Come See the 3-Day Coaches on Facebook

Most of you are already familiar with the 3-Day’s Facebook page, our social media hub for 3-Day information, inspiration and motivation.3DAY_2016_Social_Text_SocialIcons_Facebook

But now, we’re happy to share that we also have separate Facebook pages for the coaches in each 3-Day event location. These new coaches’ pages are great for finding info about local meet-ups and workshops, connecting with other 3-Dayers who are participating in the same events as you, and interacting with the coaches when you have questions about fundraising, training or event prep.

You can find each of the new coaches’ pages here:

Michigan 3-Day Coaches

Twin Cities 3-Day Coaches

Seattle 3-Day Coaches

Atlanta 3-Day Coaches

Philadelphia 3-Day Coaches

Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day Coaches

San Diego 3-Day Coaches

When you click Like on the 3-Day’s Facebook page or any of the coaches’ pages, remember to also click “See First” from the drop-down menu. That way, you’ll be sure to get the 3-Day’s and the coaches’ posts in your newsfeed.see first

And of course, the coaches are still available by phone (800-996-3DAY) and email if you want to connect that way.