A member of our 3-Day San Diego Facebook group recently posted that she was worried that she would not meet her fundraising goal in time for the 2021 San Diego 3-Day. She asked for quick and easy fundraising ideas and members of the Pink Bubble came to her rescue, sharing their tried-and-true ways to fundraise. In the spirit of sharing, here is a list of their ideas:
- Sell ribbons, arm warmers, shirts, trinkets, etc. at a local business or flea market
- Collect cans or scrap metal
- Create a swear jar and whoever swears adds $1 to the jar
- Have a neighborhood yard sale
- Ask for donations at the door of your local grocery store or Walmart (ask the manager for permission first)
- Ask businesses you frequent to donate
- Host a candle fundraiser
- Host a bake sale at work
- Have a Pampered Chef party
- Ask all of your Facebook friends to donate at least $25
- Send out a mass text to all of your contacts to share your fundraising needs
- Host a sports tournament with a donation to enter
We know that there are so many ways that people can fundraise and we’re grateful that the 3-Day community came together to provide easy-to-execute fundraising ideas so that everyone is able to meet their goal. What is your favorite quick and easy way to fundraise? Share it with us in the comments!
If you need any help reaching your fundraising goal, please reach out to your 3-Day Coaches or ask for help (but not donations!) in the San Diego 3-Day Facebook group.