Melissa and David: 3-Day Power Spouses

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Today is Spouse’s Day, and we are lucky to have many spouses, along with significant others of all kinds, walk with us on the 3-Day. Their love and support mirrors the love and support that surround the pink bubble on our 60-mile journey. It’s inspiring to say the least! One such couple is David and Melissa from the Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day.

They have been together for a decade, and now walk the 3-Day with their daughter Alex, plus four other couples! Together, they have walked and crewed and made themselves a staple in the “powerful pink bubble of love” that is the 3-Day.

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But it all started with Melissa. She is a breast cancer survivor (20 years now, and counting!), and walked her first 3-Day in 2007 along with her daughter. At the time, David was their walker stalker, but soon he was walking and crewing alongside them.

Melissa says that even now, “Doing the 3-Day as a couple is an extraordinary way to do the event! Sharing something that is so important keeps us focused on our shared values and we are there for each other when training is tough, motivation wanes, or simply to enjoy each other’s company. We both have full time careers that take up a lot of time and the world is a busy place. Training walks are ?our time’ to shut down phones and just be together, talk about life, and plan for the future. We now walk long walks year-round.

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“When we are on event, we have the advantage of having our partner and best friend on site to share the experience, to take care of each other, to share that extra dessert in the evening or to bring each other coffee in the morning!”

That is the case whether you’re walking or crewing! Melissa and David have done it all, supporting each other when David didn’t think 60 miles was a big deal (Melissa still reminds him of this) or when Melissa took a tumble as part of bike safety crew (David helped her get back up and out onto the route). Those long miles together bring them closer every year.

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Melissa says that no matter how you get involved, the 3-Day is a great way to connect with your loved ones.

“The 3-Day brings us back to the sense of community where we are all in it together and if anyone is in need, then we have all failed — so the spirit of being there for each other is present in everything we do throughout the weekend. David and I live our marriage like this as much as possible, but life today can make us all a bit self-centered. The 3-Day always brings a wonderful experiential reminder of how powerful kindness really can be when someone is tired, hurting, losing motivation or simply walking with sadness and grief. There is no substitute for a kind word and a helping hand.”

Since they have started participating together, David has also spoken at the Opening Ceremony in Melissa’s honor, and Melissa spoke at the Camp Show in 2017. They are also training walk leaders and members of the Komen Advisory Council. The 3-Day has become a part of their life and their marriage, and they encourage other couples to also participate together.

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“I would say that any couple who are considering walking together should jump in. There is plenty of space for alone time and together time and time with your friends on the event. There are only upsides to walking with your partner — or even walking while a partner is on the crew. Making the 3-Day a family affair helps in every aspect of the event.”

Do you know a 3-Day couple, or are you part of one? Tell us how the 3-Day has brought you and your spouse closer in the comments!


Goal Setting: Make 2018 Your Best Year Yet


New year, new goals! It’s the perfect time to take stock, and plan for your best 2018 possible. With less than nine months until our first 3-Day of the year (you read that right!), setting goals now for your training and fundraising will set you up for success. To help you get started, we have tips to help you set goals that are attainable but still inspirational.


Write them down

Writing goals down helps them stick in your mind, and gives you a visual representation of them to keep throughout the year. Set short term goals that you can check off each week or month. This will keep you motivated, and allow you to take smaller steps towards whatever your year-end goal might be.

Make them specific

As you outline your goals, make sure you’re detailed in your wording.

For example, instead of saying, “I want to train more before the 3-Day,” say “I want to train three times a week, and walk at least 20 miles per week through June.” Give yourself numerical, trackable goals.

This helps you be honest with yourself about what you truly think you can achieve, and track your results more easily.

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Be realistic but enthusiastic

Goal setting can be difficult, because you want to set yourself up for success, but still challenge yourself.

By being enthusiastic about what you want to achieve, while allowing for realism about your time constraints or other commitments, you’re going to amaze yourself with what you can achieve.

Take action

Once you set those goals, don’t forget to do them! Lots of people make resolutions for the New Year, and then forget about them. This is why writing your goals is key. Put them in a spot you will see every day so you’re always reminded of what you want to achieve.

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Believe in Yourself

No matter what your goals, remember that you are awesome just as you are! If you slip up, or face setbacks throughout the year, never give up. You can do anything you set your mind to! We think every 3-Dayer is truly something special.

What are your goals for 2018? Tell us in the comments!

If one of your 2018 goals is to join the 3-Day, the perfect time is NOW! Through February 5th, you can get $20 off your registration fee. Sign up today!



Congratulations to the 2017 Atlanta 3-Day Local Impact Award Winner


For the 2017 Susan G. Komen 3-Day® season, we’re honored to be featuring the Local Impact Award. This award is being given to participants who have been instrumental in strengthening the 3-Day® community throughout the year. Local Impact Award honorees have gone above and beyond in their efforts leading training walks, attending 3-Day community events. They have also supported the 3-Day staff year-round at meet-ups and workshops, and in general, been making a difference by building lasting relationships and showing commitment to the 3-Day in all they do.


Please join us in congratulating the 2017 Atlanta 3-Day Local Impact Award Winner, Char Wells.

Her teammate Chris Alexander is so proud of Char, and has experienced her support and 3-Day spirit first hand.

“When I was diagnosed, she and I talked, and her encouragement and advice was so helpful.  She is such a special lady and I love her drive.  Her determination is contiguous and her smile lights up the group!”

Knowing how much she cares for, and has given to, the whole 3-Day family, we had to hear from Char herself! When we asked her these questions, she didn’t know she would soon be selected as our winner!


What was your inspiration to do your first 3-Day?

I had always done the “Relay for Life” but felt I could do more. Then one day I heard an ad on the radio for the 3-Day and I thought…I can do that! In December 2007 I signed up for the 2008 Walk. I walked/trained every day at lunch, and weekends but not really having a reason that I was doing this. Then in August 2008, it happened – I had breast cancer.

What has brought you back to the 3-Day year after year?

I’m so blessed to be a survivor and the atmosphere of the 3-Day is such a joy, and so heartwarming and emotional. I have said several times “maybe this year or that year will be my last one,” but then there I am walking again! I have walked with a sprained ankle; been pushed in a wheelchair for 60 miles due to a broken foot; I have walked with herniated discs in my back (just prior to surgery). We 3-Day walkers are a special kind of crazy!!

Char Pole Dancing on the 3-Day with Richard

What is the secret to your 3-Day fundraising success?

Ask! Ask everyone you know. Post on Facebook, send emails, send letters, anyway and every way you have a connection to. Getting a no doesn’t hurt, you get a no just move on to the next one.

What is your best advice to anyone walking the 3-Day?

Train and if you can, include hills. More importantly have FUN, enjoy the celebration of everyone around you. There will be tears, but that’s ok – tears become hugs, love and laughter.


What’s a fun fact about you?

I’m a special kind of crazy!

I’ve never met a stranger and I so enjoy talking to people and getting to know them.

I love spending time with my family and friends.

When I have down time I like to play games, read or quilt.

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned on the 3-Day?

You are NOT ALONE.

Share your love, give hugs!

It’s OK to sweep (take it from someone who walked with herniated discs in her back and

ended up putting her head on a wall, bursting into tears because she was so dang

determine to complete the walk) IT’S OK TO SWEEP.
