On the Susan G. Komen 3-Day, we create an atmosphere of love, acceptance and kindness. Some of us fondly call this the Pink Bubble. In the Pink Bubble, we live by a few simple tenets:
1. Be kind. 2. Have fun. 3. Make new friends. 4. No whining. 5. Give hugs and high fives freely. 6. Don’t be afraid to cry. and 7. We are all in this together.
We also try to carry those tenets into our regular lives when we leave a 3-Day event and travel back home.
Current times are making it difficult to make new friends and give hugs and high fives freely. But our first tenet is one that doesn’t cost anything, you can do it from the safety of your home and it comes naturally for many of our walkers and others throughout the country.
A few of our 3-Day walkers and crew members have shared how they are spreading acts of kindness to help their communities, bring smiles to people’s faces and spreading that Pink Bubble love.

Sandy K. (20-time Walker): “I am writing daily notes to medical and first/frontline responders, as well as senior housing patients. GirlsLoveMail’s Gina M. gets letters to breast cancer treatment patients. Many of us are doing a lot; perhaps some don’t know what to do. We have an army we can mobilize in so many ways. I am lost without my volunteer work opportunities right now…so this is how I course correct. Having a purpose is serving me well.”
Lynne M. (7-time Medical Crew): “In many ways 25 years of critical care nursing did not prepare me for what is happening now, but in the most important ways it did. My knowledge of isolation procedures, my experience treating patients, my compassion…these are the things that give me not only hope, but also give me comfort in this time of so much ‘fear of the unknown.’
As a hospital educator, one of my jobs is to make sure that EVERY person who may be exposed has the right PPE and knows how to use it. Right now, it is a BIG job. On the front lines, I see nurses helping each other more than ever before. I see ancillary departments stepping up to make sure that if the surge hits, we will be prepared. I see staff risking everything to be at the bedside of the dying patient who is not allowed to have any visitors.
As a 3-Day volunteer for many years I know what the bubble feels like. I feel that bubble at work these days and I am thankful.”
Sandee H. (1-time Walker): “I’m sewing fabric masks for senior retirement community…keeping residents and staff safe?.”

Kathy P. (12-time Walker and 3-time Crew): “I’m making masks and scrub hats for my EMS and nursing coworkers. Any money people want to pay is being asked to be donated to my 3-Day fundraising this year.”
Jamie W. (2-time Walker and 3-time Crew): is a nurse in Texas who has decided to help on the front lines in New York.

Kathleen B. (9-time Walker and 8-time Crew): “I’m repurposing the chalk in my crew box and writing notes on the sidewalk to inspire others!”

Jacqueline B. (First-time Walker in 2020): “I’m making masks to donate and bracelets to put a smile on someone’s face. It keeps me busy and feels good. ?”
Michele. (14-time Walker and 2-time Crew): An administrative assistant for the city of Cartersville, GA, Michele has been coming to work each day at the fire station to help support first responders.

Julie J. (23-time Walker and 2-time Crew): “Every morning I start the day singing a song with my morning coffee on Facebook live.”

Pala L. (35-time Walker): “Perhaps I can’t sew masks, but my husband, Tom, and I did find a way to help! We’ve joined with volunteers at Angels Wear Gowns to assemble (at home) these simple no-sew plastic gowns for workers needing extra protection caring for COVID patients. If you have scissors, a marker and some clips/clothespins, everything else is provided. Or perhaps you — or someone you know — may be able to donate supplies.”
What are you doing to spread kindness during these unprecedented times? Share in the comments below or on social media by tagging @The3Day on Facebook or Twitter and @Komen3Day on Instagram and using the hashtag #3DayTogether.