Youth Corps’ Kimberly is ‘Relentless’

Kimberly and Jennifer prepare for the Dallas 3-Day

“That’s the only word I could think of,” said Jennifer, Kimberly C’s mother, as she watched her prepare on stage for the Opening Ceremony of the Susan G. Komen 3-Day® in Dallas. “Relentless. She just kept writing letters to people and kept helping out with fundraisers.” Jennifer had named her daughter Kimberly after her best friend who had passed away from breast cancer in 2002, so to have her daughter become so involved with the fight against breast cancer is more than touching. Kimberly’s great aunt has also been battling breast cancer. The Komen 3-Day is a 60-mile walk spread out over those three days, and Jennifer is actually walking for her second year in a row.

Kimberly participates in the exciting Opening Ceremony of the Susan G. Komen Dallas 3-Day

The Youth Corps, which Kimberly is participating in, is a way for kids 10-16 years of age to volunteer to assist in the fundraiser. But they have serious roles in the 3-Day® weekend, including raising at least $500. “We mailed letters to a lot of people,” said the mother-daughter combo before the big weekend kicked off. One major company was very polite and the CEO passed Kim’s letter onto a vice president, who just happened to be a breast cancer survivor. Not only did the company “make an exception” and donate $250 to Kim’s fundraising efforts, but the vice president also matched the funds herself! Kim’s relentless letter writing also got her a special gift for auction: a football signed by Saints’ Head Coach Shawn Peyton, whom Kim and Jennifer had met in the airport not long ago.

“He was really nice, and I was surprised to get it in the mail,” said Kim, who will ‘kick off’ her fundraising for next year with the auction, since it came late for 2013. Kim’s football fundraising roots seem to run deep as well, since the Texas Tech head coach kicked in a little too, and Kim was asked to come and meet him during the Tech – Baylor game.

The Dallas 3-Day seems to have come at a good time for this family. “It’s been great to see her so involved and all on her own,” said Jennifer, who thinks the challenge of the 3-Day has been rewarding for herself physically and for her daughter as a dedicated volunteer. Youth Corps duties are rigorous as they are constantly helping out on the walking route, supplying water and gatorade, helping walkers the crew with lunch, assisting with tents in camp, and providing much needed motivation throughout the day. The also offer their own part in Saturday night’s Camp Show, sharing their own stories of why they became involved with the fight against breast cancer.

A special thanks to this relentless mother and daughter duo. Say hello to them this weekend in Dallas!