Don’t Fear the Fundraising “No” – Part 2 of 2

So you’ve committed to raising money for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day®, but you’re worried that your friends and family will say no when you ask them for donations. In Part 1 of this post, we shared some tips for how to deal with this fear on your way to fundraising success, and today, we offer a few more thoughts.

Yesterday’s last tip urged you to send your fundraising letter out to every person you have an email address for. Every single one. Here’s why…

Don’t Make Someone’s Decision for Them – In looking down your list of potential donors, you may feel certain that some people on that list will, without a doubt, say no to your donation request. Maybe they’ve said no in the past, maybe you’re aware that their personal financial situation is precarious, maybe you don’t know them very well and therefore assume that they won’t be invested in supporting you. Stop it!

It’s impossible for you to know everything going on in another iStock_000013902975Mediumperson’s life (just as it’s impossible for them to fully know your life), and that’s also true about knowing every person’s connection to breast cancer. I’ve gotten some very generous donations over the years from really unexpected sources—one of my husband’s co-workers whose wife was battling breast cancer for the third time; a friend of my mom’s who had lost her mom to the disease; another parent at my daughter’s school who was a survivor herself. These were all people who I didn’t know very well and whose lives, I learned, were affected by breast cancer in ways that I could never see on the surface. If I had assumed that I knew their answer would be no, I would have missed out on those donations, and they would have missed out on the chance to honor their loved ones in such a meaningful way.

Arm Yourself With the Facts – Sometimes donors may be reluctant to give because they don’t fully understand or embrace the mission you’re working toward. Prepare yourself for these hesitant donors by having some facts at the ready. The 3-Day Fact Sheet offers details about the money raised by the 3-Day, and the Susan G. Komen® website has detailed financial information available to anyone who’s looking for it. Additionally, there are independent “watchdog” sites, such as Charity Navigator or BBB Wise Giving Alliance, which provide nonpartisan ratings and reviews of charitable organizations.

And finally…Accept the No – Giving to a charity is a deeply personal act, and every person will make their own (hopefully) well-informed decision. The truth is, even if you follow the rest of my advice to a tee, there’s still a good possibility that some people are going say no. You have to be prepared for that possibility, and accept that it will happen. It’s not a judgment on you, and you can’t let it deter you from your goal. Be respectful of someone’s choice, thank them for their consideration and move on. This kind of acceptance is incredibly freeing, and will allow you to keep up your positive momentum without feeling crushed under the weight of rejection.

San Diego Day 2

Everything’s going to be okay!

There are plenty of people out there who, I promise, will be eager to support you in your 3-Day fundraising. And the culmination of all of your hard-earned donations—walking in the 3-Day—will make every speed bump along the way well worth it. Don’t let fear stop you.

Don’t Fear the Fundraising “No” – Part 1 of 2

The Susan G. Komen 3-Day® is an incredible, life-changing 60-mile walk, but first and foremost, it’s a fundraising event. Our whole goal is to raise the money that will fund the cures for breast cancer. We know that raising $2300 is a big challenge, but we wouldn’t ask if we weren’t 100% confident that you can do it.

In a previous blog post, we shared tips for getting your fundraising started early. But for many 3-Day® fundraisers, even with an early start, the fear of donors saying “no” freezes them right in their tracks. Here are my tidbits of advice for how to deal with the fear of the “no.”

Just Ask! – When anxiety strikes and the fear oftwo empty female teen hands pleading rejection looms, you may start to rationalize that, “If I just don’t ask, they can’t say no…” But you have to put it out there. You have to ask. Those funds aren’t going to raise themselves, and YOU are the vehicle for raising the funds. The Golden Rule of Fundraising is simple: You raise money when you ask for it. The number one reason why people give is simply because they were asked. To put it another way, you build the bridge between the people in your life who are willing to give, and the crucial need that their donations will go toward filling; and the bridge you build is the ASK.

That’s my first, my best and my simplest piece of advice for the nervous fundraiser: take a deep breath and ASK!

iStock_000008587305LargeWater the Seed – The first ask plants the seed in your donors’ minds and occasionally, that seed will take root right away and they’ll donate on the first request (feels great when that happens!). But for most donors, the real nurturing comes with the follow-ups. Think of those second, third, or fourth asks as water and sunlight for that seed you planted. With some patience and persistence, that little seed will grow too. (Plant metaphor complete.)

No Offense – I know what many of you are doing right now: you’re picturing your donors rolling their eyes and sighing with irritation as they read your fundraising letters or see your Facebook posts, but trust me—they’re not! Put aside the worry that people are going to be upset or offended that you’re asking them—even several times—for money. Think about it: do YOU do that when you get a donation request from someone? Remember, you’re not asking for someone to pay for your vacation or that new Coach purse; you’re asking them to invest in a cause that is important to you, and support programs and resources that are critical in the fight against breast cancer. I’ve fundraised and walked the 3-Day fourteen times, and I’ve never once had someone say, “How dare you ask me for a donation!” or, “I really wish you wouldn’t send me so many emails about your walk.” On the contrary, I frequently have people thank ME for sending and posting the reminders.

Go Fishing – When it comes to fundraising, I know that the in-person face-to-face ask is one of the most effective ways to get donations. But I also know that not everyone is comfortable with that level of intimate interaction (I fall into that category myself). That’s okay. You should definitely TRY to make the requests iStock_000002395266Mediumpersonal with the people you’re closest to, but you can also catch a lot of donor fish by casting your net as widely as you can. The results you can get from taking the time to write a heartfelt and captivating fundraising letter, and then sending it to every person you have an email address for, are grand. Yes, you read that right. Send it to every person you have an email address for.

In Part 2 of this post, I’ll tell you why…


The Insider’s Guide to the 3-Day – Over, But Not Ending

Picture yourself at mile 59.10689832_10152803430310281_2939375863063230015_n

Can you really be this close to the end of your Susan G. Komen 3-Day®? Your weary feet and legs say yes, but your heart says no way. It feels as though Friday morning—when you arrived in the pre-dawn darkness, dropped off your bag, met up with your teammates and felt the sun rise over the beautiful Opening Ceremony before taking your first steps—was an eternity ago. And yet, you can’t believe it’s almost over. These brief few days have been packed with so many memories and experiences that as you near the finish line, you find yourself overwhelmed with emotion once again.IMG_8517

I’ve crossed the finish line as a Komen 3-Day walker fifteen times, and the impact of that one simple experience is as strong and profound now as it was the first time. Back then, my emotional response to completing the 3-Day® was mostly based on the personal amazement and pride that I felt over physically accomplishing the 60-mile walk. But in the many years since then, the impassioned response I feel as I finish the 3-Day is so much more than “I did it!” It’s also, “Look at all of these people who did it!”


I look around at the faces of my fellow walkers and crew members. I see journeys that are so much longer and greater than three days.

I see young people who had to learn about the devastation of cancer too early in their lives…

Philadelphia Day 3

…older people who have seen so much in their lifetimes and wear their years like a badge of honor…

3day_2016_michigan_gf_0348…parents who would walk 60,000 miles if it meant making the world a little safer for the children who run to hug them at the finish line…

…daughters and sons who, in 72 hours of their lives, learned a lifelong lesson about just how much power one person can have as a force for good in the world…

Arizona Day 3…friends who helped and supported each other in ways that go deeper than mere friendship…

2016_3day_atl_gf_-26…determined fighters, taped up like mummies, who pile out of a sweep van 2 blocks from the end just so they can cross the finish line on their own two throbbing feet…

Susan G. Komen walkers gear up and take on Day 3 for breast cancer awareness.…survivors who once felt crushed under the words, “You have breast cancer,” now marching forward in proud defiance, as if to shout back, “It didn’t defeat me!”

San Diego Day 3

I see true heroes.

I link arms with my teammates, all of us in some combined state of crying/laughing/cheering/limping and we cross together.


The walk is over, but the energy is sustained here in the Participant Finish Area. There’s music and noise and flowers, non-stop cheering and a long “human tunnel” of fellow walkers who have already made it to the end, and choose to STILL be on their feet—giving individual high fives to ever single new walker who comes in. Washington DC 3-Day Day 3My teammates and I give each other hugs, find a bathroom (some things never change…), pick up our Victory T-shirts, take more pictures, join the others in cheering the finishing walkers in and eventually find a place to sit and take off our shoes for a few minutes (but also, get up and dance when a song we like comes on). Soon, we will be lining up and processing out of this waiting area and into the Closing Ceremony.


The march into Closing is a victory parade, and the streets are lined with the loved ones who supported us and our fellow walkers the other 362 days of the year. People hold up signs, take pictures and videos, and point with excitement when they see their walker going by. There are more hugs, more tears, and we’re not even into the Closing Ceremony yet!

The Closing Ceremony, like so much of the 3-Day, is hard to put into words. It’s a celebration of all that we have achieved on our 3-Day journey. The walkers enter, followed by the crew, and then the survivors. In a beautifully moving tribute to this last group, everyone holds up a shoe. I love this part. This shoe salute wasn’t something that was scripted or prompted. It was a gesture that just started spontaneously somewhere along the way,  many years ago, and quickly became an honored tradition in every 3-Day city, another small example of what makes the 3-Day so special.


The Closing Ceremony is a brief, moving end cap to a weekend celebrating the everyday pink warriors, who, for 3 days, went way above expectations, becoming true heroes in the lives of everyone touched by breast cancer.


The walk is over, but the journey is not ending. I come back to the 3-Day every year because our work isn’t done, and because those 3 days are like fill-up for my soul. Like me, you will take all of the things you have experienced in these unforgettable 3 days and carry them with you into the world. And the world will be better for it.

And with that, our Insider’s Guide series comes to an end too. I’ve done my little part to give you lots of details about what to expect on the 3-Day, but it’s impossible for me to capture what the whole experience will be like for you. One “insider’s” view may be different from another’s, but the overall theme is the same – the 3-Day changes your life, in ways that no one but you can know.

We hope you will join us.


Want to see the entire Insider’s Guide to the 3-Day? Here are all of the segments:

The Start of Something Beautiful
Pointing, Pacing, and… Motorcycles Wearing Lingerie
Pit Stops and Cheering and Sweeps, Oh My!
3-Day Camp: Just Like a Sleepover, Only More Pink
3-Day Camp: I love the Night Life
3-Day Camp: Happy Glamping on  Main Street