We at the 3-Day Blog are thrilled with the comments, story submissions and Facebook shares we have gotten in our very first week. Thank you for following us. The 3-Day community has a wonderful energy, and we love introducing you to some of our 3-Day family! If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the 3-Day Blog so you don’t miss a single post. Be sure to add comments to the stories, and submit a story of your own.
Here’s a delightful story of a mother and daughter who keep connected even though they walk at two different speeds…
Mother and daughter Susan and Krista have been walking together since 2002, in Los Angeles and San Diego. Even though they don’t have the same stride, they still manage to share the 3-Day journey together.
The 3-Day is a family tradition for this pair. Says Krista, “This is our thing. And now that I am married, we have another reason to keep walking. My mother-in-law is a breast cancer survivor. When we got married, rather than having favors for our guests, we honored our moms by donating to Susan G. Komen for the Cure in their honor. I love that we walk together, and now my husband is part of our personal 3-Day crew. We’ve really made it a family affair!” Continue reading