fort worth pink soles in motion rain trainingsusan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk june dallas fort worth pink soles in motion rain training rummage sale

We had a great casual meet-up with new and veteran walkers at The Londoner in Frisco.susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk june dallas fort worth meet up londoner frisco

San Diego

Thirty-five wonderful walkers attended a Walk & Talk with Cliff’s Crew and friends in Fullerton. susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk june san diego fullerton cliffs crew

San Diego 3-Day coach Kim hopped in on a training walk in Daley Ranch. As Kim put it, “Sometimes we just want some dirt under our feet!”susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk june san diego daley ranch training

We had a great Walk & Talk in Encinitas – gorgeous day, 6 amazing miles and 15 fabulous people. susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk june san diego encinitas training walk

Bonus Meet-ups!

Chicagoland – As a special thank you for their dedication to the Susan G. Komen 3-Day, coaches Jennifer and Eileen hosted a Chicagoland 3-Day gathering on Thursday, June 5th in Park Ridge, IL. It was a night of fun, friendship and laughs. We had a wonderful time celebrating with our Chicagoland 3-Day community.susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk june chicagoland reunion

Tampa – Atlanta coach Tara ventured further south to the Sunshine State for a Walk & Talk with some Tampa Bay walkers, including members of Team 211. It was a morning walk along the Bayshore with 20 amazing women, and the morning included a beautiful sunrise, muffins, stingray sightings and a surprise birthday party for Team 211’s captain Sylvia—cake included, of course! Tara shared, “This team really is family, and I was so honored to be welcomed in and even invited back. They are working hard to keep the Tampa walkers engaged and excited to make their travels to other 3-Day cities.”susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk june tampa team 211susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk june tampa


Looking to find a meet-up in your area? Check out the 3-Day calendar of events here.

Reenergizing Your 3-Day Fundraising

The story is not uncommon: you registered for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day® months ago, and you got started on your fundraising right away. You had a nice rush of donations at the beginning from people who were excited about the challenge and commitment you were undertaking with the Komen 3-Day. But at some point, the rush slowed to a trickle, and perhaps has now stopped completely. Yes, you’ve hit the dreaded 3-Day® fundraising plateau.


If your 3-Day fundraising has hit a lull, here are some quick tips to keep things moving forward.

Work the Follow-ups! – If you sent out a fundraising email or letter and responses have slowed, send a follow-up message to everyone you sent the original message to (including people who have already donated). The follow-ups allow you to do a few key actions:

  • Publicly thank those who have already donated. I’ve actually had donors give a second time as a result of being thanked in a follow-up email!
  • Give everyone an update on your fundraising and training progress. (“I just finished my first 10 mile training walk!” “I’m halfway to my fundraising goal!”) Keeping your donors engaged and involved in your journey will compel them to give.
  • Remind those who have not donated yet that it’s not too late! In all likelihood, they’ve just forgotten and will appreciate the gentle reminder nudge. As a donor who has supported my friends’ fundraising efforts for the 3-Day and other events, I know that I most often give on the second (or sometimes even the third) email.

Set a Deadline – Even though you have until just before your 3-Day event to finish your fundraising, there are countless benefits to reaching your goal early. Go ahead and set a deadline for yourself and share it with your donors. And it doesn’t have to be a deadline for raising the full $2300; for example, you could ask your donors to help you raise $700 in the month of July (the seventh month). The pressure of a deadline can be very persuasive and will help eliminate the “I’ll get to it later” mentality that donors sometimes fall into.

Try a Fundraising Event – If your go-to strategy so far has been fundraising with a one-on-one ask (sending emails, posting on Facebook, asking face-to-face), add some new energy and variety by holding a fundraising event. These events can be elaborate, but certainly don’t have to be. A simple garage sale or a well-positioned bake sale can often yield hundreds of dollars or more. See if your local market will let you set up a table outside. Get the kids involved and set up a lemonade stand at a nearby park or beach on a warm summer day (pink lemonade, naturally). Be sure to put out copies of your 3-Day donation form and/or your 3-Day business cards; there’s a great chance that some of your patrons will be inspired to give more when they get home!

The 3-Day Blog has loads of fundraising posts, and your 3-Day Participant Center is your fundraising idea headquarters. Still need ideas or inspiration? Call the coaches at 800-996-3DAY!