MORE Participant Center Tools That You Forgot (or Never Knew) Were There

For every 3-Day walker and crew member, their online 3-Day Participant Center is their headquarters for every last detail of their participation. We’ve blogged before about some of the best goodies that can be found on the Participant Center, from invaluable fundraising resources to tools for connecting with the rest of the 3-Day community.

Today, we’d like to point out just a few more of the incredible features of your 3-Day Participant Center that may have slipped off your radar.

Meet on Your Time – We encourage all 3-Dayers to attend an in-person meeting or workshop if possible (you can find one here), but we know that it’s not always easy or convenient to get to these meetings. If that’s the case, you can virtually “attend” a pre-recorded meeting to learn about different aspects of your 3-Day preparation, such as training and general event prep. These informative videos are available here.

Handbooks at Your Fingertips – If you’ve walked with us before, we don’t send you printed walker handbooks through the mail, but that doesn’t mean that these helpful guides have gone away. Handbooks for fundraising, training, event prep, team captains, training walk leaders and crew are available in electronic form in your Participant Center and at

Checklist: Check – If you’re a list person, we have one for you right on your Participant Center home page. Scroll down the page and you’ll find a handy list of the most important things you can do to get your fundraising started. Each of the items can be handled right through your Participant Center; just click on the one you’d like to complete next, and when you’ve finished it, that item will be checked off for you!WhatToDoNext

Learn From the Best – On your Participant Center home page, look at the left side navigation menu. There are headings there for Top Fundraisers and Top Teams. If you’re looking for a little motivation with your own fundraising efforts, click through these names of participants who are crushing the fundraising game. You’ll be inspired by their stories and you may even get some ideas about great ways to personalize your and your team’s fundraising pages. – Same Great Website, Snazzy New Look for 2016

The 3-Day website has a new look for 2016, but all the same great info you’re used to. Whether you’re someone who is interested in learning about the 3-Day, a first-time walker just getting to know us, or a veteran participant coming back for another event, we’ve got what you’re looking for at We encourage everyone to head over there and click around to explore for yourself, but here’s a little peek at what good stuff you’ll find.

Welcome to Our Home PageThis where begins, and you’ll see right away that we’ve made it easy for you to know where to jump in.home page

Jump on These Amazing Travel OffersOne of the things we’re most excited about this year are the two amazing travel programs we’re offering to bring more walkers—new and old—to the 3-Day! Be sure to click the purple banner across the top of the screen to get details on these offers and see if you or your friends qualify. But do it soon—the travel offers are only available for a limited time! banner

Get the 411 on Our EventsFarther down on the Home page, you’ll be able to navigate right into the event you’re interested in. eventsOn each individual event’s page, there are specific details about that 3-Day location, including an event overview, last year’s map of route highlights, and info about the 3-Day coaches for that particular event. event page

Come Meet Up With Us!If you live near a 3-Day location, you’re encouraged to come mingle with coaches and your fellow 3-Dayers face-to-face. To make those in-person gatherings easy to find, we have a searchable calendar at your fingertips. meet ups

Connect With Us on Social MediaThere are more places than ever for you to link up with the 3-Day in cyberspace. On the Connect page, you can click and be taken right to the 3-Day’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and blog sites (well, if you’re reading this, you’re already on the blog site at least J ). connectParticipants, There’s Even MORE for You!If you’re a registered walker or crew member, you have your own Participant Center, a treasure trove of additional information and resources. Log in by clicking the Sign In button on the top right corner of any page of loginOnce inside your Participant Center, there are loads of tools and tips, so click around and see what you can find. pc

If you’re ever looking for something in particular on and can’t find it, remember that the 3-Day coaches are just a phone call away at 800-996-3DAY, and are always happy to jump online with you and help you get to where you need to be.

5 Fundraising Tools You’re Probably Not Using

When you sign up to walk in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day®, you commit to raising at least $2,300 in donations, which is no small task. That’s why we set you up for success right from the minute you click “Register.” Your Participant Center on the Komen 3-Day website is packed with fundraising tips and resources but sadly, many walkers never really scratch the surface of the tools that are available. But it’s never too late, people! Get over to the 3-Day® website and put these fundraising tools to work for you.

  1. Your Personal Page – Every 3-Day participant gets their own personal fundraising page on the 3-Day website, from the moment you register. It’s in a generic default template at the start, but you can personalize it with your own words and photos, allowing your donors to connect to you and your story when they click through to your page. Connecting with you will connect them to your cause and make them more likely to donate.
  2. Your Personal URL – Personalize your web address to point donors directly to your fundraising page. This one is so important, we gave it its own blog post.
  3. Business Cards – When you registered to walk in the 3-Day, we sent you a starter set of personalized business cards, but you can print more from your Participant Center at any time. These are a super convenient way to easily get your donation info into the hands of a potential donor. Get to them quickly with our handy direct link,
  4. Matching Gifts – There are hundreds of companies nationwide that offer to match the donations that their employees make to charitable organizations, including the 3-Day. If you ask a friend or family member for a donation, be sure to also ask them if their company matches. It’s one of the easiest and most underused fundraising tools that we have. Read more at
  5. Monthly Recurring Gifts – Did you know that donors can break up their donations into multiple monthly payments (up to 4) instead of paying all at once? Remind your donors of this opportunity, especially when you’re asking big: $100 broken up into 4 payments of $25 is a more feasible and appealing option to many donors than making that large donation all at once.

And the bonus resource, of course, is your 3-Day coach, who is available at 800-996-3DAY to answer your questions, brainstorm creative fundraising ideas and get you on your way to reaching your goals. Our website introduces all of the coaches at