A Lifelong Vigilance: 3-Day Walker Shares Her Breast Cancer Journey

Julie Staggs has always approached her health with vigilance, knowing that routine mammograms were not just a precaution, but a necessity because of her family’s history with breast cancer. Along with her mother, Julie’s grandmother and aunts have all had the disease. “For me it wasn’t a matter of if, but when,” she said.

Julie’s breast cancer diagnosis came in July 2023 after a routine mammogram. She was told she had stage 1 invasive ductal carcinoma. However, a second diagnosis was coming. One tumor was found on the mammogram, while a second tumor was discovered when Julie was in surgery.

“It was shocking when they found it,” Julie said referring to the additional tumor. “It was invasive lobular cancer which is known for not showing up on mammograms.”

Julie received more unusual news when she did genetic testing and learned she was negative for BRCA inherited gene mutations.

“My oncologist was blown away by my genetic testing results. She ordered a comprehensive genetic panel to pinpoint the genetic marker that could indicate the cancer, but there was nothing found,” Julie recalled. “So, it’s not that it’s not a genetic factor, it could be that researchers haven’t found it yet.”

When Julie, a 55-year-old registered nurse, received her breast cancer diagnoses she didn’t panic. Instead, she switched on her nurse brain. “I thought to myself, ‘Okay, let’s do this and I started going through and sorting out all the things I had to do.’”

Julie decided to have a double mastectomy in September 2023 and later had additional surgeries for breast reconstruction. In December 2023 she had a hysterectomy and oophorectomy because her breast cancer was estrogen and progesterone receptor-positive, HER2-negative. “My interest was in removing any kind of estrogen that the cancer could feed off,” Julie said. She is also taking tamoxifen for the next five years to help reduce her chances of a cancer recurrence and deals with the side effects of the medication which include joint and bone pain.

Even as Julie was navigating her treatment plan, she knew she had to take action. So, she signed up and started training for her second time walking 60 miles in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day® in San Diego. She participated for the first time in 2007 in support of her mother who was diagnosed with breast cancer in her 30s, and in November 2024, she walked for herself and other loved ones.

Julie said despite what her body was going through, she still needed to walk in the 3-Day to lend her support to others.

“My mother is now 84 and is a breast cancer survivor. But recently a few of my sorority sisters found out they had breast cancer,” Julie said, fighting back tears. “And so really it’s the realization that this is very close to home, and I just need to do something.”

Julie’s 3-Day team, “The Rack Pack,” consisted of six teammates made up of her lifelong friends and sorority sisters some from San Diego, and others who traveled to the event from Alaska and New Mexico. They raised more than $9,000.

Julie credits a good recovery plan from her surgeries for being able to prepare for the 60-mile walk. She urged others to take part in a 3-Day event and said while it may seem daunting, it goes by pretty fast.

“You just take one mile at a time and you’re talking and chatting and looking at the great scenery and before you know it, you’re at mile 20,” she said.

The Komen 3-Day is an annual three-day up to 60-mile fundraising walk to end breast cancer held in Boston, Denver, Dallas and San Diego. Since 2003, participants have raised more than $915 million to support Komen’s work to end breast cancer. Visit www.the3day.org to register or make a donation.

Statements and opinions expressed are that of the individual and do not express the views or opinions of Susan G. Komen. This information is being provided for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical advice. Persons with breast cancer should consult their health care provider with specific questions or concerns about their treatment. 

Male Breast Cancer: Rare but Real. Meet the Gillers.

Lee and Kathy Giller have been married for 35 years, making their home in Akron, Ohio. Lee and Kathy’s story is similar to many in our 3-Day community: a strong, loving partnership, an inspirational fight, and a family forever changed by a breast cancer diagnosis. However, there’s one unusual twist to this story. It’s not Kathy who has breast cancer—it’s Lee.


“Lee was first diagnosed in 2005 after feeling a small lump in his breast. Even though we knew men could face breast cancer, it didn’t occur to either of us that this is what he might have. In fact, he first went to a dermatologist thinking the lump was just a cyst,” said Kathy. “The day Lee came home and told us that he had breast cancer, we and our children just huddled in embrace and cried. Cancer is still such a frightening word and is fraught with so many dark thoughts. But once we got past the initial shock and fear, we circled our wagons and began the fight of our lives.”

Like many who face the same diagnosis, Lee had a mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation. As Lee was finishing up his treatments, his daughter Pamela asked if he wanted to join her for a breast cancer walk. “At first, I was a little offended that Pam didn’t ask if I wanted to participate with them,” said Kathy. “But then she explained that the walk was 60 miles and you camped out and I knew why I wasn’t included! This was something far out of my realm. But it didn’t take me long to decide that if Lee could go through everything he had faced, then I should be able to walk 60 miles and even camp out.”


While the thought of walking and camping were daunting for Kathy, she was most concerned about the fundraising. It’s no secret that at the 3-Day, we ask you to raise $2,300, an ambitious but reachable goal, and an amount that makes a huge impact in the fight against breast cancer. Luckily, Kathy said that fundraising was the easiest part, thanks to the generosity of family and friends. “We’re often asked how we raise so much money and the answer I always give is that like breast cancer, I’m relentless. I ask everyone, I’m persistent, and I always express our heartfelt gratitude. Fundraising is nothing more than a conversation, sharing your personal story. If you are compelling and sincere, people will respond.”

Just six months after Lee finished treatment, team Breast Man Walking walked 60 miles in the Boston 3-Day, using the slogan “Male breast cancer: Rare but Real” to spread awareness with every step. The Gillers have been walking since 2006: with family, their children, Pamela, Annie, and Jay, and a dear friend, Nancy Schrader, whom they met when she was walking on the 3-Day solo.

The Gillers registered for the 2016 San Diego 3-Day, which would mark their 19th walk, but unfortunately, the Gillers will not be able to join us us in San Diego this year. Since his recurrence in 2012, Lee is Stage IV and now fighting cancer in his lungs, bones, liver and brain. While we’re walking on the San Diego 3-Day, the Giller family will be close to Lee’s side, but they are hopeful to return to the 3-Day next year.

Susan G. Komen walkers gear up and take on Day 1 for breast cancer awareness.

After Lee’s diagnosis, he decided to have genetic testing. Being male, aged 48, and Jewish were all red flags that his cancer was hereditary. Lee learned that he was BRCA positive, which meant that there was a 50% chance his three children could have the same mutation. At first, only his daughter Pamela wanted to be tested. She discovered that she also had the same BRCA1 mutation. She was monitored very closely, beginning mammograms and breast ultrasounds at the age of 25. “Then one day when she was just 28 years old, we received a call that no parent could ever imagine. She said, “Mom, I have some good news and some bad news. I have breast cancer, but it was caught early.”

Pamela had a bi-lateral mastectomy but did not need further treatment, and just this past year, had a preventative removal of her ovaries, called an oophorectomy. “Once Pam was diagnosed with breast cancer, our other two children immediately understood how real this disease was. They were both tested for the BRCA1 mutation. Our son has it but our other daughter does not. Unfortunately, there is no protocol for screening men who are BRCA-positive. Self-exams and clinical breast exams are the only recommendations,” explained Kathy.

Kathy’s dear friend Nancy describes Kathy as unstoppable. “Being a co-survivor for both Lee and Pamela has been a labor of love. She will do anything for them, and does. She is passionate about her fundraising because she wants a cure!” said Nancy. Kathy is applauded in the 3-Day community as a fierce advocate for male breast cancer awareness, and has raised a whopping $340,000 since 2006, and over $50,000 this year alone. Kathy’s team has raised almost a half a million dollars since 2006. As Lee’s primary caretaker, Kathy, along with Lee and her family, have made enormous contributions, and not just in fundraising. Kathy avidly encourages the inclusion of the word “men” anytime women and breast cancer are mentioned, and these victories have been evident to those who are close to this cause.

“For those people who think not enough has been done to advance breast cancer research, I would say that of course, we always need more. We still haven’t found the cure. But we have come a long way and Lee is living proof of that. When he was diagnosed with his recurrence 4 years ago, he was told that the average life span would be about 26 months. He’s still here. He still has many treatment options. This would not be the case if it weren’t for organizations like Komen and others who have dedicated themselves to fighting this disease.”

While it is both tragic and unfair that Kathy’s family has been so personally hit by breast cancer, we know that her contributions, while working alongside her family, have changed the public awareness of breast cancer in innumerable ways. We are continuously grateful to warriors like Kathy, Lee, Pamela, Annie, Jay, and Nancy for coming together, to shine a light for families in their darkest times. We all long for a day when breast cancer is just a thing of the past, and new patients can be treated quickly, effectively, and cured. But until then, Kathy reminds us that while we have made so much progress, we must still stay and fight, because: “Breast cancer is an equal opportunity employer: any age, any gender, any color. Be diligent.”

Susan G. Komen walkers gear up and take on Day 3 for breast cancer awareness.

Note: We on the 3-Day were sad to lose Lee to his battle with breast cancer in 2017, but we are happy to continue to share his legacy of strength. We walk for Lee.