Top Ten Signs You Might be a 3-Day Crew Member

Last month, we shared the Top Ten Signs You Might be a 3-Day Walker. We couldn’t possibly leave out the crew, now could we?

10. Going out and driving your car just doesn’t feel right, somehow, if it’s not blaring music, and covered in flair.

susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk blog crew van decoration

Your glove compartment is full of window paint too, isn’t it.

9. You “shop” for your Halloween costume in your own closet.

susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk blog crew costumes

Pretty princess. The gal on the right is lovely too.

8. Siri asks you, “Are you sure about that?” when she sees what time you set your alarm to wake up.

susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk blog crew early

Sooooo early, and yet, so happy.

7. On chore day, your partner asks you to help with the sweeping, so you go get in your car and drive around looking for people holding their arms in an X over their heads.

susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk blog crew sweep

After this, we’re going to pick up trash for fun!

6. Instead of “Where are you?” you text your husband, “What’s your twenty?”

susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk blog crew

Pick up milk on the way home? Copy that.

5. Your bike wears women’s undergarments. Proudly.

susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk blog crew motorcycle bra

This ride takes unleaded gas and a 42DD.

4. All you want for your birthday is a Leatherman and some work gloves so that you can be better and faster at cutting the zip ties you got for Christmas.

susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk blog crew zip ties

They come in packs of 1,000, which should last you a month or two.

3. You stand by the treadmills at your gym so you can cheer for the people walking. They don’t seem to mind, except for when you stop their machines once an hour to remind them to stretch.

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I’ll totally fill your water bottle too.

 2. At parties, your “signature cocktail” is six gallons of perfectly proportioned Gatorade.

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We’re bringing string cheese apps to the potluck too.

 1. You gladly take 4 days of vacation time to volunteer and make a difference in the fight to end breast cancer.

susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk blog crew

Because: this.


Part 7 of the ABC’s of the Susan G. Komen 3-Day

Welcome to the final part of the ABC’s of the Susan G. Komen 3-Day®! This special alphabet is made up of 26 people, places or things you’ll encounter on the Komen 3-Day. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out Part 1 (Letters A – D), Part 2 (Letters E – H), Part 3 (Letters I – L), Part 4 (Letters M – P), Part 5 (Letters Q-T), and Part 6 (Letters U – W). Do you have ideas for letters you don’t see here? Share your ideas for each letter here on the 3-Day blog or with us on Facebook. You can also help us spread the word about the 3-Day® by pinning these images on Pinterest, or sharing the ABC’s of the 3-Day album on Facebook. The more people who learn about the 3-Day, the more we can make a difference in the fight to end breast cancer forever.

Enjoy exercising and walking 60 miles in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day.

Training for the 3-Day by walking counts as plenty of exercise, but we also recommend that you incorporate cross-training into your exercise regimen as well. Doing a wide variety of exercise will ensure you are prepared for your 3-Day experience.

Young Women Walking Susan G. Komen 3-Day End Breast Cancer

Young Women Walking or YW², is a special team of 16 to 23 year-old women who raise $750 each, walk one day of the 3-Day event and are critical in helping us spread awareness about breast cancer. Learn more at

See also: Youth Corps

Use Ziploc bags during packing for the Susan G Komen 3 Day to keep your things dry

Ziploc® bags are an essential item to include when you’re packing for the 3-Day – just ask any experienced walker. Pack your clothes in individual Ziploc bags to keep them dry and protected from the morning dew in your tent, and put dusty, worn clothes in them after a day of walking.



Now that you know the 3-Day ABC’s, what people, places, or things would you assign to each letter of the 3-Day Crew ABC’s? Let us know!


Fabulous Fundraising Resources in Your 3-Day Participant Center

You Susan G. Komen 3-Day® Participant Center is chock full of amazing tools and resources to help prepare you for the Komen 3-Day. The best advice I can give when it comes to your Participant Center is to log in sometime when you have a good 30 minutes or more to just explore. Click around on all the different links and discover what goodies are waiting inside.

I could devote a whole series of blog posts to detailing the amazing tools in the 3-Day® Participant Center, but today, I want to focus on a few fundraising gems.

You can find the fundraising resources by logging in, then clicking Fundraise in the left-side navigation menu. susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk blog fundraising tools participant center

From there, click on Fundraising Tools.susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk blog fundraising tools participant center

Here, you will find dozens of links to fundraising materials, including:

When you’re done poking around and have gathered heaps of amazing strategies, get back to the Home Page by clicking Participant Center Home in the left-side menu. susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk blog fundraising tools participant center

Now, look to the menu on the other side of the screen and click the pink colored button that says Progress. susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk blog fundraising tools participant center

This will open a screen that shows you exactly how much you’ve raised and who has donated to you and when. Did you know that your donors can leave you personal messages when they donate (different from the public messages that scroll on your fundraising Honor Roll)? You’ll see them here! And, you can even download a list of your donors, complete with addresses to send those heartfelt thank you notes to. susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk blog fundraising tools participant center

Your 3-Day fundraising is a big commitment, so we give you big tools to tackle the challenge. Spend some time with your Participant Center, and if you ever have questions that you can’t find the answers to, our 3-Day coaches are just a phone call away at 800-996-3DAY.