“Hope believes boldly…”

We will all battle hopelessness at some point in our lives. And no matter who we are or what our situation, HOPE is one thing we all need.susan g. komen 3-Day breast cancer walk blog 60 miles sheri prentiss hope

Most people understand hope as wishful thinking, as in “I hope something will happen.” But that is a watered down version of what hope really is. Hope is the “the happy and confident anticipation of good.” When we embrace hope on purpose, it influences our thoughts, our attitudes, our outlook and the way we speak. When you have hope, you speak with authority.

Words are not simply sounds caused by air passing through your larynx. Words have real power. Words can do more than convey information; they can translate a desire into a physical reality. The power of our words can actually restore a broken spirit. I’ve personally witnessed the positive power of hope on the 3-Day, at every event! Like tools, our words can be used to help us reach our goals because the words we speak are actually the overflow of our hearts. And the hearts of our 3-Day family are full of compassion, love and determination.

Hope is not a wait-and-see attitude but an action we must choose to take on purpose each day. It’s the sometimes unexplainable, but always undeniable feeling that today would be a bad day to give up. Never assume that where you’ve been or where you are is as good as it gets. Hope believes boldly, decides daringly, speaks firmly and perseveres passionately. So LIVE with hope and encourage others to “Do Something Huge” and join us on our 3-Day journey. We will NEVER give up!

To our 3-Day Family: What Gives You Strength?

Every day, we’re moved by the amazing people in our Komen Family who exhibit such passionate and dedicated displays of strength. While we celebrate our 3-Day Family every day, this month, we’re highlighting what gives you strength. Together with Susan G. Komen®, we’ve asked several Susan G. Komen 3-Day® participants in Seattle (and soon in Atlanta, Dallas / Fort Worth, and San Diego) to share what gives them strength. We invite you to do the same, by commenting here on the 3-Day blog or by sharing with us on Facebook or Twitter.

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