3-Day Friendships – Powered by Optimism

Amy B is one of thousands of 3-Day walkers who registered for her first 3-Day as an individual, and joined a team to meet others. Little did she realize that those friendships would last well beyond her first 60 miles! I asked Amy to share her story of finding lifelong friendships as a 3-Day walker.

Amy B and her 3-Day team, Powered By Optimism.

Amy B and her 3-Day team, Powered By Optimism.

When she first joined the San Diego 3-Day in 2008, Amy didn’t know anyone else who was walking. “I was approached by a team captain trying to grow her team, and jumped on. I met so many great people from my very first training walk that I knew that was the way to go!

Switching cities didn’t stop Amy from making new friends. “In 2009, I walked in Seattle, and found a small team accepting out of town participants. I joined them so I was not alone on the event. I got to learn from others all the tips and tricks of making the walk more enjoyable. But the very best part is the wonderful friendships and bonds that I have made along the way.”

Inspired by the team captains she met, Amy became one herself. “When I returned to the 2010 San Diego 3-Day I created the team Powered By Optimism because I think that teams are where the magic happens.”

Becoming a training walk leader also helped Amy meet even more new friends. “I know the importance of training and the fun of doing it with others, so I also signed up to be a training walk leader. That is how I met many new walkers and grew my team. That first year we were a tight knit team of 23. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that Powered by Optimism would turn into what it is this year. We currently have 93 team members!”

Amy’s team’s friendships were forged on training walks. “Not only are we getting stronger for our 3-Day weekend, we are also growing stronger friendships. We share hundreds of training miles together, and have time to connect with great people. Sharing our stories – both amazing and amusing – helps us through some very long training walks. And once you get to the event, you already have a little family of familiar faces.”

Over the years, the 3Day friendships survive and thrive. “I have known a few teammates since the 2008 3-Day and many since the 2010 and we are undoubtedly now life-long friends. We hike in the off-season, and we’ve taken trips and retreats together. I have a pretty big circle of friends, but most of my best friends are from the 3-Day.”

Not surprisingly, Amy thinks being on a team is the best part of the 3-Day. “Just as you wouldn’t take a trip to Paris and not see the Eiffel Tower, I wouldn’t suggest doing the 3-Day and not joining a team. Don’t get me wrong, the event itself is amazing and life-changing. But if you join a team and join training walks, you will certainly make new friends – and do a little self-discovery too. Again, that’s where the magic happens.”

Friendship and fun at the Twin Cities 3-Day.

Friendship and fun at the Twin Cities 3-Day.

Are you a registered 3-Day participant looking for a team or training partner? Our 3-Day Friend Finder and Training Walk Calendar are at your service. Like Amy, your new friendships may last a lifetime.

Have you made lifelong friendships on your 3-Day journey? Please leave a reply in the comments section below

3-Day Mythbusters

Over the years, our coaches have heard some pretty interesting myths involving the Susan G. Komen 3-Day®. I asked them to share some of these common  misconceptions so we can debunk them!

  • Myth 1: You have to walk every mile of the 3-Day.  The suggested training schedule will prepare you for all 60 miles, but the number of miles you walk is completely up to you. If blisters, aches or pains become an issue, hop on one of our sweep vans for a ride to the next pit stop, and from there you can take a Lunch & Camp Shuttle if you’re done for the day. Your 3-Day journey will be unforgettable whether you walk 60 feet or 60 miles.
3 day breast cancer sweep van susan g komen

Sweeping you off your feet. TaTa Towing Crew team at the Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day pick up walkers who need a lift.

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Coaches Corner: The Best 3-Day Advice I Ever Got

Did you know that the 3-Day coaches are also 3-Day walkers and Crew?

From Philadelphia to San Diego, Seattle to Dallas/Fort Worth, your coaches have “walked the talk!” I gathered a few of them together and asked the question, “What is the best 3-Day advice you ever got?” What resulted is this Top Ten list:

  1. It’s never too early to start fundraising. No matter when your event takes place, get your fundraising started as soon as you register. Write and send an email. Add the 3-Day Facebook app. Tweet. Instagram. Get the word out and keep people posted on your progress. (Aubrey) Continue reading