Join us on 6/13 for a Fundraising and Training Tweet Chat

With less than two months to go until the first 3-Day of the season, we wanted to get everyone virtually together to chat about fundraising and training. Join us on Monday, June 13 at 5:30 p.m. PST (that’s 7:30 p.m. CT, 6:30 p.m. MT, and 8:30 p.m. EST) for an hour-long tweet chat all about fundraising tips, tricks, and training suggestions to make your 60 miles amazing.


Can you help us spread the word? Even if you can’t join us (darn! We’ll post on the blog after with some of our favorite tweets), we’d love your help letting other 3-Day participants know. You can click here to tweet, or copy and paste this into Twitter or Facebook:

Join us on Mon. 6/13 at 5:30 pm PST for a 3-Day Tweet Chat all about fundraising and training! Learn more here:

Never done a Tweet Chat before? That’s okay! Some people call them Twitter Parties or Twitter Meet-Ups, but whatever the name, it works like this:

  1. Sign on to Twitter at 5:30 p.m. PDT (or a few minutes before).
  2. Make sure you’re following @The3Day on Twitter.
  3. On Twitter, search for #The3Day, which is the official hashtag we will use for this Tweet Chat.
  4. You can also use the website Sign in, enter the hashtag #The3Day, and you’ll be able to watch and tweet in real-time with us.
  5. We’ll ask some questions to get things started, and we will also share tips and tricks from 3-Day veterans and coaches. This will be a great way to meet your fellow 3-Day participants, ask your questions, and motivate yourself to get ready for your 3-Day adventure. Our 3-Day Social Media Team, Alyssa and Erin, can’t wait to tweet with you!

Not on Twitter yet? Here are a few quick tips to get you started:

  • It’s free and easy to join at
  • Go to and click “Follow” to make sure our messages show up in your feed .
  • A hashtag is a way to “file” tweets and collect them under a certain topic, so you’ll be able to see everything everyone is tweeting under this hashtag. Just search for #the3day in Twitter and you’ll be able to see everyone’s messages about the 3-Day, not just ours.
  • When writing your own messages, keep in mind that tweets can only be 140 characters at a time, so it’s best to keep things short n’ sweet.


Come See the 3-Day Coaches on Facebook

Most of you are already familiar with the 3-Day’s Facebook page, our social media hub for 3-Day information, inspiration and motivation.3DAY_2016_Social_Text_SocialIcons_Facebook

But now, we’re happy to share that we also have separate Facebook pages for the coaches in each 3-Day event location. These new coaches’ pages are great for finding info about local meet-ups and workshops, connecting with other 3-Dayers who are participating in the same events as you, and interacting with the coaches when you have questions about fundraising, training or event prep.

You can find each of the new coaches’ pages here:

Michigan 3-Day Coaches

Twin Cities 3-Day Coaches

Seattle 3-Day Coaches

Atlanta 3-Day Coaches

Philadelphia 3-Day Coaches

Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day Coaches

San Diego 3-Day Coaches

When you click Like on the 3-Day’s Facebook page or any of the coaches’ pages, remember to also click “See First” from the drop-down menu. That way, you’ll be sure to get the 3-Day’s and the coaches’ posts in your newsfeed.see first

And of course, the coaches are still available by phone (800-996-3DAY) and email if you want to connect that way.

Some favorite Instagrams from Michigan and Twin Cities 3-Day

Everywhere you look on the Susan G. Komen 3-Day®, there’s a photo op: from the sea of pink under the sunrise at Opening Ceremony, to the hilariously themed pit stops, to the jubilant crowds surrounding the last walker each day, there are many memories to capture. We’re excited to share some Instagram photos from our Komen 3-Day communities in Michigan and Twin Cities, and we encourage you to share your 3-Day memories with hashtag #The3Day and your local hashtag. Following along from home? We post Instagram photos from the route at @Komen3Day.

susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer 60 miles walk blog hashtag social media

When you’re on the 3-Day event, we also invite you to play along with our Instagram photo challenge. Each night, we’ll feature three photos from our community that best sum up the prompts. Happy ‘Gramming!

susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer 60 miles walk blog hashtag social media instagram

Now, enjoy some of the scenes from the Michigan and Twin Cities 3-Day through the eyes of your 3-Day family.

Photo by @Fatzoe13

Photo by @Fatzoe13

Photo by @katie_lucken

Photo by @katie_lucken

Don't forget to follow @Komen3Day to see our updates from the route!

Don’t forget to follow @Komen3Day to see our updates from the route!

Photo by @CapturedByBecki_

Photo by @CapturedByBecki_

Photo by @SarahM82

Photo by @SarahM82

Photo by @Lisa3683nick

Photo by @Lisa3683nick

Photo by @Designessa

Photo by @Designessa

Don't forget to follow @Komen3Day!

Don’t forget to follow @Komen3Day!

Photo by @Lisa3683Nick

Photo by @Lisa3683Nick

Photo by @carolynopsahlhopp

Photo by @carolynopsahlhopp