2016 Atlanta 3-Day Opening Ceremony Speakers—We Are the 3-Day

This morning, we celebrated the start of the 2016 Susan G. Komen Atlanta 3-Day with a lovely and inspiring Opening Ceremony. Walkers ready to take the first steps of their 60-mile journey were joined by crew members and supporters as everyone renewed the shared promise of ending breast cancer forever, one footstep at a time.

We were honored to welcome some special Atlanta 3-Day participants to the stage as part of the Opening Ceremony. These men and women shared their own inspirations—both heart-warming and heartbreaking—for being part of the 3-Day. #WeAreThe3Day

Roslyn Konter – My Sister img_6171 “I walk for my wonderful sister-in-law, Sherry Konter, who would have been 62 this year had she not been taken by this insidious disease almost 16 years ago. I also walk for my mother, Bobbie Pollard, who was a 36-year breast cancer survivor when she died at almost 85. I’m Roslyn and I AM the 3-Day.”

Jake Stefan – My Friend img_6175 “Why do I crew? Well, simply put, it is because I walked 60 miles once, and y’all are crazy! But really. I crew for you, all my 3-Day friends. You are fighting the good fight to put an end to this nasty disease. You are fighting to protect my family, my friends, and me. I’m Jake and I AM the 3-Day.”

Mary Sorrel – My Family img_6170 “Fifteen years ago, when a friend who had recovered from breast cancer asked me to walk with her, I didn’t hesitate for a minute. My father died of liver cancer and my brother-in-law had recently died of a brain tumor. All these miles later, I’m still walking, and while we haven’t found a cure, we know so much more than we did. Just last year, my husband was successfully treated for prostate cancer. I believe that if Komen can unlock the cure for breast cancer, it will lead to breakthroughs for all cancers. I’m Mary and I AM the 3-Day.”

Megan Blair – My Mother img_6178 “I walk because breast cancer threatened to take my momma from me when I was only 18 years old. I walk because there was a time when she couldn’t. I walk because now… she can! I walk because of her strength, relentless courage and because of her fight. I walk so that my babies will never have to know what it’s like to fear losing their momma to breast cancer. I’m Megan and I AM the 3-Day.”

Angela Baldwin – My Children img_6165 “I walk in honor of the many friends who have fought and won their battles against breast cancer. I walk in memory of the loved ones that have been lost. I walk so that someday, my children will never have to fear losing a loved one to cancer. I’m Angela and I AM the 3-Day.”

Kurt Grainger – My Wife img_6166 “I’m walking for two reasons. First, it helps my late wife, Gail, complete her bucket list. When she was told her breast cancer was terminal, she set the goal to walk in EVERY 3-Day city. Atlanta is the last one on her list. I also walk for my daughter, Britain Grainger. We have to find a cure. I’m Kurt and I AM the 3-Day.”


Together, we are strong. Together, we can defeat breast cancer. Together, we are the 3-Day.

The Atlanta 3-Day Coaches Talk About…The Atlanta 3-Day Coaches!

They’re the helpful cheerleaders on the other end of the phone call or email when you have questions or concerns. They’re the smiling faces welcoming you and your teams at meet-ups and workshops and building up community excitement for the 3-Day. They’re the guiding hands leading the crew captains and teams to greatness. That’s right, they’re your Susan G. Komen 3-Day® coaches!

As we’ve prepared to return to each of the seven splendid 3-Day locations this year, we’ve been taking a few minutes to catch up with the coaches from each event. You’ve gotten to know them pretty well over the past couple of years on the 3-Day blog and this year, instead of letting them talk about themselves, I asked their fellow coaches to do it for them!

The Atlanta coaches—Tara, Susan and Libby—are the stars of the show today! Click here to see what we knew about them already, and keep reading to see what they each had to say about each other.

Tara, Susan and Libby

Tara, Susan and Libby

Tara (Atlanta Local Events Coach)

“Tara is full of energy, funny, and totally loves the 3-Day. She truly cares about our participants and is a great resource for them. She’s an amazing listener, and will go out of her way to make sure that participants have great experiences whether it’s a training walk, meeting or the 3-Day itself. She is always able to jump in with fun ideas for our local events, and she’s the creative and crafty one who makes sure everything is planned just right. She has so much knowledge from her years of being on tour with the 3-Day, and she is so great about sharing that knowledge to ensure that everything is perfect on event.”– Susan

“Tara is exactly the motivation that our walkers need and love.  She is quick and witty and always makes the best out of every situation. Her ‘get it done’ attitude makes our team dynamic and not only productive but fun.” – Libby

Susan (Atlanta Participant Support Coach)

“Susan is your go-to girl.  She takes care of all of us and is the queen of follow-up. If she doesn’t have the answer she will quickly find it for you. She is kind and thoughtful and a perfect match to our trio.” – Libby

“Susan is top notch. She knows it all and it’s no surprise that if I have a question she is the first person I can go to for an answer. She hears from all of our walkers and is always on top of communicating with them and making sure they are all well supported. She always wants what’s best for them and I am so inspired by her commitment to them. She also is an all-around super co-worker and we connect on so many levels.” – Tara

Libby (Atlanta Crew & Volunteer Coordinator)

“Libby is so in touch with her crew and her captains that they are always willing to come and support us during pre-event meetings and events. They are like family to Libby and she knows so much about each of them. She is protective of what the crew needs and lets us know how they need to be supported and encouraged. As a team mate she is so fun to work with and joke with!” – Tara

“Libby is amazing at working with our crew and volunteers. The job requires incredible flexibility as there are so many moving parts and constant changes. She always stays calm, and is a true advocate for her crew to make sure that they are well taken care of. I love watching her interact with the crew, she is absolutely loved. She is also hilarious and so fun to work with!” – Susan

The Whole Atlanta Team!

Without even being asked, all three of the Atlanta coaches also had some lovely comments about the team overall.

Tara said, “I would describe the Atlanta team as all around KICK-BUTT. Supportive, in sync, jubilant, motivated and involved! We always have such a great time going out on event together and seeing our participants and mingling with them. We always go to the same Mexican restaurant on our event, we had a great time getting ready for our Komen Impact Forum and I personally truly couldn’t be more thankful for the support when I had baby Reid and the baby shower, and the endless advice and love they showed me during that time!”

“We are so lucky that we all live in the same city,” Susan shared. “My most favorite memories are our on-event shenanigans while we spend time traveling from place to place. Typically it involves me getting teased a bit (I may or may not be a whiz with the GPS), or finding some good Mexican food. No matter what it is, we always have fun together, and enjoy celebrating at the end of each season.”

And Libby said, “Our team is really a great mix of personalities and strengths. We really work so well together! We have gelled as a team from our first year together and we just seem to get better every year.”


Do you know the Atlanta coaches? How would you describe these fabulous ladies?

Atlanta 3-Day – 2016 Route Update!

Last year on the 3-Day® blog, we shared some detailed “Insider’s Peek at the Route” posts with you. We pulled the curtain back on the overall process of planning and executing a 60-mile route, and then got even more in-depth with each individual 3-Day walk’s route.

This year, we don’t need to dive quite so deep, since most of what we shared last year still applies. But we definitely wanted to keep you looped-in with the updates and changes that have been made to the 3-Day routes for 2016. We’re also bringing in members of the 3-Day Advisory Council to share their thoughts about the 2016 changes. These participants stand as the “voice” of the 3-Day community and their input has been instrumental in strengthening the communication and camaraderie between Komen and the 3-Day family, so we’re thrilled to have their insight here on our route updates.

We’ve previously shared route updates for Michigan, Twin Cities and Seattle, and today, Atlanta is front and center!

Need a refresher about what the Atlanta 3-Day route was like last year? Read our 2015 “Insider’s Peek” post here.

New for 2016 – Meredith, the Event Planning Manager for the Atlanta 3-Day told me that the 2016 event doesn’t have too many major differences from last year. Day 1 starts in Stone Mountain again, and should look pretty familiar except for a few changes on the last two miles before camp. On Saturday morning, the first half of Day 2’s route will be a reverse of Day 2 from last year; in other words, the morning route out of camp up to lunch will be the same route that brought walkers from lunch to camp on Day 2 last year (of course, there will be other pit stops in between). Meanwhile, the entire second half of Day 2’s route this year, from lunch back to camp, is brand new. With regard to Sunday’s course, Meredith shared, “You’ll also see some changes on Day 3: Atlanta Pride is happening the same weekend as the Atlanta 3-Day, so on Sunday, we’ll have to go around Piedmont Park, rather than through it as we have in the past. You’ll also see a few changes to middle miles of Day’s 3 route.” The Closing Ceremony will be at Turner Field again. Meredith pointed out a couple of highlights that walkers can look forward to in Atlanta this year: “Get your cameras ready for a photo op on the Jackson St. bridge, made famous by The Walking Dead. And Atlanta’s new Beltline Trail will play a starring role in our Day 2 and Day 3 routes this year.” She also added, “And yes, Atlanta never disappoints in the hills department and some of the city sidewalks are a little rough around the edges, but hopefully our Atlanta walkers have been preparing for that!”

In Their Words – Here’s what Charles, Beth and Sylvia, three of our 3-Day Advisory Council members, had to say about the 2016 Atlanta updates:

Charles (5-year Atlanta 3-Day crew member) – The Atlanta 3-Day will mark Charles’s sixth year as a crew member and his fifth year as the captain of the Traffic Control crew team. Since he hasn’t walked in the 3-Day before and spends most of his crew time in camp, Charles didn’t have much feedback about the changes to this year’s Atlanta route. But he did say, “I think the route is good! My wife (this is her 6th year as a walker) is disappointed about not going through Piedmont Park, but she is looking forward to the Belt Line trails.” Charles and his wife Renee participate in the 3-Day in honor of Renee’s mother, who is a breast cancer survivor.


Charlie, on right

Beth (2x Atlanta walker) – Beth, a breast cancer survivor herself, is excited to be returning to the Atlanta 3-Day after completing her first walk last year in Atlanta. Beth shared, “I am going to miss walking through Piedmont Park, but think the Beltline will be a great addition.” One other thing Beth enjoys about walking in Atlanta in October is the excitement of fall and the upcoming holidays. “I love walking through the areas that always have their homes decorated for Halloween.”

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Sylvia (11-year 3-Day walker) – Sylvia, who lives in Florida, will be walking in Atlanta this year for the second time. “I love the parks, and the beautiful trees and old homes. I love Stone Mountain, and the wildness of it.” Asked what she thinks about the route updates, she said, “The changes are truly going to help. I can’t wait to see the new routes, as I went to college here and it is a trip back in time for me.” Having such a long history with the 3-Day, Sylvia had some other thoughts to share “It is truly the journey that brings you to the awareness of why each of us are here. We have our own personal reasons for wanting to travel this path…but each of us, in our hearts, shares a passion for doing something, somehow, to make a difference, to change a life…to find a cure. Each of us, as we walk these miles, travel not only the journey of the road, but also the journey of our hearts. Each of us become one of a family that is united across all boundaries, to do what we can to truly make a difference, and we know that each step does make a difference.” Beautifully said, Sylvia.

sylvia campbell 2.jpg

Keep an eye on the 3-Day blog in the coming weeks when we’ll continue sharing updates about the remaining 2016 3-Day routes.