Meet Your Philadelphia 3-Day Coach


In 2004, one of Carol’s family friends passed away from inflammatory breast cancer, only 6 months after she was diagnosed. That was a moment that changed Carol’s life, because it prompted her to sign up for the 3-Day the minute she saw a commercial for the walk. Though she wasn’t able to participate until a few years later due to pregnancy (and the awesome kids that followed), she has had the 3-Day in her life ever since that year.

Over the years she has formed lasting friendships with 3-Day participants and continued to be exposed to more people in her own life who were directly affected by breast cancer. She’s learned the importance of the event, and the work that Susan G. Komen does year-round, which led her to want to be more involved in the 3-Day. And this year, she achieved that goal when she became our new Philadelphia 3-Day coach! She is already jazzed for the fall, and to engage with all our participants in a new way.

If you haven’t met her on the 3-Day yet, get to know her now, before she helps you tackle those 60 miles in Philly.

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What are some of your favorite 3-Day memories?

Favorite memories are so hard to choose from 12 years of events, but here goes!

  • First, the Closing Ceremony when I received a gift of earrings from a walker I did not even know. The song “Suddenly I See” became my inspiration after that, thanks to that happy memory.
  • An interaction with a very dear woman who taught me the importance of being your own best advocate. Her family continues to remind me of the goodness that exists in the world, when you shut out all the other noise.
  • Strangers becoming friends and pulling together to support one another in difficult times.

How did you find your way to the coaching job this past fall?

I found my way to the coaching job through not only my passion for the event, but my outgoing personality and can-do attitude. I was blessed with the opportunity. I have walked, I have crewed, I have volunteered, I have made myself available to the 3-Day as I will make myself available to its participants.

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What are you most excited for the 2019 event?

The thing that I am looking forward to the most is to the opportunity to share my passion with others.  I also look forward to making new connections and hearing new stories and helping others make new lasting connections.

What do you love most about the 3-Day Crew?

They give selflessly of themselves day after day, and whether it is their first event or their 20th event, they continue to give of themselves without asking for anything in return.

What are you top training tips for walkers?

  • Training is KEY and it’s also important to find the correct shoe/sock combination. Be sure to train in all types of weather and elevation if you can.
  • It is a walk not a race, so take your time and do not forget to stretch at every opportunity.
  • Hydration is SO important. Drink a lot and encourage others to do the same.

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If someone is nervous about doing the 3-Day for the first time, what would you say to them?

I would share with them that not only are they not alone in that emotion, but that they will never be alone on the event. On the 3-Day we are one community that unites together for a common goal. No one walks alone and no one gets left behind. You will always be supported. Do not ever be afraid to ask for help because there will always be someone there for you.

In 2019, we are asking people to #COMMIT3DAYS …What does commitment mean to you?

To commit 3 days means that you are committing to the cause. I am committing myself to do what I can so that others are successful in their goals. We can all do this together!

What are some things your 3-Dayers should know about you?

I never shy away from a challenge! And I put my all into everything I do. ? Plus, I hear I look great in pink! ?

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