You’re on Social Media? So Is the 3-Day!

It’s 2016, and practically everyone and their mom is on social media! As we approach event season, we want to make sure you know all the best ways to connect on social media with the 3-Day and your fellow walkers and crew.

Come on, follow us! – The 3-Day is posting all the time on Facebook, Twitter and, Pinterest and Instagram, and those posts will increase even more when we get on the walks (tons of pictures, people! Who doesn’t love that?). The 3-Day’s social channels and website are the best places for you to find lots of fascinating stories and quotes, as well as important event info and updates before, during and after each 3-Day. You also don’t want to miss our fundraising challenges, training tips, and heartfelt stories from the 3-Day community. You’re likely to see slightly different content on each site, so the best way to make sure you don’t miss anything is to follow the 3-Day everywhere!Image

LIVE, from the 3-Day…! – Last year, we live-streamed video broadcasts from the 3-Day events (Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Last Walker arrivals, morning walk-outs), and we’ll be doing even more live streaming on social media this year! It’s a great way for you to get a peek at what’s going on at other 3-Day events, and a fantastic way for your loved ones at home to keep an eye out for you while you walk or crew your own 3-Day. We’ll have more details about our broadcast schedule as the events get closer, and in the meantime, be sure to follow the 3-Day on Facebook to see when these live transmissions are underway.

Don’t Forget #Hashtags! – We hope to see lots of you doing lots of your own social media posting about the 3-Day too! When you post updates, requests and photos to social media, remember to add hashtags so that your posts can be grouped with other ones from the same event. At minimum, we encourage you use #The3Day and your location-specific hashtags.susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer 60 miles walk blog hashtag social media

Not quite sure how hashtags work? Read up on them here!

#WeAreThe3Day – This is a new hashtag that we started using last year. The purpose of #WeAreThe3Day is to share small bits of our histories, relationships, motivations and inspirations, along with compelling photos, to make up a patchwork of stories. Find out more about it here. And of course, you are welcomed and encouraged to use this hashtag on your posts too!3DAY_2016_Social_WeAreThe3Day_fp

Keep An Eye Out For More Fun Changes! – We’re always thinking about fun new ways to incorporate social media into the 3-Day experience, and we have a few ideas in the works for bringing YOUR social posts to life on-event (who wouldn’t want to see their Instagrams on a big screen?). Stay tuned for details, and if you have any social media ideas to share, feel free to email us at