“No one can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” (Unknown)
In other words, we don’t start over; we begin again right where we are, with the opportunity to make things better in our lives.
As we begin this new year, are you excited about the possibilities of new beginnings? The beginning of a new year is much like fresh snow: everything is covered under a blanket of white. What kind of tracks will you make this year?
I remember as a kid how much fun it was making angels in the snow. I remember the joy and thrill of making forts and tunnels in the snow. How many of us apply the same amount of gusto to our lives today? As kids we just enjoyed the day. We didn’t worry that our masterpieces would melt and disappear. The conditions didn’t have to be perfect. We didn’t worry about how much time we had. Whatever we built or what fun we had was perfect exactly the way it was.
Wouldn’t it be magical to bring some of that wonder back into our lives today as adults? Every time I get wound up with stuff I have to do, my husband gently cups my face and simply says, “It’s time to put your mind on third grade.” As a child, you knew the value of being in the moment. Today many of us are so geared up we view ourselves as production robots doing more and more all the time. Society tells us that doing more and having more equals success. These are all important but our quality of life is key to peaceful living. If I don’t complete my list of “things to do” my value as a human being won’t diminish. We are all infinitely valuable, but life will march on whether or not we get that PowerPoint presentation done.
The new year is a good time to reflect, and is certainly an excellent time to plan and decide what you are going to do and accomplish this year. I also encourage you to think and ponder about who you want to be this year. Many times we get so caught up in doing that we forget who we are being and who we are becoming.
What will 2015 be about for you? Will life be a grand adventure or will it be more of the same? Chances are if you do the same things as last year you will get the same result.
Is there an area of your life that could use a new beginning? Could your health use a new beginning, or your relationship with your spouse? Could your career or business use a jolt of new energy? Set your intention and steer yourself in that direction.