Congratulations to the 2017 Atlanta 3-Day Milestone Award Winner


Please join us in congratulating our 2017 Atlanta Milestone Award Winner; Christi Ann Witlberger! The Susan G. Komen 3-Day® Milestone Award is given at each event to a walker or crew member who has an outstanding history of participation in the Komen 3-Day. At the Atlanta 3-Day camp show, we presented Christi Ann with this special honor.

To get to know Christi Ann better, we asked the 3-Day community for stories about her, and the she got rave reviews!


Her parents and fellow walkers, Carl and Colleen Ferland, have been supporting Christi Ann on her 3-Day journey for more than a decade! Both of her grandmothers had breast cancer, and so when Christi Ann got involved to help, her parents jumped at the chance to be a part of her cause.

“We own some Denny’s restaurants and she came up with the idea to place a jar at the registers to collect from our customers to help with our fundraising.  This has been a huge success for us!

The employees have really gotten behind us and started having bake sales, garage sales and contests to collect  the most  donations. Christi has been the team captain for all these years, she  has been dedicated to organizing each year’s packets to go out to all the restaurants and track the donations each week. She sends encouragement messages to the restaurants to keep the enthusiasm high.  She tries very hard to keep us all straight with reminders to register and do our on-line check in by due dates and is the first one ready to catch the bus on the mornings of the walk.  We are very proud of Christi’s dedication and commitment to the 3-Day!”


Talk about being a great team player! Now let’s hear about the 3-Day and Christi Ann’s story in her own words. When we asked her these questions, she didn’t know she would soon be selected as our winner!

What was your inspiration to do your first 3-Day?

My grandmothers! Both of my grandmothers are breast cancer survivors and I felt like I could honor them by becoming a part of something that could help put an end to this disease. One night I saw a commercial on TV for the walk and I decided at that moment that this was it. I called my mom and told her WE were signing up for this. She went along with it and we just keep coming back for more and now we walk as a family: My dad, my mom and my sister walk alongside with me!!!

What has brought you back to the 3-Day year after year?

I enjoy coming back every year because I know that each and every year I walk and fundraise we are closer to a cure. I enjoy the time I get to spend with my parents and sister. The memories we make and the conversations we have are priceless and worth every blister!!!!

What is the secret to your 3-Day fundraising success?

Teamwork! I have not done this alone. Through the use of my dad’s restaurant franchise, we have been able to raise money each year for the 3-Day. Our Denny’s employees and customers are amazing and have helped us succeed each and every year.

What is your best advice to anyone walking the 3-Day?

It’s an amazing and life changing experience. Take it ALL IN. You will laugh and you will cry. You will learn a lot about yourself. You will challenge yourself and your body. When you think you can’t possibly walk one more mile, YOU CAN!!!!! The 3-Day is a family and they will be with you every step of the way!!!!!

What’s a fun fact about you?

I hate running but I am training for my second half marathon this coming March.

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned on the 3-Day?

Just keep going!!!! Carry toilet paper in your backpack 🙂 and the Grahamwiches are tha bomb!! You should have one at every Pit Stop, but beware…..they go fast!! 🙂


Congratulations to the 2017 Atlanta 3-Day Local Impact Award Winner


For the 2017 Susan G. Komen 3-Day® season, we’re honored to be featuring the Local Impact Award. This award is being given to participants who have been instrumental in strengthening the 3-Day® community throughout the year. Local Impact Award honorees have gone above and beyond in their efforts leading training walks, attending 3-Day community events. They have also supported the 3-Day staff year-round at meet-ups and workshops, and in general, been making a difference by building lasting relationships and showing commitment to the 3-Day in all they do.


Please join us in congratulating the 2017 Atlanta 3-Day Local Impact Award Winner, Char Wells.

Her teammate Chris Alexander is so proud of Char, and has experienced her support and 3-Day spirit first hand.

“When I was diagnosed, she and I talked, and her encouragement and advice was so helpful.  She is such a special lady and I love her drive.  Her determination is contiguous and her smile lights up the group!”

Knowing how much she cares for, and has given to, the whole 3-Day family, we had to hear from Char herself! When we asked her these questions, she didn’t know she would soon be selected as our winner!


What was your inspiration to do your first 3-Day?

I had always done the “Relay for Life” but felt I could do more. Then one day I heard an ad on the radio for the 3-Day and I thought…I can do that! In December 2007 I signed up for the 2008 Walk. I walked/trained every day at lunch, and weekends but not really having a reason that I was doing this. Then in August 2008, it happened – I had breast cancer.

What has brought you back to the 3-Day year after year?

I’m so blessed to be a survivor and the atmosphere of the 3-Day is such a joy, and so heartwarming and emotional. I have said several times “maybe this year or that year will be my last one,” but then there I am walking again! I have walked with a sprained ankle; been pushed in a wheelchair for 60 miles due to a broken foot; I have walked with herniated discs in my back (just prior to surgery). We 3-Day walkers are a special kind of crazy!!

Char Pole Dancing on the 3-Day with Richard

What is the secret to your 3-Day fundraising success?

Ask! Ask everyone you know. Post on Facebook, send emails, send letters, anyway and every way you have a connection to. Getting a no doesn’t hurt, you get a no just move on to the next one.

What is your best advice to anyone walking the 3-Day?

Train and if you can, include hills. More importantly have FUN, enjoy the celebration of everyone around you. There will be tears, but that’s ok – tears become hugs, love and laughter.


What’s a fun fact about you?

I’m a special kind of crazy!

I’ve never met a stranger and I so enjoy talking to people and getting to know them.

I love spending time with my family and friends.

When I have down time I like to play games, read or quilt.

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned on the 3-Day?

You are NOT ALONE.

Share your love, give hugs!

It’s OK to sweep (take it from someone who walked with herniated discs in her back and

ended up putting her head on a wall, bursting into tears because she was so dang

determine to complete the walk) IT’S OK TO SWEEP.


The Susan G. Komen Atlanta 3-Day Honors Our Opening Ceremony Speakers


We began our 2017 Susan G. Komen Atlanta 3-Day with an inspiring Opening Ceremony as the sun started to rise on a perfect, Southern fall day. Our Opening Ceremonies this year are led by participants, with special recognition given to our breast cancer survivors and those living with metastatic breast cancer.

Crew members, walkers, and supporters joined their hearts and hopes in the shared promise of bringing about the end of breast cancer, one footstep and mile at a time. Take some time to get to know our Opening Ceremony speakers.


Mona Dillard – My Family

I began walking in the Komen 3-Day seven years ago because of Debbie and Gwen, my older sisters. Debbie passed away in 2004, after a 17-year breast cancer battle; she was 51. Then in 2010, Gwen received her diagnosis on her 59th birthday. It was at that moment that I knew I needed to do more. So I registered for my first 3-Day. Today, Gwen is a 7-year survivor, and she has walked the Atlanta 3-Day with me five times. This event has been a family affair and I could not do it without their support. I’m Mona and I am More Than Pink.


Alicia Batchelor – My Friend 

I walk for my friend, Kathy, who has been battling triple negative breast cancer and has endured a mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation and is currently participating in an immunotherapy clinical trial. I walk so that Kathy can continue to celebrate her young daughters’ birthdays and watch them experience the beauty of falling in love. And I walk so that all our friends and daughters can live in a world without breast cancer. I’m Alicia and I am More Than Pink.


Krystle Murray – My Mom

I walk in celebration of my mom, Michele Murray, who lost her battle with breast cancer just over three years ago, at the age of 56. My family and friends, some of whom did not know my mom, join us on the walk?to toast her life, her experiences, and our memories together. No matter how busy our lives get, we come back to the 3-Day to grieve, to reflect, and to be inspired. I’m Krystle and I am More Than Pink.


Marsha Williams – My Children
I started walking in 2005, shortly after my mother-in-law underwent a double mastectomy. My children were 2, 5, and 7 at the time. Now they are 15, 18 and 20. Haley and Sarah have walked and crewed many times over the last few years, but this is Garrett’s first year on the Youth Corps. And my fiancé is on the Moto Crew for the second time. My children are now old enough to decide to be a part of this experience on their own, and they have made the decision to keep returning with me. I’m Marsha and I am More Than Pink.


Wade Eckman – My Wife

My beautiful wife, Kristina, passed from breast cancer this May after a courageous three-and-a-half-year battle. I am here with family?including her parents and siblings?and we are walking to honor her and to raise money to help find a cure so that other families do not have to lose their loved ones to this disease. I’m Wade and I am More Than Pink.



Riley Weston – My Sister

I wish I didn’t have to walk. I wish there was no reason for me?or for any of us?to walk. I wish that instead, for these three days, we could simply celebrate the cures for breast cancer. But even more than that, I wish for my sissy to still be here. So, I walk. I’ll walk every year. I’ll raise as much money as I possibly can so that one day soon, there will be a cure. I’m Riley and I am More Than Pink.


Jennifer Webb – Ceremony Host

I started walking the 3-Day after my mom and her sister were both diagnosed with breast cancer within one month of each other. I felt so helpless, and the 3-Day seemed like the biggest thing I could do at the time. I continue to walk because while my aunt is a thriving survivor, my mom lost her long and painful battle with breast cancer last September. My mom was my best friend in the world and I wasn’t done learning from her or making memories with her. My mom’s goal was to walk San Diego with me this November. Unfortunately, I will be walking without her, but I will walk FOR her, and I will continue to walk until there is a cure.

I’m Jennifer, I am More Than Pink… and I’m honored to welcome you to the 2017 Atlanta 3-Day! As one of your fellow walkers, I’m excited to welcome you all to this beautiful city…