May Fundraising Calendar


Hooray, it’s May! Hopefully we have seen the last of April showers, and have only flowers to look forward to for this coming month. We also hope your fundraising efforts will be blooming, thanks to new and creative ways to take advantage of warmer weather.

Plus, there are all kinds of holidays and events happening in May. Let’s get moving!

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May is a big month in terms of honoring all things fun and festive, and there are plenty of ways to use those holidays to your advantage:

  • National Photography Month: It’s time for team photos! Take shots of your team to use on your social media pages when you promote your fundraising goals. Also, send out the photos in your fundraising letters, so potential donors can put a face to all the amazing work you and your teammates are doing. You can include photos of the people for whom you are walking as well.
  • National Recommitment Month: This means it is the perfect month to re-evaluate your goals and get back at it! Circle back with potential donors that you haven’t reached out to in a while, or whom you haven’t heard from yet. You can also recommit to your training goals as well!


  • National Barbecue Month: This one is a no brainer! Host a barbecue for your team, and work with local restaurants to help donate or subsidize the food. Invite friends, family, neighbors and previous donors, and ask for a donation to attend. It’s also National Hamburger Month, so you can encourage guests to bring recipes for their best burger, or the most unique one.
  • National Bike Month: While we are all about walking, biking is also a great to get in cardiovascular training for the 3-Day. Grab your teammates for group ride over a weekend, and ask donors to pledge a donation for every mile you ride as a team. National Bike Week starts in the third week of the month, so you can hold a long group ride then and raise money for the 3-Day.

There are a whole heap of training walks, New Walker Meet-Ups, Get Started Meetings, Video Conferences, and more happening in May. You can check out all the upcoming walks, meetings and more on our website. One to surely keep on your radar is our Get Started Meeting Video Conference, which will be available across the country online. This is great for any 3-Dayers who don’t live in the same city as their team, or who are new to the 3-Day.


Other key days this month include:

  • Kentucky Derby (May 6): Host a fun and fancy brunch at your house for friends and family! Encourage people to wear their Churchill Downs best, and keep the races on TV so you can keep an eye on the races…and the fashion! Have guests vote on their favorite hats, snack, and enjoy the afternoon. This is a great team event for fun bonding, and a perfect event to invite potential donors to so they can meet the rest of your team.
  • Mother’s Day (May 14): Show all the moms, aunts, grandmas and wonderful ladies in your life some love! Send out pink cards or flowers to remind the women in your life that they are loved on that holiday and always.


  • Flower Day (May 20): Sell bouquets, or even single flowers with a message explaining why you are walking the 3-Day. It’s a simple and sweet way to encourage donors while also brightening someone’s day.
  • Memorial Day (May 29): Need a date to host your National Barbecue Month event? Memorial Day is the perfect time! Everyone has an open day on their calendar, and what a better way to spend their day off than on a good cause like the 3-Day?

What are your fundraising and training goals for May? How will you work to achieve them?

April Fundraising Calendar


It’s a new week and a new month and we are very excited to see the start of April! Spring is hitting its stride, which means a lot of outdoor fun is coming in terms of training walks, fundraising events and more. The Susan. G Komen Greater Fort Worth Race for the Cure and the Komen Mid-Michigan Race for the Cure are also taking place this month, and plenty of other exciting events for you to gather your 3-Day family around.

Plus, there are all kinds of holidays and events happening in April, so let’s get going!

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April is National Poetry Month and Humor Month, among others, so there are plenty of fun ways to use those holidays to your advantage:

  • Give your next round of fundraising letters a twist, and write them as a poem! It will make your potential donors smile, and help you stick in their minds as the 3-Day comes closer.
  • Gather your team together to go to a comedy show! Make it a reward for hitting training goals, and use laughter to bond together as a team.
  • You could also go to a poetry reading or a beat poetry slam for a more out-of-the-box bonding experience.
  • Also, keep an eye on our Facebook page for jokes, memories and maybe even a poem or two from our coaches.

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There are a whole heap of training walks, New Walker Meet-Ups, Get Started Meetings, Video Conferences and more happening in April. What can we say, we’re happy it’s spring and wanted to get moving and learning with you all! Some of those events are highlighted in the calendar above, but you can find the complete list on our website here. We will also be calling out more local events on our Facebook page, so keep an eye out.

For any Texas walkers, April 22nd also marks our Susan G. Komen Greater Fort Worth Race for the Cure. It’s the perfect event to gather your team for an extra special training morning that still supports breast cancer research. If you’re in the area, there is even a team of 3-Day participants who will all be racing together!

Then on April 23rd, there will be the Komen Mid-Michigan Race for the Cure in Lansing, MI, which also has participants from the 3-Day! You can donate, or join the team and get some easy training steps in.


Other key days this month include:

  • April 1: April Fool’s Day: Did you fall for our joke this year? Check out the blog for more fun graphics sure to make you smile!
  • April 7: Walk to Work Day: If you have co-workers on your team, this is the perfect time to get them together for a training walk to or from the office. It’s also a great opportunity to recruit more of your work friends, or even friends who work nearby, to walk with you.
  • April 16: Easter Sunday: Looking for a fun and festive fundraising event? Host an Easter Egg Hunt at your house! Ask neighborhood families, as well as your friends, to make a donation to be a part of the hunt, and make all the eggs pink in 3-Day spirit!
  • April 17: Income Tax Due Date: This is hardly a holiday that most people get excited about. However, it’s also the perfect time to thank donors from last year who haven’t donated to your 2017 3-Day yet. Remind them to file their donation from last year on their taxes, and let them know you’ll be walking again!
  • April 20: Volunteer Recognition Day: The 3-Day would be nothing without our amazing volunteers, and other supporters who take time out of their days to make your 60 miles truly special. If you know a 3-Day volunteer, send them a thank you note! If you don’t, it’s still a great time to remind people of the value of service and giving back to the community…maybe by walking or crewing a 2017 3-Day! Also, keep an eye on our social media channels as we will be celebrating volunteers all week long, from Monday, April 23 through Friday, April 29 by sharing stories and inspiration from our very own 3-Day volunteers.
  • April 22: Earth Day: Throughout the next few months, we will be showcasing all the beautiful sights and spots along all our 3-Day walks. We know we’re very lucky to be hosted by just some of the beautiful cities in America! In honor of all the beauty of nature, in our 3-Day cities and beyond, hold a training walk and extend it to non-3-Day walkers too! Everyone will love the chance to get moving outside, and you might even recruit some new team members or donors in the process.

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What are your fundraising and training goals for April? How will you work to achieve them?


Can’t-Miss 3-Day Fundraising Graphics

If a picture is worth a thousand words, shouldn’t these cute, shareable 3-Day fundraising graphics equate at least that many fundraising dollars? We think so! Whether you’re just starting your fundraising efforts, or have already hit your goal, you still have plenty of time to raise more.

Whether it’s in an email, shared on social media or printed on a letter or flyer: Team captains, send these out to your walkers. First timers, use these to hit your goals in no time. Veterans, blast them out to hit a new fundraising high.

No matter who you are, check ‘em out! And see how you can use them to help you reach (and then celebrate) your goals! Happy Fundraising Friday!


Need to get started?

Post this, and ask someone to make your day with your first donation!



Surpassing goals left and right?

Share this to your Facebook page, and tag those who helped you get there:


Just need just one-more-donation to help you meet your goal?

This one’s perfect for that. You’ll exceed your goal in no time!


Friends need a gentle reminder that you’re still fundraising?

This one will do the trick!


Fundraise your way right past that goal you set?

Raise it, and post this one to encourage people to keep on giving! #cantstopwontstop


Thanking your donors publicly is a great way to entice others to do the same!

Don’t forget to tag your donor once you hit your goal!


These graphics can also be printed and used in your other fundraising efforts. Print them on stickers and attach one to a follow-up fundraising letter to catch potential donors’ eyes. Make them into buttons and have team members where them at your fundraising event to brag about hitting their goal, or encourage people to keep contributing.

How would you use these fun graphics to help with your fundraising?