Michigan Coaches’ Favorite Memories


It’s officially the two-week countdown to our 2017 Michigan 3-Day! Who is getting excited? Our Michigan 3-Day Coaches sure are! Coaches Jennifer, Gina and Heather can’t wait to welcome all the Michigan walkers to their home state—whether you’re a fellow local or flying in from out of town—and get started on the journey with you.

While we count down the days, the coaches shared some of their favorite memories of 3-Days past, why they can’t wait for this year’s walk, and more!


What are your favorite memories of the Michigan 3-Days past?

Gina: The community! Our Michigan community is one that is unique, spirited and wonderful all wrapped into one. For 3 days, you’ll find the streets lined with supporters cheering on our participants, and sharing in the vision of a world without breast cancer. Just like we need our Michigan participants, we need those who lift our walkers and crew members and share in their 3-Day journey through cheers heard all weekend.

Jennifer: Well, many of my favorite memories happen behind the scenes with my co-workers when we are being very silly. It happens when you work long hours like we do but we have so much fun doing it. One memory that stands out is surprising team Breast Man Walking with fountain diet cokes on the route.  We had passed them and came across a convenience store so we swung in and I literally popped out of the bushes with diet cokes in my hands to surprise them with a treat.


Tell us a great Youth Corps memory!

Jennifer: I love seeing the kids blossom over the course of the weekend. They seem a little shy on Thursday but by Sunday they are cheering and dancing and having so much fun. How can you not smile about that?

Gina: I just love the Youth Corps, our friends in yellow! Some come to the 3-Day more shy than others, but by the end of the weekend they are the ones dancing on stage and greeting the walkers into camp. Our Youth Corps kids form lasting friendships and many go onto to become walkers themselves. It’s a beautiful thing to give back and be part of something bigger than yourself and our Youth Corps is learning this lesson from a young age.


Do you have any memories or fun stories about your fellow coaches?

Gina: I have known Jennifer for many years and have been recently blessed to meet Heather. What I can say about them both is that there is never a dull moment. Can’t wait to see what adventures the Michigan 3-Day brings! I know for sure we’ll work hard but have lots of laughs.

What are some of your favorite Michigan spots?

Heather: My favorite place to eat is J. Baldwins on the Eastside in Clinton Township. My favorite place to play would have to be my cottage in Lexington.

Jennifer: Along the route, I love Plymouth for sure!  And on Sunday, the very long line of cheerleaders.


What are you looking forward to on this year’s walk?

Heather: I’m looking forward to getting the behind-the-scenes experience as a staff member as opposed to my past experience as a walker. Kind of like getting a glimpse of Oz behind the curtain!

Jennifer: Working with my new partner in crime, Coach Heather!

What are your favorite Michigan 3-Day memories? What are you looking forward to this year? Share with us in the comments!



David of Cleveland Cleavage and the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Community

Those who know the Susan G. Komen 3-Day® know that above all, the Komen 3-Day is a family. New and returning participants alike are greeted with open arms, warmly welcomed into a bold community that is bravely fighting breast cancer with passion, drive and stamina. We caught up with David G. and several of his Cleveland Cleavage teammates, to learn more about what the 3-Day® means to them.

David and his Cleveland Cleavage teammate Tina head to the lunch stop on Day 3 of the Michigan 3-Day.

David and his Cleveland Cleavage teammate Tina head to the lunch stop on Day 3 of the Michigan 3-Day.

David’s friendly blue eyes twinkle as he recounts his numerous 3-Day events; all told, David has raised over $24,000 in the 11 3-Day events he’s been a part of (nine as a walker and two as a crew member). David became involved in the Komen community in 2005 by participating in several Race for the Cure® events in Cleveland with Nancy, a decades-long friend who was battling breast cancer. David decided to walk the 3-Day for her and several other people in his life who were lost to cancer. “I decided to surprise her in 2010 and told her that I was going to be doing the 3-Day. She was over the moon happy. I did it in July of 2010 in Cleveland, did the final Race for the Cure with her two months later, and then about three weeks later she took her final turn, after a ten year fight. I walk for her, and for my grandma, my best friend, my neighbor. I’m walking for them all,” said David.

Like David, his new Cleveland Cleavage teammate Rachel K., from Macomb, Michigan, also has a very personal connection to the cause. As the daughter of a breast cancer survivor, Rachel remembers those she’s walking for as a way to keep her inspired on the route. “I always remember the reasons why I’m walking. Don’t forget, because those people are cheering you on. That’s what gets me through.” Rachel walked the 3-Day once before in 2008. (Fun fact: Rachel joined the Cleveland Cleavage team after seeing the team’s photos on Instagram!)

In addition to Rachel, David was joined this weekend in Michigan by several other members of the Cleveland Cleavage team, and his face lights up as he describes his love for Cleveland. “Born there, raised there, lived there my entire life. I love Cleveland!” While the team’s name is inspired by the Ohio city, the sixteen members of the team (including one Youth Corps member) are from all over the country, including Michigan, California, Kansas, Missouri, and Virginia. “We’ve got half the country represented,” David jokes.

What does this bunch think of walking Michigan, even when their team names boasts an allegiance to Cleveland? “I could almost throw a rock at Michigan from there,” David says of Cleveland. “I’m blessed to still be so close to an event,” he said. “I’m driving to Philly and flying to San Diego, so distance won’t deter me.” He adds, “Plymouth was the most awesome cheering station I’ve ever seen.” That’s saying a lot, from a guy with David’s level of experience.

David and Jodi, a member of Cleveland Cleavage

David and Jodi, a member of Cleveland Cleavage

David’s love of the Cleveland community also echoes in the way he’s successfully raised funds over the years. David describes his fundraising efforts as creative and local, including several types of events like bowling parties and wing nights. “I just try to come up with new things,” he said.

It’s a pleasure talking with David and his teammates, and before we know it, their lunch break has ended and they’re ready to keep moving. I know that with the Michigan 3-Day Closing Ceremony just a few hours away, this may be the last time I see David on this event, but I smile knowing I’ll spot his tall, smiling personage in more 2014 3-Day cities. His parting thoughts? “Enjoy the moment. Enjoy the people. Enjoy the atmosphere. If you walk all 60, great. But you’ve already done the hard part by fundraising to get here. And that’s where you help the cause. The walk is a celebration of that.”