Last month, we shared the Top Ten Signs You Might be a 3-Day Walker. We couldn’t possibly leave out the crew, now could we?
10. Going out and driving your car just doesn’t feel right, somehow, if it’s not blaring music, and covered in flair.
9. You “shop” for your Halloween costume in your own closet.
8. Siri asks you, “Are you sure about that?” when she sees what time you set your alarm to wake up.
7. On chore day, your partner asks you to help with the sweeping, so you go get in your car and drive around looking for people holding their arms in an X over their heads.
6. Instead of “Where are you?” you text your husband, “What’s your twenty?”
5. Your bike wears women’s undergarments. Proudly.
4. All you want for your birthday is a Leatherman and some work gloves so that you can be better and faster at cutting the zip ties you got for Christmas.
3. You stand by the treadmills at your gym so you can cheer for the people walking. They don’t seem to mind, except for when you stop their machines once an hour to remind them to stretch.
2. At parties, your “signature cocktail” is six gallons of perfectly proportioned Gatorade.
1. You gladly take 4 days of vacation time to volunteer and make a difference in the fight to end breast cancer.