New Year’s Resolutions from the 3-Day Team

As we kick off this new year, and the new decade, there is no time like the present to set your goals and plans for 2020. Whether yours are personal or professional, for this month or more long-term, setting goals help you make the most of your year. If you haven’t yet, it’s also the perfect time to commit 3 days and join our 3-Day family!

Take inspiration from your 3-Day coaches and team as you set your own 2020 resolutions.

Coach Liz

I am starting early, so it’s not really a traditional New Year’s Resolution, but I am going to get back into shape and start working out every day. Wish me luck!

Coach Molly

I will do my part to help spread the pink bubble cheer all year long! I also want to write once a day, either on my blog, in my journal or a letter/card/postcard!

Stephanie from Susan G. Komen

While I don’t make official resolutions, I DO want to make some changes, so I’m going to start small. I will be focusing on one small thing I can change that will make a difference. The first thing I’m going to do is start getting up 30 minutes earlier. This will give me time to plan my day, work out and have breakfast without feeling rushed to jump on the computer and start working! Who is joining me?

Coach Gayla

My 2020 New Year’s Resolution is to utilize my Fitbit and all of its amazing tools, like tracking exercise, steps, water and calorie intake. Here’s to accountability in the biggest way!

Coach Tisho

I want to spend more time riding my new bike. Her name is Ladybug! She’s my first real bike (unless you count the one that I got when I was 9 but that was over 35 years ago! )

Coach Amy

My 2020 resolution is simple: To shine bright.

It’s inspired by this quote that I love…

“A good life is a not a place at which you arrive, it is a lens through which you see and create the world.” — Jonathan Fields

Coach Heather

I will be taking my “I Choose ME” campaign one step further and buying a new home!

Erin from Susan G. Komen

I am going to drink more water and give up soda!


Are you committing 3 days in 2020? What are your goals and resolutions for the year?

Tell us in the comments!