Join us for a 3-Day Tweet Chat All About Packing on 7/16!

Curious to know the must-haves for your 3-Day adventure, and what can stay home? How do you stay within that 35-pound bag limit? Find out the answers to these and other pressing packing questions at our Packing Tweet Chat next Thursday, July 16 at 5:15 p.m. PDT (that’s 7:15 p.m. PDT for CT, and 8:15 p.m. for EDT).


Never done a Tweet Chat before? That’s okay! Some people call them Twitter Parties or Twitter Meet-Ups, but whatever the name, it works like this:

  1. Sign on to Twitter at 5:15 p.m. PDT (or a few minutes before).
  2. Make sure you’re following @The3Day on Twitter.
  3. On Twitter, search for #The3Day, which is the official hashtag we will use for this Tweet Chat.
  4. You can also use the website Sign in, enter the hashtag #The3Day, and you’ll be able to watch and tweet in real-time with us.
  5. We’ll ask some questions to get things started, and we will also share tips and tricks from 3-Day veterans and coaches. This will be a great way to meet your fellow 3-Day participants, ask your questions, and motivate yourself to get ready for your 3-Day adventure. Our 3-Day Social Media Team, Alyssa and Erin, can’t wait to tweet with you!

Not on Twitter yet? Here are a few quick tips to get you started:

  • It’s free and easy to join at
  • Go to and click “Follow” to make sure our messages show up in your feed.
  • A hashtag is a way to “file” tweets and collect them under a certain topic, so you’ll be able to see everything everyone is tweeting under this hashtag. Just search for #the3day in Twitter and you’ll be able to see everyone’s messages about the 3-Day, not just ours.
  • When writing your own messages, keep in mind that tweets can only be 140 characters at a time, so it’s best to keep things short n’ sweet.

See you on the 16th!

One thought on “Join us for a 3-Day Tweet Chat All About Packing on 7/16!

  1. Pingback: See What Other Bloggers Are Saying About the 3-Day! | The 3-Day Blog

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