During the work week, it can be hard to get your steps in. Time in the office often means sitting at a desk for hours at a time, and after a long day, it can be hard to get to the gym in the evening. That means that you need to make the most of every step you can during the day! As you ramp up your training for the 3-Day, there are some quick and easy ways to get walkin’ at work.
Walk to work: Not everyone can walk to work, but if it’s an option, even walking one way can help you get quite a bit of steps in. Walking to work in the morning will help get your adrenaline and metabolism going at the start of your day. Find a friend who is also walking in the 3-Day, or someone you work with who is also trying to get extra steps. Having a friend walk with you will help you stay accountable, even in the early mornings.
Park further: This one is very easy, so you have no excuse! Pick the spot at the back of the lot, and take advantage of the extra steps and extra time outside. Listen to a peppy tune, or mentally run through your to-do list before you get to the office so you’ll be ready to tackle your day.
Walk before you call: Instead of calling, IM-ing or emailing a coworker with a question or need, just walk over to their desk! If you work with a team that interacts frequently, these steps can add up. In-person conversations keep your mind alert, and let you get some much needed face time with those you work with. Not to mention the extra steps!
Leave the building: If you have the ability, move your meetings to an offsite location. Get yourself out of the office and walk to a nearby café for a brainstorming session or a quick caffeine boost. It doesn’t take much to make a difference. According to the World Health Organization, getting even 5 to 15 minutes of sunlight on your arms, hands, and face two to three times a week is enough to enjoy the vitamin D-boosting benefits of sun and fresh air. Get to stepping!
Take extra steps on your break: If you work in a large office building, take a five minute break every hour or so and walk the nearest set of stairs. Normally you would probably spend about that much time checking in on social media or giving yourself some other mental break anyway. Since those quick breaks actually lead to more productivity, make that time work for your body as well as your brain.
Get out of the house: Lots of companies are offering more and more flexibility to work from home at least one day a week. While this is a wonderful luxury (and an excuse to work in your PJs), it can also lead you to taking even less steps than normal. Without a commute, or walking throughout an office, you’ll need to make getting your steps in a priority during work-from-home days. So, try working from a coffee shop or even your local library for at least half the day. You’ll be able to interact with people, and walking to and from will help get at least a few steps in. Remember, every step is a step in the right direction.
If you’re able to put one of these tips into action, you’re on your way to training for the 3-Day! How do you keep moving throughout your work day?