The Sisterhood of Rockwall, Texas

The front and reverse of Team 'Sisterhood of the Traveling Boobs' tamer outfit

The front and reverse of Team ‘Sisterhood of the Traveling Boobs’ tamer outfit

“Well, our official name is of course, ‘The Sisterhood of the Traveling Boobs’ but we have to use a more generic team name for our community fundraisers!” exclaimed the women before the last day of the Susan G. Komen 3-Day® in Dallas/Fort Worth this weekend. For six women out of Rockwall, Texas, the Komen 3-Day this weekend has become a yearly event. Amber, their leader, has been walking for breast cancer research and awareness since 2001! Rhonda has been walking for six years for her aunt and another friend. “I love it!” she said this morning in great weather, ready to take on the final day of the 60-mile walk. “I’ve played soccer for a long time, so this isn’t too bad.” For Jennifer and Christina, however, who are first-timers on the long walk, the distance is taxing.

Four of the team start Day 3 of the Dallas-Fort Worth 3-Day event

Four of the team start Day 3 of the Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day event

“It’s great to have everyone cheering,” said Jennifer. Christina seemed to know what was coming and was well prepared by the seasoned members of the team, who are sporting their characteristic bright greens, which seem to accent the ubiquitous pink quite well. They have enjoyed a sponsorship from a local T-shirt company who printed 75 shirts for their 5K fundraiser. In addition, their two sets of 3-Day uniforms are pretty unique. Their fundraisers have done well, too. Since 2001, they have raised over $81,000 to support breast cancer research. That’s a huge sum when many years there were only two in the team who could participate.

Team 'Sisterhood of the Traveling Boobs' enjoy the Texas sunshine on Day 3 of the Komen 3-Day in Dallas-Fort Worth

Team ‘Sisterhood of the Traveling Boobs’ enjoys the Texas sunshine on Day 3 of the 3-Day in Dallas-Fort Worth

Two other women round out the six-member team: Michele and Paula. Michele’s cousin is a breast cancer survivor, and all of the women represent a team that is fully supportive of their friends and relatives who have been affected by breast cancer. “Well, we adopted one more person on this 3-Day,” says Amber. “Clark is walking alone in honor of his grandmother and he was in a tent next to us. So we told him he could walk with us!” The team seemed very relaxed, as some walked together and others were scattered along the route. Their good attitudes and friendly personalities seemed to radiant onto the last miles of the course.

Good luck to Team ‘Sisterhood of the Traveling Boobs’ and to all the walkers and crew on the last day of the walk!

The Team joins the other 1200 walkers on Sunday morning to the start of the route on Day 3

The Team joins the other 1,200 walkers on Sunday morning to the start of the route on Day 3

The team shows off their characteristic green uniforms, highlighted with the pink of 3-Day

In Texas, Real Men Wear Pink

Kevin works in IT and is known for his hog hunting skills, but is also man enough to walk the Komen 3-Day in a little pink and show his support for fighting breast cancer

Men always have a thing about being “real.” The Los Angeles Raiders used to say, “Real Men Wear Black.” That’s understandable since black is often associated with masculinity. For the past four months, however, I have met more ‘real’ men wearing pink than I ever thought possible. Who are these guys? They are men enough to cry when they talk about a wife they lost. They are men enough to put an arm around a stranger on a 60-mile walk. And yes, they are men enough to wear a pink tutu and walk down the streets of Dallas/Fort Worth.

That’s a real man for you.

Tom supports the Dallas-Fort Worth 3-Day and honors his wife by carrying a special flag

Tom supports the Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day and honors his wife by carrying a special flag

“I don’t mind wearing pink!” said Tom, early on Day 2 before the walk started. “My wife is a breast cancer survivor, and I have had many other friends who have battled the disease. I teach school and I’ve been wearing pink shoelaces for about a year now.” Tom was asked to carry a flag in honor of his wife in the Opening Ceremony.

Frank was dressed in the blue colors of Team Tiara. “They had adopted me into their team!” he explained at the beginning of the route on Day 1. He also toted the cutout of a dear friend and walker who unfortunately was undergoing surgery on Day 1 of the 3-Day even though she had already raised her money to walk. Affectionately dubbed “Flat Janice” the team carried these “flat” cutouts of their teammate to tote her along for the long walk. Frank seemed pretty content with his adopted team.

"Flat Janice" is supported by her team and teammate Jim on the Komen 3-Day in Dallas-Fort Worth this weekend as she could not attend at the last minute

“Flat Janice” is supported by her team and teammate Frank on the Komen 3-Day in Dallas/Fort Worth this weekend as she could not attend at the last minute

Mark and Jason looked like two linebackers as they strolled into Pit Stop 3 yesterday on the Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day. They could have sacked the entire group of Bank of America employees who had gathered to cheer on the walkers. They were walking fast and had met each other on the route, but had different reasons to walk 60 miles. “I’m walking  so my 14-year girl doesn’t have to worry about cancer!” said Mark. Jason was ‘taking the place’ of his wife who wanted to walk but could not. These were not the usual pink-clad walkers you see on a Komen 3-Day weekend. The two men wore their comfortable gear, but accented themselves with pink, including a baseball hat that read: “Real Men Wear Pink.”

Dubbed "The Linebackers" by the author, Mark and Jason cruise through the 60-mile course on the Susan G. Komen Dallas 3-Day

Dubbed “The Linebackers” by the author, Mark and Jason cruise through the 60-mile course on the Susan G. Komen Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day

Even Youth Corps enthusiast Eli got involved because of his grandfather. “My grandpa actually died from breast cancer,” said Eli at the lunch stop for the walkers. Eli had to raise $500 and go through a rigorous interview process to be accepted into the Youth Corps, which supports the event. Eli’s youth group is identified by their brilliant yellow shirts, with of course, some excellent pink highlights.

Eli supports the Dallas 3-Day by assisting the Youth Corps, a hard-working group of young volunteers for the weekend

Eli supports the Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day by assisting the Youth Corps, a hard-working group of young volunteers for the weekend. He is joined here with fellow Youth Corps member Sarah

Father and son combo Frankie and Nathaniel stood out to me on the early morning of Day 1. They were not surrounded by a large team of women. They had not been invited to walk with a group. They were just out alone, to walk for their wife and mother. It was clear that the walk meant quite a bit for them. “By doing this walk,” said Frankie, “we can do something about it. We can have our say!”

Eli supports the Dallas 3-Day by assisting the Youth Corps, a hard-working group of young volunteers for the weekend

Frankie and his Nathaniel start Day 2 of the Dallas-Fort Worth 3-Day in honor of their wife and mother

Frankie and son Nathaniel represent all the men who pick up the pink banner and join the hundreds and hundreds of women and men who walk to fight breast cancer this weekend in Dallas/Fort Worth. Thank the men in pink this weekend on your Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day event!

Top Fundraisers for Dallas 3-Day

The Susan G. Komen 3-Day® in Dallas/Fort Worth kicked off this morning to great weather and high spirits. After a fun day on the route, returning to camp was a welcome relief with the Bank of America massage chairs in full swing. During the Camp Show, the top fundraisers were announced for the Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day. Here they are:

Top Crew Fundraiser: Ann Jolley, $2,995; (Camp Services)

Top Fundraising Team: Pink Soles in Motion, $160,347; (Team Captain Catrina Gibson)

Top Individual Fundraiser: Amy Kowalchyk, $17,698; (from Team ‘Save The Boobies’)

Thank you Dallas for your awesome efforts in fundraising. You are always an inspiring city!