2016 Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day Route Update

Last year on the 3-Day® blog, we shared some detailed “Insider’s Peek at the Route” posts with you. We pulled the curtain back on the overall process of planning and executing a 60-mile route, and then got even more in-depth with each individual 3-Day walk’s route.

This year, we wanted to keep you looped-in with the updates and changes that have been made to the 3-Day routes for 2016. We’re also bringing in members of the 3-Day Advisory Council to share their thoughts about the 2016 changes. These participants stand as the “voice” of the 3-Day community and their input has been instrumental in strengthening the communication and camaraderie between Komen and the 3-Day family, so we’re thrilled to have their insight here on our route updates. We’ve previously shared route updates for MichiganTwin Cities, Seattle, Atlanta and Philadelphia, and today, Dallas/Fort Worth is front and center!

Need a refresher about what the Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day route was like last year? Read our 2015 “Insider’s Peek” post here.

New for 2016

We chatted with Kiki, the amazing Event Planning Manager for the Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day, and the awesome Coach Gayla. They used feedback from seasoned walkers to make a few small changes between pit stop 3 and pit stop 4 on Day 1. Coach Gayla said “We’ll visit a new stretch just off of Forest Lane that will be a welcome change to our long time #DFW3Day walkers on Day 1. You’ll also be greeted by Susan G. Komen Headquarters staff members and the three Komen Affiliates from Greater Fort Worth, North Texas and Dallas County along the Survivor Stretch from pit stop 4 to camp.”

On Day 2, the total mileage will be one mile less than before, to give your sore feet a break. “Day 2 and 3 you’ll see a new Cheer Corps spot that has never been seen before. Soak up the love from them and I know you’ll appreciate the surprise break,” said Coach Gayla.


On Day 3, “There’s a small change in Downtown Dallas after pit stop 3, with a pretty straight shot to Deep Ellum where you’ll get the final uplift you’ll need from private cheer stations before you enter Fair Park and the new Participant Finish Area,” she said. The Participant Finish Area at Closing Ceremony is getting a makeover, with a new gathering area with grass, shade, and a much more comfortable atmosphere for family and friends. The Victory Walk will also be a little bit different from last year, freshening up those amazing final few steps until Closing Ceremony.


In Their Words  We asked Thomas and Melissa, two of our 3-Day Advisory Council members who are participating in the Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day, for their thoughts on the 2016 route updates.


Thomas (3x participant) – Thomas, a member of Dallas/Fort Worth team Presbytittans, said, “There are three parts I’ve always looked forward to since my first walk: I love the elementary school where the children are outside and cheering; I look forward to coming back through the tunnel on the Brookhaven campus; and the stroll through Deep Ellum on the way to Fair Park is always a treat.” He encourages first-timers to really take their time through downtown Dallas on Sunday. “There’s a tendency to ’finish strong‘ after lunch on Sunday, but enjoy the sights of downtown,” he said. How about any awesome Kodak Moments for our 3-Dayers? “Most of my pictures over the years have been at cheering stations and at the beginning/ending of the route. However, I always get asked to be the person to take pictures for others at the fire stations!”

Melissa (10+ year participant) – When we asked Melissa what she loved about the Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day, she said many of the same things as Thomas. “I think the best and most consistent parts of the route would be the HUGE cheer stations. Many ladies really love the Richardson Firefighters who happily pose for photos on their truck, and there are always school kids who line the playground fence to give us a high five!” Melissa and her husband also always find the B I G letters and snap a few pics like the one below. Does she have any other advice for walkers who are about to hit the streets for the Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day? “The weather is always gorgeous, but being Texas, it can change quickly – so please check the weather frequently and even if the forecast is warm and dry, bring gear for cold and wet! Also beware of curbs! We have a LOT of them!”


We can’t wait to see you in a few weeks, Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Dayers, and we think Thomas summed up what we think you should do just perfectly: “Embrace the weekend! Laugh, hug, cry, high five and love your way through the event. You’re in a unique place of affirmation and mission, so enjoy it!”

We know you will, and if you have any questions or concerns before your event, remember the coaches are just a call away at 800-996-3DAY. See you soon, #DFW3Day!

The Dallas-Fort Worth 3-Day

Even with a chill in the air, the Texas sun rose on a beautiful Opening Ceremony at the Collin Creek Mall on Friday morning for the start of the 2013 Susan G. Komen Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day. Crew members gathered even earlier than the walkers (in the dark!) to set up and ready themselves for over 1,200 participants who took to the streets, pounding 60 miles of the pavement to raise $3.3 million for breast cancer research and prevention. Participants walked 20.6 miles on the first day with Aldridge Elementary children packing the sidewalks to cheer them on. Richardson’s Fire Department and Police Department were particularly supportive, stopping along the way to cheer and help with street crossings.

Bank of America gathered up a great group of employees to pump up the walkers at Pit Stop 3, which was staffed by local Susan G. Komen affiliate employees. Beautiful weather continued throughout the day as walkers moved from Plano, Richardson, Dallas, and onto to Brookhaven College in Farmers Ranch, the site of camp. The Camp Show at night is a time to be entertained, to recognize those who have gone above and beyond in fundraising and overall commitment to finding a cure, and to hear inspirational messages from survivors. Friday night did not disappoint as Delese Hill-Range gave a touching address, and Cathy Hite was recognized with the Milestone Award for her serious commitment to the cause of fighting breast cancer.

Day 2 started out chilly but exciting as walkers lined up for the opening of the route and the 19.8 miles that awaited them. The New Balance-sponsored cheerleaders from Bishop Lynch Friars cheered the walkers into Pit Stop 2, and participants were greeted with some great trail walking and a huge cheering station sponsored by Susan G. Komen North Texas Affiliate just before some well deserved lunch. A big ‘Thank You’ to the city of Addison for its hospitality on Day 2! On return to camp, walkers retreated to the Bank of America massage chairs and, if needed, to the help of our great Medical Crew. At the Camp Show, co-survivor Burt Lipshie and young survivor Cara Welsh gave fresh perspective on why we continue to fight against breast cancer.

Day 3 started out with big smiles knowing that it would be the final miles before the finish of the event. The Crew helped facilitate a bus drop to the Ursuline Academy where the route opened onto the 16.8-mile course that would take participants through some of the beautiful parks of Dallas and into the city. An anticipatory excitement awaited so many first-time walkers as they neared the finish line in Centennial Park. The cheers of family and friends brought many tears to the walkers who had come so far. An emotional Closing Ceremony outside in great weather at the Fair Park reminded us of the loved ones we have lost. With one shoe held high, participants gave tribute to those breast cancer survivors with us today on the Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day. The crowd danced to “We Are Family” as the Susan G. Komen Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day wrapped up. See you next year in Texas!


Dallas Day 1 Dallas Day 1 Dallas Day 1 Dallas Day 1 Dallas Day 2 Dallas Day 2 Dallas Day 2 Dallas Day 2 Dallas Day 3 Dallas Day 3 Dallas Day 3 Dallas Day 3 Dallas Day 3 Dallas Day 2

The Sisterhood of Rockwall, Texas

The front and reverse of Team 'Sisterhood of the Traveling Boobs' tamer outfit

The front and reverse of Team ‘Sisterhood of the Traveling Boobs’ tamer outfit

“Well, our official name is of course, ‘The Sisterhood of the Traveling Boobs’ but we have to use a more generic team name for our community fundraisers!” exclaimed the women before the last day of the Susan G. Komen 3-Day® in Dallas/Fort Worth this weekend. For six women out of Rockwall, Texas, the Komen 3-Day this weekend has become a yearly event. Amber, their leader, has been walking for breast cancer research and awareness since 2001! Rhonda has been walking for six years for her aunt and another friend. “I love it!” she said this morning in great weather, ready to take on the final day of the 60-mile walk. “I’ve played soccer for a long time, so this isn’t too bad.” For Jennifer and Christina, however, who are first-timers on the long walk, the distance is taxing.

Four of the team start Day 3 of the Dallas-Fort Worth 3-Day event

Four of the team start Day 3 of the Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day event

“It’s great to have everyone cheering,” said Jennifer. Christina seemed to know what was coming and was well prepared by the seasoned members of the team, who are sporting their characteristic bright greens, which seem to accent the ubiquitous pink quite well. They have enjoyed a sponsorship from a local T-shirt company who printed 75 shirts for their 5K fundraiser. In addition, their two sets of 3-Day uniforms are pretty unique. Their fundraisers have done well, too. Since 2001, they have raised over $81,000 to support breast cancer research. That’s a huge sum when many years there were only two in the team who could participate.

Team 'Sisterhood of the Traveling Boobs' enjoy the Texas sunshine on Day 3 of the Komen 3-Day in Dallas-Fort Worth

Team ‘Sisterhood of the Traveling Boobs’ enjoys the Texas sunshine on Day 3 of the 3-Day in Dallas-Fort Worth

Two other women round out the six-member team: Michele and Paula. Michele’s cousin is a breast cancer survivor, and all of the women represent a team that is fully supportive of their friends and relatives who have been affected by breast cancer. “Well, we adopted one more person on this 3-Day,” says Amber. “Clark is walking alone in honor of his grandmother and he was in a tent next to us. So we told him he could walk with us!” The team seemed very relaxed, as some walked together and others were scattered along the route. Their good attitudes and friendly personalities seemed to radiant onto the last miles of the course.

Good luck to Team ‘Sisterhood of the Traveling Boobs’ and to all the walkers and crew on the last day of the walk!

The Team joins the other 1200 walkers on Sunday morning to the start of the route on Day 3

The Team joins the other 1,200 walkers on Sunday morning to the start of the route on Day 3

The team shows off their characteristic green uniforms, highlighted with the pink of 3-Day