We certainly don’t have to remind 3-Day walkers of the many benefits of outdoor walking; they may be among the most walk-conscious citizens there are (right up there with mail carriers, park rangers and tour guides). But this Wednesday, March 30 is Take a Walk in the Park Day, so regular folks will be coming out in droves to put their feet to the pavement (or grass or trails) and enjoy the lovely sights, sounds and smells of a an early springtime walk in the park.
Well of course we couldn’t let a day like this pass without putting our own 3-Day spin on it, so we want to invite each and every one of you to celebrate Take a Walk in the Park Day with your fellow 3-Dayers. Here’s what we’d love to see you do:
Meet-up With Your 3-Day Coaches and Fellow Walkers – Coaches in each 3-Day event location will be hosting official Take a Walk in the Park training walks in their cities. These walks (none of them more than 3 miles) are open to all 3-Day participants and friends, and they will be a fantastic way for you to meet or reunite with your coaches and fellow walkers. Click the links below to find details about each local Walk in the Park and to RSVP.
Michigan 3-Day
Rotary Park in Novi – Details and RSVP here!
Twin Cities 3-Day
Lake Harriet Park in Minneapolis – Details and RSVP here!
Seattle 3-Day
Green Lake Park in Seattle – Details and RSVP here!
Atlanta 3-Day
Stone Mountain Park in Stone Mountain – Details and RSVP here!
Philadelphia 3-Day
Cooper River Park in Pennsauken, NJ – Details and RSVP here!
Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day (TWO options!)
SJ Stovall Park in Arlington – Details and RSVP here!
Veterans Memorial Park in Plano – Details and RSVP here!
San Diego 3-Day
De Anza Cove in San Diego – Details and RSVP here!
Record Your Walk in the Park With Pictures – You couldn’t ask for a much prettier photo backdrop than the natural wonders of your local parks, so go ahead and snap some pics of your stroll. We’d love to see all the ways that you and your friends celebrate the day. Post your photos to Instagram or Twitter with the hashtags #The3Day and #WalkInThePark, and follow those hashtags to see what others are sharing. We may share some of your photos with the whole 3-Day community early next month, so post often! (Note: posting photos on social media with the hashtags #The3Day and #WalkInThePark implies consent for us to repost or share your photos.)