Breast cancer survivor Sally D found her first 3-Day experience in San Francisco this July to be more than she could have ever imagined. So much so, it inspired her mom, Nancy to join Sally to walk in the 2013 Seattle 3-Day that started this morning. Nancy is celebrating her 90th birthday during her 3-Day weekend! Nancy’s granddaughter Christy also joined them to make a three-generation team.
(left to right) Sally D, Nancy R, and Christy D make up team “Nancy at Ninety” on the Seattle 3-Day in 2013
When Sally D came back from the San Francisco Bay Area 3-Day, she shared her memories with her mother. “I showed my 89 year-old mom the photos from my first 3-Day, and she got emotional recounting how her sister, Margaret, died of breast cancer at age 52. She said, ‘Sal, if I were younger, I would have liked to have walked with you. I am proud of you that you have done this.’”
Sally realized that her mother’s age didn’t have to stand in the way. “Why can’t she do it? She turns 90 on the 3-Day, so Team Nancy at Ninety was born. It was meant to be – Seattle is her childhood town!”
It took a bit of cajoling to convince Nancy that she could go the distance. “They have a sweep van,” mentioned her daughter Nancy. “You only need to walk a few miles at a time, then they’ll take you to the next pit stop. Whatever you can do will be perfect. We can even sleep in a hotel at night!”
Nancy with her daughter Sally are teaming up with their fundraising efforts. “We have handed out fliers around her neighborhood, and received a few donations. Her friends in her old community are supporting her. Our family is pitching in, and many of my friends are so inspired by her determination that they are donating again. Who wouldn’t be inspired by a 90 year old who has the guts to do this? Or even who has the ability to walk a mile each day! It has been phenomenal, and has given Mom a new focus for her life.”
Nancy (left) is turning 90 this weekend on her first Komen 3-Day® in Seattle this morning. Her daughter Sally (center) and granddaughter Christy (right) are the team “Nancy at Ninety”
Sally reflected on her 3-Day journey that began when a friend asked, “Do you want to do the San Francisco 3-Day with me?” Sally said, “That small pebble tossed into still waters progressed from a ripple to a tsunami! It led to training, taking better care of myself, meeting others and creating a team that raised nearly $10,000. Now I am walking in my second 3-Day with my mom and our Seattle team. It’s approaching tsunami proportions!”
Here’s to Nancy, Sally, and Christy! Seattle participants, be sure to find team “Nancy at Ninety” and wish our special participant a happy 90th birthday!
Team “Nancy at Ninety” take a break during the 22.9-mile course in Seattle today in raising funds for breast cancer research
Are you celebrating a milestone on the 3-Day? Share your story in the comments below.