A Toast to the 3-Day from Haviland F., Your San Diego Toast Lady


But behind all that excitement and fun is someone deeply dedicated to the 3-Day cause, who works tirelessly for a world without breast cancer. Havliand lost her aunt to breast cancer before she became involved in the 3-Day.

She was first recruited to volunteer by her friend, Kit L., and lost her voice the first year she cheered on 3-Dayers. After a few years of this cheerleading-style weekend, the two wanted to do something different. They wanted to toast all the amazing work the 3-Day was doing, but knew that alcohol wasn’t allowed on event. So, they grabbed slices of sourdough bread instead, and began their “toasting” tradition!

The rest, as they say, is history. Since then, she and Kit have become a staple in the Del Mar community as “The Toast Girls.”


Haviland raves about Kit and the rest of her San Diego 3-Day community.

“I can’t tell you how much I look forward to the 3-Day event every year, and cheering on every single one of those walkers while wearing more pink than should be allowed in public. Plus, holding up slices of bread.  It’s my honor to do this for these amazing people who are trying to find a cure for breast cancer.   Truly, spending four days with my 3-Day family is something that makes my soul sing every year.”


To learn more about her dedication to the 3-Day cause, we heard Haviland’s story in her own words…

What are some of your fondest memories of meeting with walkers while you cheer them on?

Holy cow where do I start?!  All the ones I’ve made and the ones I have yet to make. From that first year cheering in over 3000 walkers to the last few years as a toast girl.  I love that I can inspire people.  It’s the least I can do because truly they are the ones who inspire me to come back year after year.

What keeps you coming back year after year?

Simple: The 3-Day is my family.  […] It’s my privilege to cheer and support these fearless walkers on the route and at camp. I come back to remember my Aunt Joanne and honor her. I come because my heart calls me to do so. It makes me feel that I have power over something that can make you feel powerless.  I will always be a 3-Day “Toast Girl.”


Why is it so important that we continue to support breast cancer charities?

It’s important to continue so that we can put a stop to families losing time with loved ones. Time is precious and we all deserve a full lifetime.

Who are other people you want to “toast” to in your life?

My beautiful children Taylor and Ian.  My amazing family.  My closest friends Jen, Melanie, Kit, Janet and a ton of others all these people have touched my life in a significant way. And of course, my amazing 3-Day people – those who I know and those who I still have yet to meet!

We toast to you, Haviland!


2017 San Diego 3-Day Round-Up


The 3-Day headed south for our final event of the year, and was welcomed to California and the West Coast with open arms! We started our Friday morning with a little liquid sunshine, followed by an amazing double rainbow, as the Opening Ceremony began. Our 2,200 walkers and 325 crew started their journey with an inspiring and emotional Opening Ceremony led by local participants.


The walkers filed out of the iconic Del Mar Fairgrounds and into the community, where they were greeted by tons of local cheering stations and support. By Mile 3, they also passed the famous “Toast Lady,” one of our favorite walker stalkers, who toasted all the walkers as they passed.


Then they conquered the Torrey Pines Hill, our biggest hill of the weekend! They were greeted at the bottom by more cheers, and an amazing view of the California coastline. By the time they reached Pit Two at the Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve, walkers had already conquered 5.1 miles.


Walkers made their way through the University of Southern California, San Diego campus in the afternoon and lunched at Kellogg Park along the beach.

There were more cheering stations and smiles throughout the end of Day One, before walkers headed home to camp at Crown Point Shores Park.


Day Two started with a walk along the water just outside of camp, and another hill in downtown San Diego. Walkers reached the top with smiles on their faces though, because they had already clocked 4 miles on the day.


Before lunch, they stopped at Pit 3 at Dog Beach South, and our walkers loved seeing all the four-legged 3-Day fans. Then, they took a break at lunch on our comfy pink Mohawk Mats and kept loose by dancing with the San Diego Police Department.

We also met our amazing Youth Corps at lunch, and walkers were greeted with hundreds of pink blooms as they left lunch.


From there, they traveled through Bonita Cove and South Mission Beach Park before coming back home to camp. It was Friends & Family night at camp, complete with an evening dance party! Many of our walkers also visited our Remembrance Tents to honor loved ones lost.


Day Three started with a quick 4.4 miles before arriving at Pit Stop 1 at De Anza Cove Park. From there, walkers wound their way through the picturesque San Diego neighborhoods and climbed the infamous San Juan Street Hill for amazing city views.

The second half of the day passed quickly, with stops at Balboa Park before coming to a close at Waterfront Park along the bay. Walkers celebrated with hugs, smiles and dancing as they completed their 60-mile journey.


After all of our walkers crossed our beautiful pink finish line, we celebrated together at Closing Ceremony. As the sun set on our 3-Day season, there was much to be proud of, given that our amazing 2,200 walkers and 325 crew members raised $6.5 million this weekend!

Our journey is never truly done, though, as was evidenced throughout our closing ceremony. We are all still working, and walking, towards Susan G. Komen’s Bold Goal to reduce the nation’s 40,000 breast cancer deaths by 50 percent by 2026.


As we hugged and celebrated and danced together, one message rang loud and clear; that though our feet may ache, our spirit and dedication will live forever; through aches, and pain, and blisters. We are shouting loudly and proudly that in this fight, where we seek to live in a world free of breast cancer, WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP. Thank you, San Diego. We are so very proud of each and every one of you.

If you’re ready to be a part of this incredible journey again in 2018, sign up now at The3Day.org/Register.


Congratulations to the 2017 San Diego 3-Day Local Impact Award Winner

For the 2017 Susan G. Komen 3-Day® season, we’re honored to be featuring the Local Impact Award. This award is being given to participants who have been instrumental in strengthening the 3-Day® community throughout the year. Local Impact Award honorees have gone above and beyond in their efforts leading training walks, attending 3-Day community events. They have also supported the 3-Day staff year-round at meet-ups and workshops, and in general, been making a difference by building lasting relationships and showing commitment to the 3-Day in all they do.

Rainy 3-day

Please join us in congratulating the 2017 San Diego 3-Day Local Impact Award Winner, Rainy Reinbold.

Her fellow Crew members have loved having her as a part of their team for 13 events!

“Rainy has a magical way to make everyone around her feel special, appreciated and empowered to make a difference. She has been a Crew Captain since 2005, sharing her love and leadership with both our camp crews and route crews.  In 2005 she took over the role of Gear & Tent Crew Captain, supporting over 50 crew members to make sure our Gear & Tent team was successful managing over 5,000 pieces of participant gear!

After a few years as the Gear & Tent Captain, Rainy became our Senior Captain of Camp.  She then spread her wings out to our route and has been our Senior Captain of Route for the past couple of years. Rainy has raised more than $5,000, and been a crew captain in 3 other cities.  Whenever there is a need for a volunteer at a local event, Rainy is there with her smiling face.  Rainy is truly a special ingredient that makes the San Diego 3-Day community so unique.   If you have the opportunity to meet Rainy, you will be inspired in unimaginable ways.”


Her friends had plenty of high praise to share about Rainy, saying,

“I find her to be so REAL & GENUINE. She is so straight forward, she has a heart made of gold and although she may try to hide it, she is really sentimental. I can honestly say that if I ever need anything, I know she would be there for me and anyone else that is family, day or night, with no questions asked.

Her dedication to the 3-Day has been proven over many events and she does it with such quiet and effective leadership (you actually don’t even realize she is leading you into the promised land of 3-Day). She does all of this and maintains such a great sense of humor. I love how she laughs at me, but also is very good laughing at herself which just proves her fabulous sense of self.”

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Her humor was evident even when we asked her for her own take on the 3-Day. When we asked these questions, she didn’t know she would soon be our winner!

What was your inspiration to do your first 3-Day?

My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 34. I wanted to challenge myself to walk the 60 miles and to help the cause. My sister just celebrated her 20th cancer-free anniversary.

What has brought you back to the 3-Day year after year?

I came for the cause and stayed for the family I found.

What is the secret to your 3-Day fundraising success?

Just ask people face to face. Emails are easy to delete, but face to face conversations capture emotion. Explain to potential donors why you are participating in the event. Why does it mean so much to you and how can their support make a difference.

What is your best advice to anyone walking the 3-Day?

Slow down and enjoy the journey. There are no medals on the 3-day. Also, laugh until you cry and cry until you laugh. If you want to avoid blisters coat your feet in a thick layer of Vaseline (you are going to throw those shoes and socks away anyway after the walk).

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What’s a fun fact about you? 

I am a HUGE baseball fan (especially the Padres), I’ve been to all 30 major league baseball stadiums. My husband and I are writing a book called 59 by 59 (one couple’s journey to visit all the national parks before they turn 59). I can recite the Greek Alphabet and all 50 states in alphabetical order. I have been to 49/50 states (Idaho is all I am missing). I speak sarcasm fluently.

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned on the 3-Day?

Everyone is participating in the 3-Day for a different reason. Don’t assume everyone’s idea of the 3-day is the same as yours. Listen to the stories. Blisters will fade, but the stories you share will be an amazing memory.
