Our Top Blog Posts of 2018…and Why You Should Still Read them in 2019!

Just because 2018 is over, doesn’t mean we can’t continue to learn from the year that was. We’ve compiled your favorite blog posts from the past year (and even further back) to help you start preparing for 2019. These are the posts that participants felt were most helpful, so as you decide to commit to the 3-Day this year, you’re going to want to keep these bookmarked…

3 Reasons to Do a Breast Cancer Walk: If you need an extra boost of motivation to commit to the 3-Day in 2019, this is the perfect post for you! It’s short and sweet, but really gets to the heart of just how important the 3-Day is in the fight against breast cancer.

Wet Weather Walking Tips: This is an oldie but a goodie. We don’t let a little liquid sunshine stop us on the 3-Day, so it’s important to train and walk safely in the rain. This is chock full of great advice for staying warm and dry, no matter the weather!

What You Can Expect from a 60-Mile Walk for Breast Cancer: The 3-Day is the furthest you can go in the fight against breast cancer. Walking 60 miles is no joke! If you’re new to the 3-Day, a past 20-Mile walker, or looking to recruit new teammates, this is a great introduction of what you can expect from your 3-Day weekend.

Pick Your Pack: Waist Pack vs. Backpack Debate: Which will you choose? Everyone has a preference and it’s time to take a side! Are you Team Waist Pack? Or Team Backpack?

Every Question You’ve Had About Multi-Day Walks: It’s only natural to have questions about the 3-Day. It’s a life-changing event that’s also a huge commitment! Even if you’ve been walking for years, there are bound to be questions that come up along the way. We hope this post answers all of them! If not, comment on the post so we can keep the conversation going.

Then, if you need more inspiration…we have some extra ideas!

Our Inspiration Page is updated throughout the year with awesome photos, informational graphics, holiday announcements, and motivational phrases. It’s a great resource to use for content at team meetings, or to share on your social media pages.

The Photos Page is (unsurprisingly) always one of our most-visited pages on the blog. It is the best spot to go if you want to re-live the 3-Day magic, find your favorite photo of you and your breast pals or just need a smile on a hectic day.

What blog posts or pages did you find most helpful this year? Link to them below to spread knowledge and inspiration!

And, don’t forget to commit to the 3-Day in 2019! If you register by February 4th, you’ll automatically get $20 off. No code required! There is no better time to commit to end breast cancer.

Philadelphia 3-Day Weather Update and Wet Weather Walking Tips

If you’ve been to the Susan G. Komen 3-Day® before, you know that part of the excitement of the journey is discovering all of the wonderful surprises awaiting you on the route and at camp. The Komen 3-Day is such an amazing experience that sometimes even Mother Nature can’t wait to play along, and this weekend in Philadelphia, we are expecting rain, wind and cooler temperatures. While you may have heard about the possible severe weather from Hurricane Joaquin, at this point, it looks as if  he’s not likely to crash our party on the 3-Day®. We want to assure you that the 3-Day staff is closely monitoring the weather, and we’ll adjust plans accordingly. Our participants’ safety is our first priority, and we’re doing everything we can to make sure that our walkers, crew members and volunteers are supported and safe.


What can you do to help? Be prepared! The following are our top five wet and cool weather walking tips. A little preparation can go a long way for your comfort.

  • Sock it to me: Many walkers carry an extra pair of socks in their walking pack to change at the lunch stop each day anyway, but we recommend on wet walking days that you bring as many extra pairs of socks as you can fit in your walking pack. Keep them dry in plastic bags until you’re ready to put them on. Keeping your tootsies as dry as possible is one way to ensure 60 miles of smiles.
  • Lay on the layers: You won’t be taking a short stroll in the park, and even in the rain, your body is working hard to get you where you need to go. Dress in moisture-wicking layers so you can easily change for your comfort. High quality, seamless tights may prevent wet pants and thighs from rubbing and chafing, and a durable rain jacket that extends longer than your torso will help keep chafing-prone areas dry and comfortable.
  • Shoes you can use: Even if it’s not raining, we recommend participants bring two pairs of broken-in shoes, but it’s even more important when walking in wet conditions. If you soak a pair of shoes one day, you’ll have a dry pair to start with the next day.
  • Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate: Just because your skin is being rained on doesn’t mean water is going where it needs to. Remember to keep hydrated, alternating water and sports drink, and stopping to use the restrooms at every pit stop.
  • Read this blog post: It’s chock full of additional wet and cool weather walking tips, including two methods that can help you keep your feet as dry as possible.

Also, be sure you’re signed up for 3-Day Text Alerts, which will keep you informed with event-related news and announcements sent directly to your mobile device.

We’ll continue to keep you updated if anything changes, but for now, rest assured that we’re closely monitoring the situation with your safety and comfort in mind. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our coaches at 800-996-3DAY. See you in Philly – rain or shine!